blob: 8c198d34facf791ff6762d3eb79dfb175246d38e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import functools
import hashlib
import os.path
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine import util as recipe_util
from . import state
# Minimally supported version of script (reported by --version).
# The IMPLIED_*_BINARIES will be installed to the swarming task at this local
# path.
IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH = '.swarming_module'
# This is the name and path for the cache used for the implied binaries
# (specifically vpython). The name of the implied cache will be prepended with
# IMPLIED_CACHE_NAME, and the path will be relative to IMPLIED_CACHE_BASE.
IMPLIED_CACHE_NAME = 'swarming_module_cache'
IMPLIED_CACHE_BASE = '.swarming_module_cache'
'vpython': 'vpython',
# These CIPD packages will be automatically put on $PATH for all swarming tasks
# generated from this module. The first member of the tuple is the path relative
# to IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH which should be added to $PATH.
# Both vpython versions MUST be changed together.
('', 'git_revision:b9c4670197dcefd8762d6e509302acd3efc6e303'),
('', 'git_revision:b9c4670197dcefd8762d6e509302acd3efc6e303'),
('', 'git_revision:e1abc57be62d198b5c2f487bfb2fa2d2eb0e867c'),
# NOTE( this isn't currently available on arm. See
# SwarmingApi.trigger_task for hack.
('bin', 'version:2.7.14.chromium14'),
def safe(f, *args, **kw):
f(*args, **kw)
return True
except Exception:
return False
def filter_outdir(dumps, output_dir, text_files=('.txt', '.json', ''),
"""Create a summary of contents of a raw_io.output_dir."""
outdir_json = {}
for filename in sorted(output_dir):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
contents = output_dir[filename]
# If a text file is small enough, just dump it
if ext in text_files and len(contents) < msize and safe(dumps, contents):
output = contents
# Otherwise, just output some details
output = {
'sha1': hashlib.sha1(contents).hexdigest(),
'size': len(contents),
if ext in text_files:
hsize = int(msize/2)
output['type'] = 'text'
if safe(dumps, contents[:hsize]):
# Space in the name so it sorts a[ :x],a[-x:]
output['contents[ :%s]' % hsize] = contents[:hsize]
if safe(dumps, contents[-hsize:]):
output['contents[-%s:]' % hsize] = contents[-hsize:]
output['type'] = 'binary'
outdir_json[filename] = output
return outdir_json
def text_for_task(task):
lines = []
if task.dimensions.get('id'):
lines.append('Bot id: %r' % task.dimensions['id'])
if task.dimensions.get('os'):
lines.append('Run on OS: %r' % task.dimensions['os'])
return '<br/>'.join(lines)
def parse_time(value):
"""Converts serialized time from the API to datetime.datetime."""
# When microseconds are 0, the '.123456' suffix is elided. This means the
# serialized format is not consistent, which confuses the hell out of python.
# TODO(maruel): Remove third format once we enforce version >=0.8.2.
for fmt in ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, fmt)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('Failed to parse %s' % value) # pragma: no cover
def fmt_time(seconds):
"""Formats some number of seconds into a string. If this is < 60, it will
render as `NNs`. If it's >= 60 seconds, it will render as 'hh:mm:ss'."""
return (
'%ds' % (seconds,) if seconds < 60
else str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds))
class ReadOnlyDict(dict):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
raise TypeError('ReadOnlyDict is immutable')
class SwarmingApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""Recipe module to use tool to run tasks on Swarming.
General usage:
1. Tweak default task parameters applied to all swarming tasks (such as
default_dimensions and default_priority).
2. Isolate some test using 'isolate' recipe module. Get isolated hash as
a result of that process.
3. Create a task configuration using 'task(...)' method, providing
isolated hash obtained previously.
4. Tweak the task parameters. This step is optional.
5. Launch the task on swarming by calling 'trigger_task(...)'.
6. Continue doing useful work locally while the task is running concurrently
on swarming.
7. Wait for task to finish and collect its result (exit code, logs)
by calling 'collect_task(...)'.
See also for concrete code.
State = state.State
# The below are helper functions to help transition between the old and new #
# swarming result formats. TODO(martiniss): remove these #
def _is_expired(self, shard):
# FIXME: We really should only have one format for enums. We want to move to
# strings, currently have numbers.
return (
shard.get('state') == self.State.EXPIRED or
shard.get('state') == 'EXPIRED')
def _is_timed_out(self, shard):
# FIXME: We really should only have one format for enums. We want to move to
# strings, currently have numbers.
return (
shard.get('state') == self.State.TIMED_OUT or
shard.get('state') == 'TIMED_OUT')
def _get_exit_code(self, shard):
if shard.get('exit_code'):
return shard.get('exit_code')
lst = shard.get('exit_codes', [])
return str(lst[0]) if lst else None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SwarmingApi, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# All tests default to a x86-64 bot running with no GPU. This simplifies
# management so that new tests are not executed on exotic bots by accidents
# even if misconfigured.
self._default_dimensions = {
'cpu': 'x86-64',
'gpu': 'none',
# Expirations are set to mildly good values and will be tightened soon.
self._default_expiration = 60*60
self._default_env = {}
self._default_hard_timeout = 60*60
self._default_idempotent = False
self._default_io_timeout = 20*60
# The default priority is extremely low and should be increased dependending
# on the type of task.
self._default_priority = 200
self._default_tags = set()
self._default_user = None
self._pending_tasks = set()
self._service_account_json = None
self._show_isolated_out_in_collect_step = True
self._show_shards_in_collect_step = False
self._swarming_server = ''
self._verbose = False
# Record all durations of shards for aggregation.
self._shards_durations = []
def initialize(self):
'build_is_experimental:' + str(self.m.runtime.is_experimental).lower())
def summary(self):
return self.m.json.output()
def service_account_json(self):
"""Service account json to use for swarming."""
return self._service_account_json
def service_account_json(self, value):
"""Service account json to use for swarming."""
self._service_account_json = value
def swarming_server(self):
"""URL of Swarming server to use, default is a production one."""
return self._swarming_server
def swarming_server(self, value):
"""Changes URL of Swarming server to use."""
self._swarming_server = value
def verbose(self):
"""True to run swarming scripts with verbose output."""
