blob: 2250a562ce42098a193d84eb72df8f3ce41bb185 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Closes tree if configured masters have failed tree-closing steps.
Given a list of masters, gatekeeper_ng will get a list of the latest builds from
the specified masters. It then checks if any tree-closing steps have failed, and
if so closes the tree and emails appropriate parties. Configuration for which
steps to close and which parties to notify are in a local gatekeeper.json file.
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
import argparse
import fnmatch
import getpass
import hashlib
import hmac
import httplib2
import itertools
import json
import logging
import operator
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
from slave import build_scan
from slave import build_scan_db
from slave import gatekeeper_ng_config
from master import auth
DATA_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Buildbot status enum.
def get_pwd(password_file):
if os.path.isfile(password_file):
return open(password_file, 'r').read().strip()
return getpass.getpass()
def in_glob_list(value, glob_list):
"""Returns True if 'value' matches any glob in 'glob_list'.
value: (str) The value to search for.
glob_list: (list) A list of glob strings to test.
return any(fnmatch.fnmatch(value, glob)
for glob in glob_list)
def logging_urlopen(url, *args, **kwargs):
return urllib2.urlopen(url, *args, **kwargs)
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
logging.debug('error accessing url %s: %s' % (url, e))
def update_status(tree_message, status_url_root, username, password, simulate):
"""Connects to chromium-status and closes the tree."""
#TODO(xusydoc): append status if status is already closed.
if isinstance(tree_message, unicode):
tree_message = tree_message.encode('utf8')
elif isinstance(tree_message, str):
tree_message = tree_message.decode('utf8')
params = urllib.urlencode({
'message': tree_message,
'username': username,
'password': password
# Standard urllib doesn't raise an exception on 403, urllib2 does.
if not simulate:
status_url = status_url_root + "/status"
with closing(logging_urlopen(status_url, params)):
else:"Simulate: Setting tree [%s] status: %s",
status_url_root, tree_message)'success')
def get_tree_status(status_url_root, username, password):
status_url = status_url_root + "/current?format=json"
with closing(logging_urlopen(status_url)) as f:
data =
return json.loads(data)
except ValueError:
# Failed due to authentication error?
if 'login' not in data:
# Try using bot password to authenticate.
params = urllib.urlencode({
'username': username,
'password': password
with closing(logging_urlopen(status_url, params)) as f:
data =
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 405:
logging.warn("update your chromium_status app.")
return json.loads(data)
def get_builder_section(gatekeeper_section, builder):
"""Returns the applicable gatekeeper config for the builder.
If the builder isn't present or is excluded, return None.
if builder in gatekeeper_section:
builder_section = gatekeeper_section[builder]
elif '*' in gatekeeper_section:
builder_section = gatekeeper_section['*']
return None
if not in_glob_list(builder, builder_section.get('excluded_builders', ())):
return builder_section
return None
def check_builds(master_builds, master_jsons, gatekeeper_config):
"""Given a gatekeeper configuration, see which builds have failed."""
succeeded_builds = []
failed_builds = []
# Sort by buildnumber, highest first.
sorted_builds = sorted(master_builds, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True)
successful_builder_steps = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
current_builds_successful = True
for build_json, master_url, builder, buildnum in sorted_builds:
gatekeeper_sections = gatekeeper_config.get(master_url, [])
for gatekeeper_section in gatekeeper_sections:
section_hash = gatekeeper_ng_config.gatekeeper_section_hash(
gatekeeper = get_builder_section(
gatekeeper_section, build_json['builderName'])
if not gatekeeper:
succeeded_builds.append((master_url, builder, buildnum))
steps = build_json['steps']
excluded_steps = gatekeeper.get('excluded_steps', [])
forgiving_optional = set(
f for f in gatekeeper.get('forgiving_optional', [])
if not in_glob_list(f, excluded_steps))
closing_optional = (
set(gatekeeper.get('closing_optional', [])) | forgiving_optional)
closing_optional = set(
c for c in closing_optional
if not in_glob_list(c, excluded_steps))
tree_notify = set(gatekeeper.get('tree_notify', []))
sheriff_classes = set(gatekeeper.get('sheriff_classes', []))
status_template = gatekeeper.get(
'status_template', gatekeeper_ng_config.DEFAULTS['status_template'])
subject_template = gatekeeper.get(
'subject_template', gatekeeper_ng_config.DEFAULTS[
finished = [s for s in steps if s.get('isFinished')]
close_tree = gatekeeper.get('close_tree', True)
respect_build_status = gatekeeper.get('respect_build_status', False)
