blob: f13b4aab6022fa8141bfbf9a912696cc68635536 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" Initialize the environment variables and start the buildbot slave.
import os
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
BUILD_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(BUILD_DIR)
SUBDIR_ROOT = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'nested')
needs_reboot = False
# Temporarily add scripts to the path. We do so in a more consistent
# manner below, but cannot keep it here because of our recursive calls.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR), 'scripts'))
from common import chromium_utils
# By default, the slave will identify itself to the master by its hostname.
# To override that, explicitly set a slavename here.
slavename = None
def remove_all_vars_except(dictionary, keep):
"""Remove all keys from the specified dictionary except those in !keep|"""
for key in set(dictionary.keys()) - set(keep):
def Log(message):
"""Log a message using the Buildbot/Twisted log facility but only if it
already imported.
log_mod = sys.modules.get('twisted.python.log')
if log_mod:
print message
def IssueReboot():
"""Issue reboot command according to platform type."""
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):['shutdown', '-r', '-f', '-t', '1'])
elif sys.platform in ('darwin', 'posix', 'linux2'):['sudo', 'shutdown', '-r', 'now'])
raise NotImplementedError('Implement IssueReboot function '
'for %s' % sys.platform)
def SigTerm(*args):
"""Receive a SIGTERM and do nothing."""
Log('SigTerm: Received SIGTERM, doing nothing.')
def UpdateSignals():
"""Override the twisted SIGTERM handler with our own.
Ensure that the signal module is available and do nothing if it is not.
import signal
except ImportError:
Log('UpdateSignals: Warning: signal module unavailable -- '
'not installing signal handlers.')
# Twisted installs a SIGTERM signal handler which tries to shut the system
# down. Use our own handler instead.
Log('UpdateSignals: installed new SIGTERM handler')
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, SigTerm)
def Sleep(desired_sleep):
"""Sleep for |desired_sleep| seconds.
time.sleep() can return in less time than desired if the process receives
a signal. We expect that to happen when the shutdown we run causes the system
to send a TERM signal to us. When that happens, we need to ensure we go
back to sleep for the remainder of the time that's left."""
actual_sleep = 0
while True:
sleep_length = desired_sleep - actual_sleep
start_time = int(time.time())
Log('Sleep: Sleeping for %s seconds' % sleep_length)
this_sleep = int(time.time()) - start_time
Log('Sleep: Actually slept for %s seconds' % actual_sleep)
if this_sleep < 0:
Log('Sleep: Error, this_sleep was %d (less than zero)' % actual_sleep)
actual_sleep += this_sleep
if actual_sleep >= desired_sleep:
Log('Sleep: Finished sleeping, returning' % actual_sleep)
Log('Sleep: Awoke too early, sleeping again')
def Reboot():
"""Repeatedly try to reboot the system.
On some platforms, like Mac, is launched by a system launcher
agent. In those cases, any children of this process will get killed by the
agent if they're still running after we exit. Our strategy to ensure our
system reboot command is issued without getting killed before sudo runs
shutdown for us is:
1. Only call Reboot() from, and not from within the
remote_shutdown method. This allows us to avoid the possibility of
the sudo being executed and being interrupted by the Twisted service
as it shuts down due to a separate reactor.stop() call. (This was just
the only theory available for why some bots would not reboot at times.)
2. In IssueReboot, use instead of Popen() to ensure that doesn't exit at all when it calls Reboot(). This ensures that won't exit and trigger any cleanup routines by whatever
Since our strategy depends on Reboot() never returning, raise an exception
if that should occur to make it clear in logs that an error condition is
occurring somewhere.
Log('Reboot: Starting system reboot cycle')
i = 0
while True:
Log('Reboot: Reboot cycle %d' % i)
i += 1
raise Exception('Reboot: Should not return but would have')
def HotPatchSlaveBuilder(is_testing):
"""We could override the SlaveBuilder class but it's way simpler to just
hotpatch it."""
Log('HotPatchSlaveBuilder(%s)' % is_testing)
from import Bot # pylint: disable=F0401
Bot.old_remote_shutdown = Bot.remote_shutdown
def rebooting_remote_shutdown(self):
"""Set a reboot flag and stop the reactor so when the slave exits we reboot.