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, value):
"""Enables or disables verbose output in swarming scripts."""
assert isinstance(value, bool), value
self._verbose = value
def default_expiration(self):
"""Number of seconds that the server will wait to find a bot able to run the
If not bot runs the task by this number of seconds, the task is canceled as
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_expiration
def default_expiration(self, value):
assert 30 <= value <= 24*60*60, value
self._default_expiration = value
def default_hard_timeout(self):
"""Number of seconds in which the task must complete.
If the task takes more than this amount of time, the process is assumed to
be hung. It forcibly killed via SIGTERM then SIGKILL after a grace period
(default: 30s). Then the task is marked as TIMED_OUT.
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_hard_timeout
def default_hard_timeout(self, value):
assert 30 <= value <= 6*60*60, value
self._default_hard_timeout = value
def default_io_timeout(self):
"""Number of seconds at which interval the task must write to stdout or
If the task takes more than this amount of time between writes to stdout or
stderr, the process is assumed to be hung. It forcibly killed via SIGTERM
then SIGKILL after a grace period (default: 30s). Then the task is marked as
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_io_timeout
def default_io_timeout(self, value):
assert 30 <= value <= 6*60*60, value
self._default_io_timeout = value
def default_idempotent(self):
"""Bool to specify if task deduplication can be done.
When set, the server will search for another task that ran in the last days
that had the exact same properties. If it finds one, the task will not be
run at all, the previous results will be returned as-is.
For more infos, see:
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_idempotent
def default_idempotent(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, bool), value
self._default_idempotent = value
def default_user(self):
"""String to represent who triggered the task.
The user should be an email address when someone requested testing via
pre-commit or manual testing.
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_user
def default_user(self, value):
assert value is None or isinstance(value, basestring), value
self._default_user = value
def default_dimensions(self):
"""Returns a copy of the default Swarming dimensions to run task on.
The dimensions are what is used to filter which bots are able to run the
task successfully. This is particularly useful to discern between OS
versions, type of CPU, GPU card or VM, or preallocated pool.
{'cpu': 'x86-64', 'os': 'Windows-XP-SP3'}
This value can be changed per individual task.
return ReadOnlyDict(self._default_dimensions)
def set_default_dimension(self, key, value):
assert isinstance(key, basestring), key
assert isinstance(value, basestring) or value is None, value
if value is None:
self._default_dimensions.pop(key, None)
self._default_dimensions[key] = value
def default_env(self):
"""Returns a copy of the default environment variable to run tasks with.
By default the environment variable is not modified. Additional environment
variables can be specified for each task.
This value can be changed per individual task.
return ReadOnlyDict(self._default_env)
def set_default_env(self, key, value):
assert isinstance(key, basestring), key
assert isinstance(value, basestring), value
self._default_env[key] = value
def default_priority(self):
"""Swarming task priority for tasks triggered from the recipe.
Priority ranges from 1 to 255. The lower the value, the most important the
task is and will preempty any task with a lower priority.
This value can be changed per individual task.
return self._default_priority
def default_priority(self, value):
assert 1 <= value <= 255
self._default_priority = value
def add_default_tag(self, tag):
"""Adds a tag to the Swarming tasks triggered.
Tags are used for maintenance, they can be used to calculate the number of
tasks run for a day to calculate the cost of a type of type (CQ, ASAN, etc).
Tags can be added per individual task.
assert ':' in tag, tag
def show_isolated_out_in_collect_step(self):
"""Show the shard's isolated out link in each collect step."""
return self._show_isolated_out_in_collect_step
def show_isolated_out_in_collect_step(self, value):
self._show_isolated_out_in_collect_step = value
def show_shards_in_collect_step(self):
"""Show the shard link in each collect step."""
return self._show_shards_in_collect_step
def show_shards_in_collect_step(self, value):
self._show_shards_in_collect_step = value
def prefered_os_dimension(platform):
"""Given a platform name returns the prefered Swarming OS dimension.
Platform name is usually provided by 'platform' recipe module, it's one
of 'win', 'linux', 'mac'. This function returns more concrete Swarming OS
dimension that represent this platform on Swarming by default.
Recipes are free to use other OS dimension if there's a need for it. For
example WinXP try bot recipe may explicitly specify 'Windows-XP-SP3'
return {
'linux': 'Ubuntu-14.04',
'mac': 'Mac-10.13',
'win': 'Windows-7-SP1',
def task(self, title, isolated_hash, ignore_task_failure=False, shards=1,
task_output_dir=None, extra_args=None, idempotent=None,
cipd_packages=None, build_properties=None, merge=None,
trigger_script=None, named_caches=None, service_account=None,
raw_cmd=None, env_prefixes=None):
"""Returns a new SwarmingTask instance to run an isolated executable on
For google test executables, use gtest_task() instead.