# We ignore EXCEPTION and RETRY here since those are usually
# infrastructure-related instead of actual test errors.
successful_steps = set(s['name'] for s in finished
if s.get('results', [FAILURE])[0] != FAILURE)
finished_steps = set(s['name'] for s in finished)
if '*' in forgiving_optional:
forgiving_optional = set(
f for f in finished_steps
if not in_glob_list(f, excluded_steps))
if '*' in closing_optional:
closing_optional = set(
f for f in finished_steps
if not in_glob_list(f, excluded_steps))
failed_steps = finished_steps - successful_steps
unsatisfied_steps = failed_steps & closing_optional
# Build is not yet finished, don't penalize on unstarted/unfinished steps.
if build_json.get('results', None) is None:
unsatisfied_steps &= finished_steps
# If the entire build failed.
if (not unsatisfied_steps and 'results' in build_json and
build_json['results'] == FAILURE and respect_build_status):
unsatisfied_steps.add('[overall build status]')
buildbot_url = master_url
project_name = master_url.split('/')[-1]
if unsatisfied_steps:
failed_builds.append(({'base_url': buildbot_url,
'build': build_json,
'close_tree': close_tree,
'forgiving_steps': forgiving_optional,
'project_name': project_name,
'sheriff_classes': sheriff_classes,
'subject_template': subject_template,
'status_template': status_template,
'tree_notify': tree_notify,
'unsatisfied': unsatisfied_steps,
# If there is a failing step that a newer builder hasn't succeeded on,
# don't open the tree.
still_failing_steps = (
unsatisfied_steps - successful_builder_steps[master_url][builder])
if still_failing_steps:
logging.debug('%s failed on %s, not yet resolved.',
current_builds_successful = False
succeeded_builds.append((master_url, builder, buildnum))
return (list(reversed(failed_builds)), list(reversed(succeeded_builds)),
successful_builder_steps, current_builds_successful)
def propagate_build_status_back_to_db(failure_tuples, success_tuples, build_db):
"""Write back to build_db which finished steps failed or succeeded."""
for _, master_url, builder, buildnum, _ in failure_tuples:
builder_dict = build_db.masters[master_url][builder]
if builder_dict[buildnum].finished:
# pylint: disable=W0212
builder_dict[buildnum] = builder_dict[buildnum]._replace(
for master_url, builder, buildnum in success_tuples:
builder_dict = build_db.masters[master_url][builder]
if builder_dict[buildnum].finished:
# pylint: disable=W0212
builder_dict[buildnum] = builder_dict[buildnum]._replace(
def get_build_properties(build_json, properties):
"""Obtains multiple build_properties from a build.
Sets a property to None if it's not in the build.
properties = set(properties)
result = dict.fromkeys(properties) # Populates dict with {key: None}.
for p in build_json.get('properties', []):
if p[0] in properties:
result[p[0]] = p[1]
return result
def log_section(url, builder, buildnum, section_hash=None):
"""Wraps a code block with information about a build it operates on."""
logging.debug('%sbuilders/%s/builds/%d ----', url, builder, buildnum)
if section_hash:
logging.debug(' section hash: %s', section_hash)
COMMIT_POSITION_REGEX = re.compile(r'(.*)@{#(\d+)}')
def parse_commit_position(prop):
"""Determine if the revision is a SVN revision or a git commit position.