Note that Buildbot masters >= 0.8.3 try to stop the slave in 2 ways. First
they try the new way which works for slaves running based on Buildbot 0.8.3
or later. If the slave is running something earlier than Buildbot 0.8.3,
the master will then try the old way which will be what actually restarts
those older slaves.
For older slaves, the new way is always run first, and this causes the
"No such method 'remote_shutdown'" message that is seen in the old slaves'
twistd.log files. This error is safe to ignore since the master will have
immediately tried the old way and correctly restarted those slaves after
that error is caught.
global needs_reboot
if not is_testing:
needs_reboot = True
Log('Faking Reboot')
Bot.new_remote_shutdown = rebooting_remote_shutdown
Bot.remote_shutdown = Bot.new_remote_shutdown
Bot.old_remote_setBuilderList = Bot.remote_setBuilderList
def cleanup(self, wanted):
retval = self.old_remote_setBuilderList(wanted)
wanted_dirs = sorted(
['info', 'cert', '.svn', 'cache_dir', 'goma_cache'] +
[r[1] for r in wanted])
Log('Wanted directories: %s' % wanted_dirs)
actual_dirs = sorted(
i for i in os.listdir(self.basedir)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, i)))
Log('Actual directories: %s' % actual_dirs)
for d in actual_dirs:
# Delete build.dead directories.
possible_build_dead = os.path.join(self.basedir, d, 'build.dead')
if os.path.isdir(possible_build_dead):
Log('Deleting unwanted directory %s' % possible_build_dead)
if not is_testing:
# Delete old slave directories.
if d not in wanted_dirs:
Log('Deleting unwanted directory %s' % d)
if not is_testing:
chromium_utils.RemoveDirectory(os.path.join(self.basedir, d))
return retval
Bot.new_remote_setBuilderList = cleanup
Bot.remote_setBuilderList = Bot.new_remote_setBuilderList
def GetActiveMaster(slave_bootstrap, config_bootstrap, active_slavename):
master_name = os.environ.get(
'TESTING_MASTER', chromium_utils.GetActiveMaster(active_slavename))
if not master_name:
raise RuntimeError('*** Failed to detect the active master')
if hasattr(config_bootstrap.Master, 'active_master'):
# pylint: disable=E1101
return config_bootstrap.Master.active_master
if master_name and getattr(config_bootstrap.Master, master_name):
master = getattr(config_bootstrap.Master, master_name)
config_bootstrap.Master.active_master = master
return master
raise RuntimeError('*** Failed to detect the active master')
def GetRoot():
if chromium_utils.IsWindows():
return os.path.splitdrive(SCRIPT_DIR)[0]
return '/'
def _GetSubdirBuildbotPaths():
return [
os.path.join(SUBDIR_ROOT, slave['subdir'])
for slave in chromium_utils.GetSlavesForHost()
if slave.get('subdir')
def _CheckProcessExists(pid):
"""Checks if a process exists. Posix only."""
# Assert this function isn't used with an unsupported OS.
assert == 'posix', 'Only posix supported to check for pids.'
import errno
os.kill(pid, 0)
return True
except OSError as e:
return e.errno == errno.EPERM
def _CheckTwistdRuns(twistd_pid_file):
"""Checks if the process specified in the pid file runs.
Removes the pid file if not.
with open(twistd_pid_file) as f:
pid = int(
if not _CheckProcessExists(pid):
return False
return True
def _CheckSubdirBuildbotLiveliness():
"""Blocks until any subdir buildbot process dies."""
while True:
for botdir in _GetSubdirBuildbotPaths():
twistd_pid_file = os.path.join(botdir, 'build', 'slave', '')
if not os.path.exists(twistd_pid_file):
print 'Missing %s for subdir buildbot' % twistd_pid_file
if not _CheckTwistdRuns(twistd_pid_file):
print 'Process %s is not running' % twistd_pid_file
def SpawnSubdirBuildbotsIfNeeded():
"""Creates "nested/*" directory structure and spawns other bots on host as
Blocks on liveliness of the subdir buildbot processes if script is called
with --nodaemon.
Returns: Boolean indicating if subdir buildbots are used.