At the time of this writting, this code is used by V8, Skia and iOS.
The return value can be customized if necessary (see SwarmingTask class
below). Pass it to 'trigger_task' to launch it on swarming. Later pass the
same instance to 'collect_task' to wait for the task to finish and fetch its
* title: name of the test, used as part of a task ID.
* isolated_hash: hash of isolated test on isolate server, the test should
be already isolated there, see 'isolate' recipe module.
* ignore_task_failure: whether to ignore the test failure of swarming
tasks. By default, this is set to False.
* shards: if defined, the number of shards to use for the task. By default
this value is either 1 or based on the title.
* task_output_dir: if defined, the directory where task results are
placed. The caller is responsible for removing this folder when
* extra_args: list of command line arguments to pass to isolated tasks.
* idempotent: whether this task is considered idempotent. Defaults
to self.default_idempotent if not specified.
* cipd_packages: list of 3-tuples corresponding to CIPD packages needed
for the task: ('path', 'package_name', 'version'), defined as
* path: Path relative to the Swarming root dir in which to install
the package.
* package_name: Name of the package to install,
eg. "infra/tools/luci-auth/${platform}"
* version: Version of the package, either a package instance ID,
ref, or tag key/value pair.
* build_properties: An optional dict containing various build properties.
These are typically but not necessarily the properties emitted by
* merge: An optional dict containing:
* "script": path to a script to call to post process and merge the
collected outputs from the tasks. The script should take one
named (but required) parameter, '-o' (for output), that represents
the path that the merged results should be written to, and accept
N additional paths to result files to merge. The merged results
should be in the JSON Results File Format
and may optionally contain a top level "links" field that
may contain a dict mapping link text to URLs, for a set of
links that will be included in the buildbot output.
* "args": an optional list of additional arguments to pass to the
above script.
* trigger_script: An optional dict containing:
* "script": path to a script to call which will use custom logic to
trigger appropriate swarming jobs, using
* "args": an optional list of additional arguments to pass to the
See SwarmingTask.__init__ docstring for more details.
* named_caches: a dict {name: relpath} requesting a cache named `name`
to be installed in `relpath` relative to the task root directory.
* service_account: (string) a service account email to run the task under.
* raw_cmd: Optional list of arguments to be used as raw command. Can be
used instead of extra args.
* env_prefixes: a dict {ENVVAR: [relative, paths]} which instructs
swarming to prepend the given relative paths to the PATH-style ENVVAR
if idempotent is None:
idempotent = self.default_idempotent
spec_name = ''
if (self.m.buildbucket.builder_id and
self.m.buildbucket.builder_id.bucket and
spec_name = '%s.%s:%s' % (
return SwarmingTask(
cipd_packages=cipd_packages or [],
def gtest_task(self, title, isolated_hash, test_launcher_summary_output=None,
extra_args=None, cipd_packages=None, merge=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a new SwarmingTask instance to run an isolated gtest on Swarming.
Swarming recipe module knows how collect and interpret JSON files with test
execution summary produced by chromium test launcher. It will combine JSON
results from multiple shards and place it in path provided by
|test_launcher_summary_output| placeholder.
For meaning of the rest of the arguments see 'task' method.
extra_args = list(extra_args or [])
# Ensure --test-launcher-summary-output is not already passed. We are going
# to overwrite it.
bad_args = any(
x.startswith('--test-launcher-summary-output=') for x in extra_args)
if bad_args: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('--test-launcher-summary-output should not be used.')
# Append it. output.json name is expected by
merge = merge or {'script': self.resource('')}
# Make a task, configure it to be collected through shim script.
task = self.task(title, isolated_hash, extra_args=extra_args,
cipd_packages=cipd_packages, merge=merge, **kwargs)
task.collect_step = lambda *args, **kw: (
self._gtest_collect_step(test_launcher_summary_output, *args, **kw))
return task
def _check_and_set_output_flag(self, extra_args, flag, output_file_name):
extra_args = list(extra_args or [])
# Ensure flag is not already passed. We are going to overwrite it.
flag_value = '--%s=' % flag
bad_args = any(x.startswith(flag_value) for x in extra_args)
if bad_args: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('--%s should not be used' % flag)
# Append it.
output_arg = '--%s=${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/%s' % (flag, output_file_name)
return extra_args
def isolated_script_task(self, title, isolated_hash, extra_args=None,
idempotent=False, merge=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a new SwarmingTask to run an isolated script test on Swarming.
At the time of this writting, this code is used by WebRTC and
"isolated_scripts" entries in Chromium's src/testing/buildbot/*.json.
Swarming recipe module knows how collect JSON file with test execution
summary produced by isolated script tests launcher. A custom script
can be passed to merge the collected results and post-process them.
For meaning of the rest of the arguments see 'task' method.
# Ensure output flags are not already passed. We are going
# to overwrite them.
# output.json name is expected by
extra_args = self._check_and_set_output_flag(
extra_args, 'isolated-script-test-output', 'output.json')
# perftest-output.json name is expected by benchmarks generating chartjson
# or histogram output
extra_args = self._check_and_set_output_flag(
merge = merge or {
'script': self.resource('')
task = self.task(title, isolated_hash, extra_args=extra_args,
idempotent=idempotent, merge=merge, **kwargs)
task.collect_step = self._isolated_script_collect_step
return task
def check_client_version(self, step_test_data=None):
"""Yields steps to verify compatibility with swarming_client version."""
return self.m.swarming_client.ensure_script_version(
'', MINIMAL_SWARMING_VERSION, step_test_data)
def trigger_task(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Triggers one task.