If the revision is a git commit position, return just the numeric part.
if not isinstance(prop, basestring):
return prop
match = COMMIT_POSITION_REGEX.match(prop)
if not match:
return prop
return int(
def convert_revisions_to_positions(property_dict):
"""Given a dictionary of revisions, return a dict of parsed revisions."""
result = {}
for k, v in property_dict.iteritems():
result[k] = parse_commit_position(v)
return result
def reject_old_revisions(failed_builds, build_db):
"""Ignore builds which triggered on revisions older than the current.
triggered_revisions has the format: {'revision': 500}
Each key is a buildproperty that was previously triggered on, and each value
was the value of that key. Note that all keys present in triggered_revisions
are used for the comparison. Only builds where at least one number is greater
than and all numbers are greater than or equal are considered 'new' and are
not rejected by this function. Any change in the set of keys triggers a full
reset of the recorded data. In the common case, triggered_revisions only has
one key ('revision') and rejects all builds where revision is less than or
equal to the last triggered revision.
triggered_revisions = build_db.aux.get('triggered_revisions', {})
if not triggered_revisions:
# There was no previous revision information, so by default keep all
# failing builds.
logging.debug('no previous revision tracking information, '
'keeping all failures.')
return failed_builds
def build_start_time(build):
"""Sorting key that returns a build's build start time.
By using reversed start time, we sort such that the latest builds come
first. This gives us a crude approximation of revision order, which means
we can update triggered_revisions with the highest revision first. Note that
this isn't perfect, but the likelihood of multiple failures occurring in the
same minute is low and multi-revision sorting is potentially error-prone. An
action-log based approach would obviate this hack.
return build['build'].get('times', [None])[0]
kept_builds = []
for build in sorted(failed_builds, key=build_start_time, reverse=True):
builder = build['build']['builderName']
buildnum = build['build']['number']
with log_section(build['base_url'], builder, buildnum):
# get_build_properties will return a dict with all the keys given to it.
# Since we're giving it triggered_revisions.keys(), revisions is
# guaranteed to have the same keys as triggered_revisions.
revisions = convert_revisions_to_positions(get_build_properties(
build['build'], triggered_revisions.keys()))
logging.debug('previous revision information: %s',
logging.debug('current revision information: %s', str(revisions))
if any(x is None for x in revisions.itervalues()):
# The revisions aren't in this build, err on the side of noisy.
logging.debug('Nones detected in revision tracking information, '
'keeping build.')
triggered_revisions = revisions
paired = []
for k in revisions:
paired.append((triggered_revisions[k], revisions[k]))
if all(l <= r for l, r in paired) and any(l < r for l, r in paired):
# At least one revision is greater and all the others are >=, so let
# this revision through.
# TODO(stip): evaluate the greatest revision if we see a stream of
# failures at once.
logging.debug('keeping build')
triggered_revisions = revisions
logging.debug('rejecting build')
build_db.aux['triggered_revisions'] = triggered_revisions
return kept_builds
def debounce_failures(failed_builds, current_builds_successful, build_db):
"""Using trigger information in build_db, make sure we don't double-fire."""
def save_build_failures(master_url, builder, buildnum, section_hash,
section_hash] = unsatisfied
if failed_builds and current_builds_successful:
'All failing steps succeeded in later runs, not closing tree.')
return []
true_failed_builds = []
for build, master_url, builder, buildnum, section_hash in failed_builds:
with log_section(build['base_url'], builder, buildnum, section_hash):
with save_build_failures(master_url, builder, buildnum, section_hash,
build_db_builder = build_db.masters[master_url][builder]
# Determine what the current and previous failing steps are.
prev_triggered = []
if buildnum-1 in build_db_builder:
prev_triggered = build_db_builder[buildnum-1].triggered.get(
section_hash, [])
logging.debug(' previous failing tests: %s', ','.join(
logging.debug(' current failing tests: %s', ','.join(
# Skip build if we already fired (or if the failing tests aren't new).
if section_hash in build_db_builder[buildnum].triggered:
logging.debug(' section has already been triggered for this build, '
new_tests = set(build['unsatisfied']) - set(prev_triggered)
if not new_tests:
logging.debug(' no new steps failed since previous build %d',
logging.debug(' new failing steps since build %d: %s', buildnum,
# If we're here it's a legit failing build.
logging.debug(' build steps: %s', ', '.join(
s['name'] for s in build['build']['steps']))
logging.debug(' build complete: %s', bool(
build['build'].get('results', None) is not None))
logging.debug(' set to close tree: %s', build['close_tree'])
logging.debug(' build failed: %s', bool(build['unsatisfied']))
return true_failed_builds
def parse_sheriff_file(url):
"""Given a sheriff url, download and parse the appropirate sheriff list."""