# Ensure this is not a subdir buildbot itself. Subdir buildbots within
# subdir buildbots are not supported.
if chromium_utils.GetActiveSubdir():
return False
subdirs = _GetSubdirBuildbotPaths()
if not subdirs:
# No subdir buildbots required. Continue with the main buildbot process.
return False
# Checking the subdir twistd pids is implemented for posix only.
assert == 'posix', 'Can only us subdir buildbots with posix.'
print 'Spawning other slaves on this host as needed.'
print 'Run make stopall to terminate.'
for botdir in subdirs:
if not os.path.exists(SUBDIR_ROOT):
print 'Creating %s' % SUBDIR_ROOT
def GClientCall(command, fail_ok=False):
# We just synced depot_tools, so disable gclient auto-sync.
# pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
env = EnvWithDepotTools(DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE='0')
[GetGClientPath()] + command, env=env, cwd=botdir)
except Exception as e:
if fail_ok:
print >> sys.stderr, e
print >> sys.stderr, 'gclient failed; proceeding anyway...'
gclient_solutions = chromium_utils.ParsePythonCfg(
os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '.gclient')).get('solutions', [])
assert len(gclient_solutions) == 1
if not os.path.exists(botdir):
print 'Creating %s' % botdir
GClientCall(['config', gclient_solutions[0]['url'],
'--deps-file', gclient_solutions[0]['deps_file']])
# Allow failures, e.g. some hooks occasionally fail. Otherwise we
# wouldn't copy the pw file and then never exercise this path again.
GClientCall(['sync'], fail_ok=True)
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'site_config', '.bot_password'),
os.path.join(botdir, 'build', 'site_config', '.bot_password'))
if os.path.exists(GetBotoFilePath()):
GetBotoFilePath(build=os.path.join(botdir, 'build')),
bot_slavedir = os.path.join(botdir, 'build', 'slave')
twistd_pid_file = os.path.join(bot_slavedir, '')
if (not os.path.exists(twistd_pid_file) or
not _CheckTwistdRuns(twistd_pid_file)):
print 'Spawning slave in %s' % bot_slavedir
subprocess.check_call(['make', 'start'], cwd=bot_slavedir)
if '--nodaemon' in sys.argv:
# Block on liveliness of the subdir buildbots if called with --nodaemon.
return True
def GetThirdPartyVersions(master):
"""Checks whether the master to which this slave belongs specifies particular
versions of buildbot and twisted for its slaves to run. If not specified,
this function returns default values.
bb_ver = 'buildbot_slave_8_4'
tw_ver = 'twisted_10_2'
if master:
bb_ver = getattr(master, 'buildslave_version', bb_ver)
tw_ver = getattr(master, 'twisted_version', tw_ver)
print 'Using %s and %s' % (bb_ver, tw_ver)
return (bb_ver, tw_ver)
def error(msg):
print >> sys.stderr, msg
def GetBotoFilePath(build=BUILD_DIR):
return os.path.join(build, 'site_config', '.boto')
def UseBotoPath():
"""Mutate the environment to reference the prefered gs credentials."""
# If the boto file exists, make sure gsutil uses this boto file.
if os.path.exists(GetBotoFilePath()):
os.environ['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'] = GetBotoFilePath()
os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = GetBotoFilePath()
def main():
# Use adhoc argument parsing because of twisted's twisted argument parsing.
# Change the current directory to the directory of the script.
depot_tools = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'depot_tools')
if not os.path.isdir(depot_tools):
error('You must put a copy of depot_tools in %s' % depot_tools)
bot_password_file = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'site_config', '.bot_password'))
if not os.path.isfile(bot_password_file):
error('You forgot to put the password at %s' % bot_password_file)
if SpawnSubdirBuildbotsIfNeeded():
# If subdir buildbots were used, don't spawn the root process.
# Make sure the current python path is absolute.
old_pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ''
for path in old_pythonpath.split(os.pathsep):
if path:
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] += os.path.abspath(path) + os.pathsep
# Update the python path.
python_path = [
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'site_config'),
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'scripts'),
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'scripts', 'release'),
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party'),
os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', 'requests_1_2_3'),
os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'build_internal', 'site_config'),
os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'build_internal', 'symsrc'),
SCRIPT_DIR, # Include the current working directory by default.