It the task is sharded, will trigger all shards. This steps justs posts
the task and immediately returns. Use 'collect_task' to wait for a task to
finish and grab its result.
Behaves as a regular recipe step: returns StepData with step results
on success or raises StepFailure if step fails.
task: SwarmingTask instance.
kwargs: passed to recipe step constructor as-is.
assert isinstance(task, SwarmingTask)
assert task.task_name not in self._pending_tasks, (
'Triggered same task twice: %s' % task.task_name)
assert 'os' in task.dimensions, task.dimensions
# Mix in standard infra packages 'vpython' and 'logdog' so that the task can
# always access them on $PATH.
cipd_packages = list(task.cipd_packages or ())
for pkg in cipd_packages:
assert not pkg[0].startswith(IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH), \
'cipd_packages may not be installed to %r' % (IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH,)
# HACK( - we don't support cpython on arm yet, so remove
# it from packages to inject.
# HACK( We also don't support CPython on mips.
cpu_dimension = task.dimensions.get('cpu', '')
if 'arm' in cpu_dimension or 'mips' in cpu_dimension:
for k in to_add.keys():
if 'cpython' in k:
path_env_prefix = set()
for pkg, (subdir, vers) in sorted(to_add.items()):
path_env_prefix.add('/'.join((IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH, subdir)) if subdir
vers = 'TEST_VERSION' if self._test_data.enabled else vers
cipd_packages.append((IMPLIED_BINARY_PATH, pkg, vers))
# update implied caches
named_caches = dict(task.named_caches or {})
'_'.join((IMPLIED_CACHE_NAME, k)): '/'.join((IMPLIED_CACHE_BASE,v))
for k, v in IMPLIED_CACHES.iteritems()
# update $PATH
env_prefixes = dict(task.env_prefixes or {}) # copy it
env_prefixes.setdefault('PATH', [])[:0] = sorted( # prepend stuff
path_env_prefix, key=lambda x: (len(x), x))
for k, path in IMPLIED_ENV_PREFIXES.iteritems():
env_prefixes.setdefault(k, [path])
# Trigger parameters.
args = [
'--swarming', self.swarming_server,
'--isolate-server', self.m.isolate.isolate_server,
'--priority', str(task.priority),
'--shards', str(task.shards),
'--task-name', task.task_name,
'--dump-json', self.m.json.output(),
'--expiration', str(task.expiration),
'--io-timeout', str(task.io_timeout),
'--hard-timeout', str(task.hard_timeout),
for name, value in sorted(task.dimensions.iteritems()):
assert isinstance(value, basestring), \
'dimension %s is not a string: %s' % (name, value)
args.extend(['--dimension', name, value])
for name, value in sorted(task.env.iteritems()):
assert isinstance(value, basestring), \
'env var %s is not a string: %s' % (name, value)
args.extend(['--env', name, value])
for name, relpath in sorted(named_caches.iteritems()):
args.extend(['--named-cache', name, relpath])
if task.service_account:
args.extend(['--service-account', task.service_account])
if self.service_account_json:
args.extend(['--auth-service-account-json', self.service_account_json])
# Default tags.
tags = set(task.tags)
tags.add('data:' + task.isolated_hash)
tags.add('name:' + task.title.split(' ')[0])
mastername ='mastername')
if mastername:
tags.add('master:' + mastername)
if task.spec_name:
tags.add('spec_name:' + task.spec_name)
if task.buildername:
tags.add('buildername:' + task.buildername)
if task.buildnumber:
tags.add('buildnumber:%s' % task.buildnumber)
tags.add('slavename:%s' %['bot_id'])
tags.add('stepname:%s' % self.get_step_name('', task))
rietveld ='rietveld')
issue ='issue')
patchset ='patchset')
if rietveld and issue and patchset:
# The expected format is strict to the usage of buildbot properties on the
# Chromium Try Server. Fix if necessary.
tags.add('rietveld:%s/%s/#ps%s' % (rietveld, issue, patchset))
gerrit_url ='patch_gerrit_url')
gerrit_issue ='patch_issue')
gerrit_patchset ='patch_set')
if gerrit_url and gerrit_issue and gerrit_patchset:
# Ditto on the previous comment. The properties and/or url format may
# evolve. Fix if necessary.
'gerrit:%s/c/%s/%s' %(gerrit_url, gerrit_issue, gerrit_patchset))
for tag in sorted(tags):
assert ':' in tag, tag
args.extend(['--tag', tag])
if self.verbose:
if task.idempotent:
if task.user:
args.extend(['--user', task.user])
if cipd_packages:
for path, pkg, version in cipd_packages:
args.extend(['--cipd-package', '%s:%s:%s' % (path, pkg, version)])
if env_prefixes:
for key, paths in sorted(env_prefixes.items()):
for path in paths:
args.extend(('--env-prefix', key, path))
# What isolated command to trigger.
args.extend(('--isolated', task.isolated_hash))
# Use a raw command as extra-args on tasks without command.
if task.raw_cmd:
# Allow using only one of raw_cmd or extra_args.
assert not task.extra_args
# Additional command line args for isolated command.
if task.extra_args or task.raw_cmd:
args.extend(task.extra_args or task.raw_cmd)
script = self.m.swarming_client.path.join('')
if task.trigger_script:
script = task.trigger_script['script']
if task.trigger_script.get('args'):
args = task.trigger_script['args'] + args
# The step can fail only on infra failures, so mark it as 'infra_step'.
return self.m.python(
name=self.get_step_name('trigger', task),
script=script, args=args,
self._gen_trigger_step_test_data, task),
# Store trigger output with the |task|, print links to triggered shards.
step_result = self.m.step.active_result
step_result.presentation.step_text += text_for_task(task)
if step_result.presentation != self.m.step.FAILURE:
task._trigger_output = step_result.json.output
links = step_result.presentation.links
for index in xrange(task.shards):
url = task.get_shard_view_url(index)
if url:
links['shard #%d' % index] = url
assert not hasattr(step_result, 'swarming_task')
step_result.swarming_task = task
def collect_task(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Waits for a single triggered task to finish.
If the task is sharded, will wait for all shards to finish. Behaves as
a regular recipe step: returns StepData with step results on success or
raises StepFailure if task fails.
task: SwarmingTask instance, previously triggered with 'trigger' method.
kwargs: passed to recipe step constructor as-is.
# TODO(vadimsh): Raise InfraFailure on Swarming failures.
assert isinstance(task, SwarmingTask)
assert task.task_name in self._pending_tasks, (
'Trying to collect a task that was not triggered: %s' %
return task.collect_step(task, **kwargs)
self.m.step.active_result.swarming_task = task
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# If we don't have an active_result, something failed very early,
# so we eat this exception and let that one propagate.
def report_stats(self):
"""Report statistics on all tasks ran so far."""
if not self._shards_durations:
stats = ['Total shards: %d' % len(self._shards_durations)]
total = sum(self._shards_durations)
mean = total / len(self._shards_durations)
'Total runtime: %s ' % fmt_time(total),
detailed_stats = stats + [
'Min/mean/max: %s / %s / %s' % (
fmt_time(total / len(self._shards_durations)),
step_text = self.m.test_utils.format_step_text([
('Stats', stats)])
result = self.m.python.succeeding_step('Tests statistics', step_text)
result.presentation.logs['detailed stats'] = detailed_stats
def _display_pending(shards, step_presentation):
"""Shows max pending time in seconds across all shards if it exceeds 10s,
and also displays the min and max shard duration accross all shards."""
max_pending = (-1, None)
max_duration = (-1, None)
min_duration = (None, None)
for i, shard in enumerate(shards):
if not shard or not shard.get('started_ts'):
created = parse_time(shard['created_ts'])
started = parse_time(shard['started_ts'])
pending = (started - created).total_seconds()
if pending > max_pending[0]:
max_pending = (pending, i)
if shard.get('completed_ts'):
duration = (parse_time(shard['completed_ts']) - started).total_seconds()
if duration > max_duration[0]:
max_duration = (duration, i)
if min_duration[0] is None or duration < min_duration[0]:
min_duration = (duration, i)
# Only display annotation when pending more than 10 seconds to reduce noise.
if max_pending[0] > 10:
prefix = 'P' if len(shards) <= 1 else 'Max p'
suffix = '' if len(shards) <= 1 else ' (shard #%d)' % max_pending[1]
step_presentation.step_text += (
'<br>%sending time: %s%s' % (prefix, fmt_time(max_pending[0]), suffix))
if max_duration[0] > 0:
prefix = 'S' if len(shards) <= 1 else 'Max s'
suffix = '' if len(shards) <= 1 else ' (shard #%d)' % max_duration[1]
step_presentation.step_text += (
'<br>%shard duration: %s%s' % (
prefix, fmt_time(max_duration[0]), suffix))
if min_duration[0] is not None and len(shards) > 1:
step_presentation.step_text += (
'<br>Min shard duration: %s (shard #%d)' % (
fmt_time(min_duration[0]), min_duration[1]))
def _default_collect_step(
self, task, merged_test_output=None,
"""Produces a step that collects a result of an arbitrary task."""
task_output_dir = task.task_output_dir or self.m.raw_io.output_dir()
# If we don't already have a Placeholder, wrap the task_output_dir in one
# so we can read out of it later w/ step_result.raw_io.output_dir.
if not isinstance(task_output_dir, recipe_util.Placeholder):
task_output_dir = self.m.raw_io.output_dir(leak_to=task_output_dir)
task_args = [
'-o', merged_test_output or self.m.json.output(),
'--task-output-dir', task_output_dir,
merge_script = (task.merge.get('script')
or self.resource(''))
merge_args = (task.merge.get('args') or [])
'--merge-script', merge_script,
'--merge-additional-args', self.m.json.dumps(merge_args),
if task.build_properties:
properties = dict(task.build_properties)
# exclude any recipe-engine-controlling properties (starting with $)
properties.update((k, v) for k, v in
if not k.startswith('$'))
'--build-properties', self.m.json.dumps(properties),
# Arguments for the actual 'collect' command.
collect_cmd = [
'--task-summary-json', self.summary(),
allowed_return_codes = {0}
if task.ignore_task_failure:
allowed_return_codes = 'any'