with closing(logging_urlopen(url)) as f:
line = f.readline()
usernames_matcher_ = re.compile(r'document.write\(\'([\w, ]+)\'\)')
usernames_match = usernames_matcher_.match(line)
sheriffs = set()
if usernames_match:
usernames_str =
if usernames_str != 'None (channel is sheriff)':
for sheriff in usernames_str.split(', '):
if sheriff.count('@') == 0:
sheriff += ''
return sheriffs
def get_sheriffs(classes, base_url):
"""Given a list of sheriff classes, download and combine sheriff emails."""
sheriff_sets = (parse_sheriff_file(base_url % cls) for cls in classes)
return reduce(operator.or_, sheriff_sets, set())
SCOPES = ['']
def _http_req_auth(url, method, body, http):
http = http or httplib2.Http()
resp, content = http.request(url, method, body=body)
return resp.status, content
def submit_email(email_app, build_data, simulate, creds):
"""Submit json to a mailer app which sends out the alert email."""
if simulate:"Simulate: Sending e-mail via [%s]: %s", email_app, build_data)
url = email_app + '/email'
# The data is wrapped because it used to pass other auth data in this message,
# which is now done by service accounts. Theoretically this wrapping should be
# removed, but it requires coordinating a change on the server and client,
# which is complicated.
data = {
'message': json.dumps(build_data, sort_keys=True),
http = httplib2.Http()
if creds:
creds = auth.create_service_account_credentials(creds, SCOPES)
http = creds.authorize(http)
code, content = _http_req_auth(
url, "POST", urllib.urlencode({'json': json.dumps(data)}), http)
if code != 200:
raise Exception('error connecting to email app: code %d %s' % (
code, content))
def open_tree_if_possible(build_db, master_jsons, successful_builder_steps,
current_builds_successful, username, password, status_url_root,
set_status, emoji, simulate):
if not current_builds_successful:
logging.debug('Not opening tree because failing steps were detected.')
previously_failed_builds = []
for master_url, master in master_jsons.iteritems():
for builder in master['builders']:
builder_dict = build_db.masters.get(master_url, {}).get(builder, {})
for buildnum, build in builder_dict.iteritems():
if build.finished:
if not build.succeeded:
if build.triggered:
# See for why the 0 is there.
failing_steps = set(build.triggered.values()[0])
failing_steps = set()
still_failing_steps = (
failing_steps - successful_builder_steps[master_url][builder])
if still_failing_steps:
'%s on %s %s/builders/%s/builds/%d' % (
','.join(still_failing_steps), builder, master_url,
urllib.quote(builder), buildnum))
if previously_failed_builds:
'Not opening tree because previous builds weren\'t successful:')
for build in previously_failed_builds:
logging.debug(' %s' % build)
status = get_tree_status(status_url_root, username, password)
# Don't change the status unless the tree is currently closed.
if status['general_state'] != 'closed':
logging.debug('Not opening tree because it is not closed (%s)'
% status['general_state'])
# Don't override human closures.
closed_tree_key = 'closed_tree-%s' % status_url_root
last_gatekeeper_closure = build_db.aux.get(closed_tree_key)
if last_gatekeeper_closure:
# Line 378 of limits status messages to 500 chars. The
# code replaces the 500th char with a unicode ellipsis, so we effectively
# have 499 chars to work with.
status_limit = 499
if (last_gatekeeper_closure['message'][:status_limit]
!= status['message'][:status_limit]):
'Not opening tree because we didn\'t set the last message: %s vs %s'
% (last_gatekeeper_closure['message'], status['message']))
# Backwards compatability hack.
if not"automatic", status['message'], re.IGNORECASE):
logging.debug('Not opening tree because \'automatic\' was not found in %s'
% status['message'])
return'All builders are green, opening the tree...')
tree_status = 'Tree is open (Automatic)'
if emoji:
random_emoji = random.choice(emoji)
if random_emoji.endswith(')'):
random_emoji += ' '
tree_status = 'Tree is open (Automatic: %s)' % random_emoji'Opening tree with message: \'%s\'' % tree_status)
build_db.aux[closed_tree_key] = {}
if set_status:
update_status(tree_status, status_url_root, username, password, simulate)
else:'set-status not set, not connecting to chromium-status!')
def generate_build_url(build):
"""Creates a URL to reference the build."""