# Need to update sys.path prior to the following imports.
sys.path = python_path + sys.path
import slave.bootstrap
import config_bootstrap
active_slavename = chromium_utils.GetActiveSlavename()
config_bootstrap.Master.active_slavename = active_slavename
active_master = GetActiveMaster(
slave.bootstrap, config_bootstrap, active_slavename)
bb_ver, tw_ver = GetThirdPartyVersions(active_master)
python_path.append(os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', bb_ver))
python_path.append(os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', tw_ver))
sys.path = python_path[-2:] + sys.path
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = (
os.pathsep.join(python_path) + os.pathsep + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'])
os.environ['CHROME_HEADLESS'] = '1'
os.environ['PAGER'] = 'cat'
# Platform-specific initialization.
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# list of all variables that we want to keep
env_var = [
# TODO(maruel): Remove once everyone is on 2.7.5.
remove_all_vars_except(os.environ, env_var)
# Extend the env variables with the chrome-specific settings.
slave_path = [
# Reuse the python executable used to start this script.
os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'system32'),
os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'], 'system32', 'WBEM'),
# Use os.sep to make this absolute, not relative.
os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'], os.sep, 'Program Files',
# TODO(hinoka): Remove this when its no longer needed
os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'], os.sep, 'cmake', 'bin'),
# build_internal/tools contains tools we can't redistribute.
tools = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'build_internal', 'tools')
if os.path.isdir(tools):
os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(slave_path)
os.environ['LOGNAME'] = os.environ['USERNAME']
elif sys.platform in ('darwin', 'posix', 'linux2'):
# list of all variables that we want to keep
env_var = [
remove_all_vars_except(os.environ, env_var)
slave_path = [
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'slavebin'),
# Git on mac is installed from
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and os.path.isdir('/usr/local/git/bin'):
slave_path += [
# Reuse the python executable used to start this script.
'/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/sbin', '/usr/local/bin'
os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(slave_path)
error('Platform %s is not implemented yet' % sys.platform)
git_exe = 'git' + ('.bat' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else '')
git_version = subprocess.check_output([git_exe, '--version'])
except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
Log('WARNING: Could not get git version information: %r' % e)
git_version = '?'
os.environ.setdefault('GIT_USER_AGENT', '%s git/%s %s' % (
sys.platform, git_version.rstrip().split()[-1], socket.getfqdn()))
# This may be redundant, unless this is imported and main is called.
# This envrionment is defined only when testing the slave on a dev machine.
is_testing = 'TESTING_MASTER' in os.environ
import twisted.scripts.twistd as twistd
shutdown_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'shutdown.stamp')
if os.path.isfile(shutdown_file):
# If this slave is being shut down gracefully, don't reboot it.
# Only disable reboot if the file can be removed. Otherwise, the slave
# might get stuck offline after every build.
global needs_reboot
needs_reboot = False
except OSError:
Log('Could not delete graceful shutdown signal file %s' % shutdown_file)
# Although prevent_reboot_file looks similar to shutdown_file above, it is not
# the same as shutdown.stamp is actually used by Buildbot to shut down the
# slave process, while ~/no_reboot prevents rebooting the slave machine.
prevent_reboot_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'no_reboot')
if needs_reboot:
if not os.path.isfile(prevent_reboot_file):
# Send the appropriate system shutdown command.
# This line should not be reached.
Log('Reboot was prevented by %s. Please remove the file and reboot the '
'slave manually to resume automatic reboots.' % prevent_reboot_file)
def EnvWithDepotTools(**kwargs):
"""Returns the current environment with depot_tools appended to the PATH."""
depot_tools_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'depot_tools')
path = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
return dict(
os.environ, PATH=os.pathsep.join([path, depot_tools_path]), **kwargs)
def GetGClientPath():
"""Returns path to local gclient executable."""
gclient_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'depot_tools', 'gclient')
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
return gclient_path + '.bat'
if not os.path.isfile(gclient_path):
raise RuntimeError('gclient not found. Check that depot_tools is '
'properly installed')
return gclient_path
if '__main__' == __name__:
skip_sync_arg = '--no-gclient-sync'
if skip_sync_arg not in sys.argv:
[GetGClientPath(), 'sync', '--force'],
env=EnvWithDepotTools()) != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, (
'(%s) `gclient sync` failed; proceeding anyway...' % sys.argv[0])
os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv + [skip_sync_arg])
# Remove skip_sync_arg from arg list. Needed because twistd.