# The call to collect_task emits two JSON files and one text file:
# 1) a task summary JSON emitted by swarming
# 2) a gtest results JSON emitted by the task
# 3) a merge script stdout/stderr log emitted by the task
# This builds an instance of StepTestData that covers all of them.
step_test_data = step_test_data or (
self.test_api.canned_summary_output(task.shards) +
self.m.json.test_api.output({}) +
'Successfully merged all data'))
with self.m.context(cwd=self.m.path['start_dir']):
name=self.get_step_name('', task),
step_test_data=lambda: step_test_data,
step_result = None
step_result = self.m.step.active_result
if step_result is not None:
step_result.presentation.step_text = text_for_task(task)
step_result.presentation.logs['Merge script log'] = [
links = {}
if hasattr(step_result, 'json') and hasattr(step_result.json, 'output'):
links = step_result.json.output.get('links', {})
elif (hasattr(step_result, 'test_utils') and
hasattr(step_result.test_utils, 'gtest_results')):
links = step_result.test_utils.gtest_results.raw.get('links', {})
for k, v in links.iteritems():
step_result.presentation.links[k] = v
summary_json = step_result.swarming.summary
self._handle_summary_json(task, summary_json, step_result)
except self.m.step.StepFailure:
# Make sure that, if _handle_summary_json raises an StepFailure, it
# correctly propogates.
except Exception as e:
if step_result is not None:
step_result.presentation.logs['no_results_exc'] = [
str(e), '\n', self.m.traceback.format_exc()]
def _gtest_collect_step(self, merged_test_output, task, **kwargs):
"""Produces a step that collects and processes a result of google-test task.
# Where to put combined summary to, consumed by recipes. Also emit
# test expectation only if |merged_test_output| is really used.
gtest_results_test_data = kwargs.pop('step_test_data', None)
if merged_test_output and not gtest_results_test_data:
gtest_results_test_data = (
# The call to collect_task emits two JSON files and a test file:
# 1) a task summary JSON emitted by swarming
# 2) a gtest results JSON emitted by the task
# 3) a log file that stores stdout/stderr of task
# This builds an instance of StepTestData that covers all three.
step_test_data = (
self.test_api.canned_summary_output(shards=task.shards) +
gtest_results_test_data +
self.test_api.merge_script_log_file('Gtest merged successfully'))
return self._default_collect_step(
# HACK: it is assumed that caller used 'api.test_utils.gtest_results'
# placeholder for 'test_launcher_summary_output' parameter when calling
# gtest_task(...). It's not enforced in any way.
step_result = self.m.step.active_result
gtest_results = getattr(step_result.test_utils, 'gtest_results', None)
if gtest_results and gtest_results.raw:
p = step_result.presentation
missing_shards = gtest_results.raw.get('missing_shards') or []
if missing_shards:
step_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.EXCEPTION
for index in missing_shards:
p.links['missing shard #%d' % index] = \
if gtest_results.valid:
p.step_text += self.m.test_utils.format_step_text([
['failures:', gtest_results.failures]
for failure in gtest_results.failures:
p.logs[failure] = gtest_results.logs[failure]
swarming_summary = step_result.swarming.summary
# Show any remaining isolated outputs (such as logcats).
# Note that uses the default summary.json, which
# only has 'outputs_ref' instead of the deprecated 'isolated_out'.
for index, shard in enumerate(swarming_summary.get('shards', [])):
if not shard:
outputs_ref = shard.get('outputs_ref')
if outputs_ref:
link_name = 'shard #%d isolated out' % index
p.links[link_name] = outputs_ref['view_url']
def _merge_isolated_script_perftest_output_shards(self, task, step_result):
# Taken from third_party/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/results/
#, the json entries are as follows:
# result_dict = {
# 'format_version': '0.1',
# 'next_version': '0.2',
# 'benchmark_name':,
# 'benchmark_description': benchmark_metadata.description,
# 'trace_rerun_options': benchmark_metadata.rerun_options,
# 'benchmark_metadata': benchmark_metadata.AsDict(),
# 'charts': charts,
# }
# Therefore, all entries should be the same and we should only need to merge
# the chart from each shard.
collected_results = []
for i in xrange(task.shards):
path = self.m.path.join(str(i), 'perftest-output.json')
if path not in step_result.raw_io.output_dir:
# perf test results were not written for this shard, not an error,
# just continue to the next shard
results_raw = step_result.raw_io.output_dir[path]
perf_results_json = self.m.json.loads(results_raw)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
'error decoding chart JSON results from shard #%d\n%s\n%s' % (
if collected_results:
# If the first result is a dict, we assume that we're dealing with
# chart JSON. By contrast, HistogramSets are serialized as lists.
if isinstance(collected_results[0], dict):
return self._merge_chartjson_results(collected_results), False
elif isinstance(collected_results[0], list):
return self._merge_histogram_results(collected_results), True
return {}, False
def _merge_chartjson_results(self, chartjson_dicts):
merged_results = chartjson_dicts[0]
for chartjson_dict in chartjson_dicts[1:]:
for key in chartjson_dict:
if key == 'charts':
for add_key in chartjson_dict[key]:
merged_results[key][add_key] = chartjson_dict[key][add_key]
return merged_results
def _merge_histogram_results(self, histogram_lists):
merged_results = []
for histogram_list in histogram_lists:
merged_results += histogram_list
return merged_results
def _isolated_script_collect_step(self, task, **kwargs):
"""Collects results for a step that is *not* a googletest, like telemetry.
