blob: ffea6bdf65921d27e1df63902163c310d54f0365 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import urllib
# Gerrit API
class QueryBuilder(object):
"""Class to iteratively construct a Gerrit query string.
This functions as a helper class to simplify explicit versus implicit
quoting and nesting of Gerrit query strings.
Gerrit query semantics are documented here:
def __init__(self, terms, operator):
Initializes a Gerrit query object. This should not be used directly;
instead, one of the supplied constructors (New, NewOR, NewAND) should be
used to create a new builder.
terms: (list) A list of explicit query parameters to start with. If
'terms' is an existing Query instance, the current instance will be
initialized as a clone.
operator: (str) If not 'None', this term will be implicitly added after
each explicit query term. Suggested values are 'AND' and 'OR'.
self._terms = tuple(terms)
self._operator = operator
def _New(cls, terms, operator=None):
return cls(
[cls._prepareTerm(t) for t in terms],
def New(cls, *terms):
return cls._New(terms)
def NewOR(cls, *terms):
return cls._New(terms, operator='OR')
def NewAND(cls, *terms):
return cls._New(terms, operator='AND')
def _prepareTerm(cls, value):
"""Analyze the type of 'value' and generates a term from it (see 'add()')"""
if isinstance(value, basestring):
parts = value.split(':', 1)
if len(parts) == 2:
return cls._prepareSelector(parts[0], parts[1])
return cls._prepareString(value, quoted=True)
if isinstance(value, QueryBuilder):
# Return its query verbatim, enclosed in parenthesis
return list(value.termiter())
# Try iterator
it = None
it = iter(value)
except TypeError:
if it is not None:
return tuple(cls._prepareTerm(x) for x in it)
# Default to stringify
return cls._prepareString(str(value), quoted=True)
def _prepareString(cls, value, quoted=False):
"""Constructs a string term."""
if quoted:
value = urllib.quote(value)
return value
def _prepareSelector(cls, key, value):
"""Constructs a selector (e.g., 'label:Code-Review+1') term"""
# Quote key/value individually; the colon does not get quoted
return '%s:%s' % (
cls._prepareString(key, quoted=True),
cls._prepareString(value, quoted=True))
def _cloneWithTerms(self, *terms):
"""Creates a new 'QueryBuilder' with an augmented term set."""
new_terms = self._terms + terms
return self.__class__(new_terms, self._operator)
def add(self, *values):
"""Adds a new query term to the Query.
This is a generic 'add' function that infers how to add 'value' based on
its type and contents. For more specific control, use the specialised
'add*' functions.
The query term ('value') may be any of the following:
- A key:value term, in which case the key and value are quoted but the
colon is left unquoted.
- A single term string, in which case the entire term is quoted
- A QueryBuilder instance, in which case it is embedded as a single term
bounded by parenthesis.
- An iterable of query terms, in which case each term will be formatted
recursively and placed inside parenthesis.
values: The query term to add (see above).
Returns: (Query) this Query object
terms = []
for value in values:
term = self._prepareTerm(value)
if term is not None:
if len(terms) == 0:
return self
return self._cloneWithTerms(*terms)
def addSelector(self, key, value):
"""Adds a 'key:value' term to the query.
The 'key' and 'value' terms will be URL quoted.
key: (str) the key
value: (str) the value
Returns: (Query) this Query object
return self._cloneWithTerms(self._prepareSelector(key, value))
def addQuoted(self, value):
"""Adds a URL-quoted term to the query.
value: (str) the value to quote and add
Returns: (Query) this Query object
return self._cloneWithTerms(self._prepareString(value, quoted=True))
def addUnquoted(self, value):
"""Directly adds a term to the query.
value: (str) the value to add
Returns: (Query) this Query object
return self._cloneWithTerms(self._prepareString(value, quoted=False))
def _formatQuery(cls, terms):
"""Recursive method to convert internal nested string/list to a query"""
formatted_terms = []
for term in terms:
if isinstance(term, (list, tuple)):
if len(term) == 0:
term = '(%s)' % (cls._formatQuery(term))
return '+'.join(formatted_terms)
def termiter(self):
"""Iterator overload to iterate over individual query terms"""
first = True
for param in self._terms:
if first:
first = False
elif self._operator is not None:
yield self._operator
yield param
def __len__(self):
"""Returns: (int) the number of explicit query terms"""
return len(self._terms)
def __str__(self):
"""Constructs a URL-quoted query string from this query's terms"""
return self._formatQuery(self.termiter())