blob: f9ca8014e4baf07943d2ac6ed8a802e6bbd02f9c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from recipes import slave_utils
MISSING_SHARDS_MSG = r"""Missing results from the following shard(s): %s
It can happen in following cases:
* Test failed to start (missing *.dll/*.so dependency for example)
* Test crashed or hung
* Task expired because there are not enough bots available and are all used
* Swarming service experiences problems
Please examine logs to figure out what happened.
class BadShards:
def __init__(self):
self.missing = []
self.incomplete = []
def add_incomplete(self, shard):
def add_missing(self, shard):
def not_empty(self):
return self.missing or self.incomplete
def as_str(self):
return ', '.join(map(str, sorted(self.missing + self.incomplete)))
def missing_count(self):
return len(self.missing)
class AggregatedResults:
def __init__(self, slow_tests_cutoff):
self.slowest_tests = []
self.results = []
self.slow_tests_cutoff = slow_tests_cutoff
def append(self, json_data):
# TODO(machenbach): This is to flexibly switch to a single dict as json
# output instead of a list wrapping a dict. Remove after V8 has
# switched to flattened output on all release branches.
if isinstance(json_data, list):
# On continuous bots, the test driver outputs exactly one item in the
# test results list for one architecture.
assert len(json_data) == 1
json_data = json_data[0]
assert isinstance(json_data, dict)
def as_json(self, tags):
sorted_tests = sorted(
self.slowest_tests, key=lambda t: t['duration'], reverse=True)
return {
'slowest_tests': sorted_tests[:self.slow_tests_cutoff],
'results': self.results,
'tags': sorted(tags),
def emit_warning(title, log=None):
print '@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@'
print title
if log:
slave_utils.WriteLogLines(title, log.split('\n'))
def get_shards_info(output_dir):
# summary.json is produced by itself. We are mostly interested
# in the number of shards.
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'summary.json')) as f:
summary = json.load(f)
return summary['shards']
except (IOError, ValueError):
'summary.json is missing or can not be read',
'Something is seriously wrong with swarming_client/ or the bot.')
return None
def merge_shard_results(output_dir, shards, options):
"""Reads JSON test output from all shards and combines them into one.
Also merges sancov coverage data if coverage_dir is spefied.
Returns dict with merged test output on success or None on failure. Emits
if not shards:
return None
# Merge all JSON files together.
tags = set()
aggregated_results = AggregatedResults(options.slow_tests_cutoff)
bad_shards = BadShards()
for index, result in enumerate(shards):
if result is not None:
if int(result.get('exit_code', 0)):
# When receiving a sigterm, the test runner terminates gracefully
# with json output, but has a non-zero return code.
json_data = load_shard_json(output_dir, result['task_id'], 'output.json')
if json_data:
# If some shards are missing, make it known. Continue parsing anyway. Step
# should be red anyway, since return non-zero exit code in that
# case.
if bad_shards.not_empty():
# Not all tests run, combined JSON summary can not be trusted.
as_str = bad_shards.as_str()
emit_warning('some shards did not complete: %s' % as_str,
# Handle the case when all shards fail. Return minimalistic dict that has all
# fields that a calling recipe expects to avoid recipe-level exceptions.
if bad_shards.missing_count() == len(shards):
return {'slowest_tests': [], 'results': [], 'tags': sorted(tags)}
return aggregated_results.as_json(tags)
def merge_test_results(output_dir, shards, options):
with open(options.merged_test_output, 'wb') as f:
merged_data = merge_shard_results(output_dir, shards, options)
json.dump(merged_data, f, separators=(',', ':'))
def merge_coverage_data(output_dir, shards, options):
# Merge coverage data if specified.
if options.coverage_dir:
for index, result in enumerate(shards):
exit_code =[
sys.executable, '-u', options.sancov_merger, '--coverage-dir',
options.coverage_dir, '--swarming-output-dir',
os.path.join(output_dir, result['task_id'])
if exit_code:
emit_warning('error when merging coverage data of shard %d' % index)
def load_shard_json(output_dir, task_id, file_name):
"""Reads JSON output of a single shard."""
# 'output.json' is set in v8/, V8SwarmingTest.
path = os.path.join(output_dir, task_id, file_name)
with open(path) as f:
return json.load(f)
except (IOError, ValueError):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing or invalid v8 JSON file: %s' % path
return None
def swarming_cmd(swarming_args, options):
# Prepare a directory to store JSON files fetched from isolate.
task_output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
suffix='_swarming', dir=options.temp_root_dir)
# Start building the command line for
cmd = [
os.path.join(task_output_dir, 'summary.json'),
return cmd, task_output_dir
def parse_args(args):
# Split |args| into options for shim and options for script.
if '--' in args:
index = args.index('--')
shim_args, swarming_args = args[:index], args[index + 1:]
shim_args, swarming_args = args, []
# Parse shim's own options.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--temp-root-dir', default=tempfile.gettempdir())
parser.add_option('--slow-tests-cutoff', type="int", default=100)
options, extra_args = parser.parse_args(shim_args)
# Validate options.
if extra_args:
parser.error('Unexpected command line arguments')
if options.coverage_dir and not options.sancov_merger:
parser.error('--sancov-merger is required for merging coverage data')
return options, swarming_args
def main(args):
options, swarming_args = parse_args(args)
cmd, output_dir = swarming_cmd(swarming_args, options)
exit_code = 1
# Run the real script, regardless of an exit code try to find and parse
# JSON output files, since exit code may indicate that the isolated task
# failed, not the invocation itself.
exit_code =
# Output parsing should not change exit code no matter what, so catch any
# exceptions and just log them.
shards = get_shards_info(output_dir)
merge_test_results(output_dir, shards, options)
merge_coverage_data(output_dir, shards, options)
except Exception:
emit_warning('failed to process v8 output JSON', traceback.format_exc())
shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True)
return exit_code
if __name__ == '__main__':