blob: 12cd12485613a23c28d090d1678a42e1f606b363 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from master import master_config
from master.factory import remote_run_factory
import master_site_config
ActiveMaster = master_site_config.ChromiumWebkit
defaults = {}
helper = master_config.Helper(defaults)
B = helper.Builder
F = helper.Factory
def m_remote_run(recipe, **kwargs):
return remote_run_factory.RemoteRunFactory(
factory_properties={'path_config': 'kitchen'},
defaults['category'] = 'layout'
## Release
# Mac Rel Builder
B('WebKit Mac Builder', 'f_webkit_mac_rel',
auto_reboot=False, scheduler='global_scheduler',
F('f_webkit_mac_rel', m_remote_run('chromium'))
# Mac Rel WebKit testers
B('WebKit Mac10.12 (retina)', 'f_webkit_rel_tests_1012_retina')
F('f_webkit_rel_tests_1012_retina', m_remote_run('chromium'))
def Update(_config, _active_master, c):
return helper.Update(c)