blob: 282b1d773b49b30e6f886d6cbbb5b25a80408a55 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for functions in"""
import unittest
import test_env # pylint: disable=W0403,W0611
import mock
from slave import runtest
# Note: The git-svn id / cr pos is intentionally modified.
# Also commit messages modified to be < 80 char.
Update GPU rasterization device whitelist
This replaces the whitelisting of all Qualcomm GPUs on
Android 4.4 with whitelisting all Android 4.4 devices
with GL ES version >= 3.0.
Review URL:
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#291141}
git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281
[Sheriff-o-matic] Remove race condition on the commit list.
By always modifying the same list of commits, we ensure that data binding
As well, renamed "revisionLog" to "commitLog" everywhere, to better reflect
Review URL:
git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9
class FakeLogProcessor(object):
"""A fake log processor to use in the test below."""
def __init__(self, output):
self._output = output
def PerformanceLogs(self):
return self._output
class GetDataFromLogProcessorTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests related to functions which convert data format."""
def setUp(self):
super(GetDataFromLogProcessorTest, self).setUp()
# Testing private method _GetDataFromLogProcessor.
# pylint: disable=W0212
def test_GetDataFromLogProcessor_BasicCase(self):
"""Tests getting of result data from a LogProcessor object."""
log_processor = FakeLogProcessor({
'graphs.dat': ['[{"name": "my_graph"}]'],
'my_graph-summary.dat': ['{"traces": {"x": [1, 0]}, "rev": 123}'],
# Note that the 'graphs.dat' entry is ignored.
{'my_graph': {'traces': {'x': [1, 0]}, 'rev': 123}},
def test_GetDataFromLogProcessor_OneGraphMultipleLines(self):
log_processor = FakeLogProcessor({
'graph-summary.dat': [
'{"traces": {"x": [1, 0]}, "rev": 123}',
'{"traces": {"y": [1, 0]}, "rev": 123}',
# We always expect the length of the lines list for each graph to be 1.
# If it doesn't meet this expectation, ignore that graph.
self.assertEqual({}, runtest._GetDataFromLogProcessor(log_processor))
def test_GetDataFromLogProcessor_InvalidJson(self):
log_processor = FakeLogProcessor({
'graph-summary.dat': ['this string is not valid json']
self.assertEqual({}, runtest._GetDataFromLogProcessor(log_processor))
class GetGitRevisionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests related to getting revisions from a directory."""
def test_GitSvnCase(self):
# pylint: disable=W0212
# pylint: disable=W0212
def test_GetCommitPosFromBuildPropTest(self):
"""Tests related to getting a commit position from build properties."""
# pylint: disable=W0212
{'got_revision_cp': 'refs/heads/master@{#12345}'}), 12345)
# pylint: disable=W0212
self.assertIsNone(runtest._GetCommitPos({'got_revision': 12345}))
class SendResultsToDashboardTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests related to sending requests and saving data from failed requests."""
def setUp(self):
super(SendResultsToDashboardTest, self).setUp()
# Testing private method _GetDataFromLogProcessor.
# Also, this test method doesn't reference self.
# pylint: disable=W0212,R0201
def test_SendResultsToDashboard_SimpleCase(
self, SendResults, MakeListOfPoints, GetDataFromLogProcessor):
"""Tests that the right methods get called in _SendResultsToDashboard."""
# Since this method just tests that certain methods get called when
# a call to _SendResultsDashboard is made, the data used below is arbitrary.
fake_charts_data = {'chart': {'traces': {'x': [1, 0]}, 'rev': 1000}}
fake_points_data = [{'test': 'master/bot/chart/x', 'revision': 1000}]
fake_results_tracker = mock.Mock()
fake_results_tracker.IsChartJson = mock.MagicMock(return_value=False)
GetDataFromLogProcessor.return_value = fake_charts_data
MakeListOfPoints.return_value = fake_points_data
result = runtest._SendResultsToDashboard(
fake_results_tracker, {
'system': 'linux',
'test': 'sunspider',
'url': '',
'build_dir': 'builddir',
'mastername': 'my.master',
'buildername': 'Builder',
'buildnumber': 123,
'supplemental_columns': {}})
# First a function is called to get data from the log processor.
# Then the data is re-formatted to a format that the dashboard accepts.
fake_charts_data, 'linux', 'sunspider', 'Builder', 123, {})
# Then a function is called to send the data (and any cached data).
fake_points_data, '', 'builddir')
# No errors, should return True.
def test_SendResultsToDashboard_Telemetry(
self, SendResults, MakeDashboardJsonV1):
"""Tests that the right methods get called in _SendResultsToDashboard."""
# Since this method just tests that certain methods get called when
# a call to _SendResultsDashboard is made, the data used below is arbitrary.
fake_json_data = {'chart': {'traces': {'x': [1, 0]}, 'rev': 1000}}
fake_results_tracker = mock.Mock()
fake_results_tracker.IsChartJson = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
fake_results_tracker.ChartJson = mock.MagicMock(return_value=fake_json_data)
fake_results_tracker.IsReferenceBuild = mock.MagicMock(return_value=False)
fake_results_tracker.Cleanup = mock.MagicMock()
MakeDashboardJsonV1.return_value = {'doesnt': 'matter'}
result = runtest._SendResultsToDashboard(
fake_results_tracker, {
'system': 'linux',
'test': 'sunspider',
'url': '',
'build_dir': 'builddir',
'mastername': 'my.master',
'buildername': 'Builder',
'buildnumber': 123,
'revisions': {'rev': 343},
'supplemental_columns': {}})
# Then the data is re-formatted to a format that the dashboard accepts.
fake_json_data, {'rev': 343}, 'sunspider', 'linux',
'Builder', 123, {}, False)
# Then a function is called to send the data (and any cached data).
{'doesnt': 'matter'}, '', 'builddir')
# No errors, should return True.
def test_SendResultsToDashboard_NoTelemetryOutput(
self, SendResults, MakeDashboardJsonV1):
"""Tests that the right methods get called in _SendResultsToDashboard."""
fake_results_tracker = mock.Mock()
fake_results_tracker.IsChartJson = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
fake_results_tracker.ChartJson = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None)
fake_results_tracker.IsReferenceBuild = mock.MagicMock(return_value=False)
fake_results_tracker.Cleanup = mock.MagicMock()
fake_results_tracker, {
'system': 'linux',
'test': 'sunspider',
'url': '',
'build_dir': 'builddir',
'mastername': 'my.master',
'buildername': 'Builder',
'buildnumber': 123,
'revisions': {'rev': 343},
'supplemental_columns': {}})
# Should not call functions to generate JSON and send to JSON if Telemetry
# did not return results.
def test_GetTelemetryRevisions(self):
options = mock.MagicMock()
options.point_id = 1470050195
options.revision = '294850'
options.webkit_revision = '34f9d01'
options.build_properties = {
'got_webrtc_revision': None,
'got_v8_revision': 'undefined',
'git_revision': '9a7b354',
versions = runtest._GetTelemetryRevisions(options)
{'rev': '294850', 'webkit_rev': '34f9d01', 'git_revision': '9a7b354',
'point_id': 1470050195},
if __name__ == '__main__':