isolated_script_results_test_data = kwargs.pop('step_test_data', None)
if not isolated_script_results_test_data:
isolated_script_results_test_data = (
passing=True, is_win=self.m.platform.is_win, swarming=True,
use_json_test_format=True, shards=task.shards))
# The call to collect_isolated_script_task emits two JSON files:
# 1) a task summary JSON emitted by swarming
# 2) a test results JSON emitted by the task
# This builds an instance of StepTestData that covers both.
step_test_data = (
self.test_api.canned_summary_output(task.shards) +
isolated_script_results_test_data +
self.test_api.merge_script_log_file('Merged succesfully'))
return self._default_collect_step(
task, step_test_data=step_test_data, **kwargs)
# Regardless of the outcome of the test (pass or fail), we try to parse
# the results. If any error occurs while parsing results, then we set them
# to None, which caller should treat as invalid results.
# Note that try-except block below will not mask the
# recipe_api.StepFailure exception from the collect step above. Instead
# it is being allowed to propagate after the results have been parsed.
step_result = self.m.step.active_result
if step_result is not None:
outdir = filter_outdir(
self.m.json.dumps, step_result.raw_io.output_dir)
outdir_json = self.m.json.dumps(outdir, indent=2)
step_result.presentation.logs['outdir_json'] = outdir_json.splitlines()
step_result.isolated_script_results = step_result.json.output
# Obtain perftest results if present
perftest_results, is_histogramset = \
self._merge_isolated_script_perftest_output_shards(task, step_result)
step_result.isolated_script_perf_results = {
'is_histogramset': is_histogramset,
'data': perftest_results
except Exception as e:
if self.m.step.active_result is not None:
'no_isolated_results_exc'] = [
str(e), '\n', self.m.traceback.format_exc()]
self.m.step.active_result.isolated_script_results = None
def get_step_name(self, prefix, task):
"""SwarmingTask -> name of a step of a waterfall.
Will take a task title (+ step name prefix) and append OS dimension to it.
prefix: prefix to append to task title, like 'trigger'.
task: SwarmingTask instance.
'[<prefix>] <task title> on <OS>'
prefix = '[%s] ' % prefix if prefix else ''
task_os = task.dimensions['os']
bot_os = self.prefered_os_dimension(
suffix = ('' if (
task_os == bot_os or task_os.lower() == or
task_os in task.title)
else ' on %s' % task_os)
# Note: properly detecting dimensions of the bot the recipe is running
# on is somewhat non-trivial. It is not safe to assume it uses default
# or preferred dimensions for its OS. For example, the version of the OS
# can differ.
return ''.join((prefix, task.title, suffix))
def _handle_summary_json(self, task, summary, step_result):
# We store this now, and add links to all shards first, before failing the
# build. Format is tuple of (error message, shard that failed)
infra_failures = []
links = step_result.presentation.links
for index, shard in enumerate(summary['shards']):
url = task.get_shard_view_url(index)
if shard and shard.get('durations'):
duration = shard["durations"][0]
display_text = 'shard #%d (%.1f sec)' % (index, duration)
display_text = 'shard #%d' % index
if not shard or shard.get('internal_failure'):
display_text = (
'shard #%d had an internal swarming failure' % index)
infra_failures.append((index, 'Internal swarming failure'))
elif self._is_expired(shard):
display_text = (
'shard #%d expired, not enough capacity' % index)
index, 'There isn\'t enough capacity to run your test'))
elif self._is_timed_out(shard):
display_text = (
'shard #%d timed out, took too much time to complete' % index)
elif self._get_exit_code(shard) != '0':
display_text = 'shard #%d (failed)' % index
if shard and self.show_isolated_out_in_collect_step:
isolated_out = shard.get('isolated_out')
if isolated_out:
link_name = 'shard #%d isolated out' % index
links[link_name] = isolated_out['view_url']
if url and self.show_shards_in_collect_step:
links[display_text] = url
self._display_pending(summary.get('shards', []), step_result.presentation)
if infra_failures:
template = 'Shard #%s failed: %s'
step_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.EXCEPTION
raise recipe_api.StepFailure(
'\n'.join(template % f for f in infra_failures), result=step_result)
def get_collect_cmd_args(self, task):
"""SwarmingTask -> argument list for '' command."""
args = [
'--swarming', self.swarming_server,
if self.verbose:
args.extend(('--json', self.m.json.input(task.trigger_output)))
if self.service_account_json:
args.extend(['--auth-service-account-json', self.service_account_json])
return args
def _gen_trigger_step_test_data(self, task):
"""Generates an expected value of --dump-json in 'trigger' step.
Used when running recipes to generate test expectations.
# Suffixes of shard subtask names.
subtasks = []
if task.shards == 1:
subtasks = ['']
subtasks = [':%d:%d' % (task.shards, i) for i in range(task.shards)]
return self.m.json.test_api.output({
'base_task_name': task.task_name,
'tasks': {
'%s%s' % (task.task_name, suffix): {
'task_id': '1%02d00' % i,
'shard_index': i,
'view_url': '%s/user/task/1%02d00' % (self.swarming_server, i),
} for i, suffix in enumerate(subtasks)
class SwarmingTask(object):
"""Definition of a task to run on swarming."""
def __init__(self, title, isolated_hash, ignore_task_failure, dimensions,
env, priority, shards, spec_name, buildername, buildnumber,
expiration, user, io_timeout, hard_timeout, idempotent,
extra_args, collect_step, task_output_dir, cipd_packages=None,
build_properties=None, merge=None, trigger_script=None,
named_caches=None, service_account=None, raw_cmd=None,
"""Configuration of a swarming task.
* title: display name of the task, hints to what task is doing. Usually
corresponds to a name of a test executable. Doesn't have to be unique.
* isolated_hash: hash of isolated file that describes all files needed to
run the task as well as command line to launch. See 'isolate' recipe
* ignore_task_failure: whether to ignore the test failure of swarming
* cipd_packages: list of 3-tuples corresponding to CIPD packages needed
for the task: ('path', 'package_name', 'version'), defined as follows:
* path: Path relative to the Swarming root dir in which to install
the package.
* package_name: Name of the package to install,
eg. "infra/tools/luci-auth/${platform}"
* version: Version of the package, either a package instance ID,
ref, or tag key/value pair.
* collect_step: callback that will be called to collect and processes
results of task execution, signature is collect_step(task, **kwargs).
* dimensions: key-value mapping with swarming dimensions that specify
on what Swarming slaves task can run. One important dimension is 'os',
which defines platform flavor to run the task on. See Swarming doc.
* env: key-value mapping with additional environment variables to add to
environment before launching the task executable.
* priority: integer [0, 255] that defines how urgent the task is.
Lower value corresponds to higher priority. Swarming service executes
tasks with higher priority first.
* shards: how many concurrent shards to run, makes sense only for
isolated tests based on gtest. Swarming uses GTEST_SHARD_INDEX
and GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS environment variables to tell the executable
what shard to run.
* spec_name: task spec name. Used in monitoring.
* buildername: buildbot builder this task was triggered from.
* buildnumber: build number of a build this task was triggered from.
* expiration: number of schedule until the task shouldn't even be run if
it hadn't started yet.
* user: user that requested this task, if applicable.
* io_timeout: number of seconds that the task is allowed to not emit any
stdout bytes, after which it is forcibly killed.
* hard_timeout: number of seconds for which the task is allowed to run,
after which it is forcibly killed.
* idempotent: True if the results from a previous task can be reused. E.g.
this task has no side-effects.
* extra_args: list of command line arguments to pass to isolated tasks.
* task_output_dir: if defined, the directory where task results are placed
during the collect step.
* build_properties: An optional dict containing various build properties.
These are typically but not necessarily the properties emitted by
* merge: An optional dict containing:
* "script": path to a script to call to post process and merge the
collected outputs from the tasks.
* "args": an optional list of additional arguments to pass to the
above script.
* trigger_script: An optional dict containing:
* "script": path to a script to call which will use custom logic to
trigger appropriate swarming jobs, using Required.
* "args": an optional list of additional arguments to pass to the
The script will receive the exact same arguments that are normally
passed to calls to ` trigger`, along with any arguments
provided in the "args" entry.
The script is required to output a json file to the location provided
by the --dump-json argument. This json file should describe the
swarming tasks it launched, as well as some information about the
request, which is used when swarming collects the tasks.
If the script launches multiple swarming shards, it needs to pass the
appropriate environment variables to each shard (this is normally done
by trigger). Specifically, each shard should receive
GTEST_SHARD_INDEX, which is its shard index, and
GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS, which is the total number of shards.
This can be done by passing `--env GTEST_SHARD_INDEX [NUM]` and
`--env GTEST_SHARD_SHARDS [NUM]` when calling trigger.
* named_caches: a dict {name: relpath} requesting a cache named `name`
to be installed in `relpath` relative to the task root directory.
* service_account: (string) a service account email to run the task under.
* raw_cmd: Optional list of arguments to be used as raw command. Can be
used instead of extra args.
* env_prefixes: a dict {ENVVAR: [relative, paths]} which instructs
swarming to prepend the given relative paths to the PATH-style ENVVAR
self._trigger_output = None
self.build_properties = build_properties
self.spec_name = spec_name
self.buildername = buildername
self.buildnumber = buildnumber
self.cipd_packages = cipd_packages
self.collect_step = collect_step
self.dimensions = dimensions.copy()
self.env = env.copy()
self.expiration = expiration
self.extra_args = tuple(extra_args or [])
self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
self.idempotent = idempotent
self.ignore_task_failure = ignore_task_failure
self.io_timeout = io_timeout
self.isolated_hash = isolated_hash
self.merge = merge or {}
self.named_caches = named_caches or {}
self.service_account = service_account
self.trigger_script = trigger_script or {}
self.priority = priority
self.raw_cmd = tuple(raw_cmd or [])
self.shards = shards
self.tags = set()
self.task_output_dir = task_output_dir
self.title = title
self.user = user
self.env_prefixes = {
var: list(paths) for var, paths in (env_prefixes or {}).iteritems()}
def task_name(self):
"""Name of this task, derived from its other properties.
The task name is purely to make sense of the task and is not used in any
other way.
out = '%s/%s/%s' % (
self.title, self.dimensions['os'], self.isolated_hash[:10])
if self.buildername:
out += '/%s/%s' % (self.buildername, self.buildnumber or -1)
return out
def trigger_output(self):
"""JSON results of 'trigger' step or None if not triggered."""
return self._trigger_output
def get_shard_view_url(self, index):
"""Returns URL of HTML page with shard details or None if not available.
Works only after the task has been successfully triggered.
if self._trigger_output and self._trigger_output.get('tasks'):
for shard_dict in self._trigger_output['tasks'].itervalues():
if shard_dict['shard_index'] == index:
return shard_dict['view_url']
def get_task_ids(self):
"""Returns task id of all shards.
Works only after the task has been successfully triggered.
task_ids = []
if self._trigger_output and self._trigger_output.get('tasks'):
for shard_dict in self._trigger_output['tasks'].itervalues():
return task_ids