# Luci builds have a view_path.
if 'view_path' in build['build']:
return '' % (
return '%s/builders/%s/builds/%d' % (
def get_results_string(result_value):
"""Returns a string for a BuildBot result value (SUCCESS, FAILURE, etc.)."""
return {
SUCCESS: 'success',
WARNINGS: 'warnings',
FAILURE: 'failure',
SKIPPED: 'skipped',
EXCEPTION: 'exception',
RETRY: 'retry',
}.get(result_value, 'unknown')
def close_tree_if_necessary(build_db, failed_builds, username, password,
status_url_root, set_status, revision_properties,
"""Given a list of failed builds, close the tree if necessary."""
closing_builds = [b for b in failed_builds if b['close_tree']]
if not closing_builds:'no tree-closing failures!')
status = get_tree_status(status_url_root, username, password)
# Don't change the status unless the tree is currently open.
if status['general_state'] != 'open':
return'%d failed builds found, closing the tree...' %
template_build = closing_builds[0]
template_vars = {
'blamelist': ','.join(template_build['build']['blame']),
'build_url': generate_build_url(template_build),
'builder_name': template_build['build']['builderName'],
'project_name': template_build['project_name'],
'unsatisfied': ','.join(template_build['unsatisfied']),
'result': get_results_string(template_build['build'].get('results')),
# First populate un-transformed build properties
revision_props = get_build_properties(template_build['build'],
['revision', 'got_revision', 'buildnumber',])
# Second add in transformed specified revision_properties.
get_build_properties(template_build['build'], revision_properties)))
# Close on first failure seen.
tree_status = template_build['status_template'] % template_vars'closing the tree with message: \'%s\'' % tree_status)
if set_status:
update_status(tree_status, status_url_root, username, password, simulate)
closed_tree_key = 'closed_tree-%s' % status_url_root
build_db.aux[closed_tree_key] = {
'message': tree_status,
else:'set-status not set, not connecting to chromium-status!')
def notify_failures(failed_builds, sheriff_url, default_from_email,
email_app_url, domain, filter_domain,
disable_domain_filter, simulate, creds):
# Email everyone that should be notified.
emails_to_send = []
for failed_build in failed_builds:
waterfall_url = failed_build['base_url'].rstrip('/')
build_url = generate_build_url(failed_build)
project_name = failed_build['project_name']
fromaddr = failed_build['build'].get('fromAddr', default_from_email)
tree_notify = failed_build['tree_notify']
if failed_build['unsatisfied'] <= failed_build['forgiving_steps']:
blamelist = set()
blamelist = set(failed_build['build']['blame'])
sheriffs = get_sheriffs(failed_build['sheriff_classes'], sheriff_url)
watchers = list(tree_notify | blamelist | sheriffs)
build_data = {
'build_url': build_url,
'from_addr': fromaddr,
'project_name': project_name,
'subject_template': failed_build['subject_template'],
'steps': [],
'unsatisfied': list(failed_build['unsatisfied']),
'waterfall_url': waterfall_url,
for field in ['builderName', 'number', 'reason']:
build_data[field] = failed_build['build'][field]
# The default value here is 2. In the case of failing on an unfinished
# build, the build won't have a result yet. As of now, chromium-build treats
# anything as 'not failure' as warning. Since we can't get into
# notify_failures without a failure, it makes sense to have the default
# value be failure (2) here.
build_data['result'] = failed_build['build'].get('results', 2)
build_data['blamelist'] = failed_build['build']['blame']
build_data['changes'] = failed_build['build'].get('sourceStamp', {}).get(
'changes', [])
build_data['revisions'] = [x['revision'] for x in build_data['changes']]
for step in failed_build['build']['steps']:
new_step = {}
for field, default in [('text', ''), ('name', '')]:
new_step[field] = step.get(field) or default
new_step['logs'] = step.get('logs') or []
new_step['started'] = step.get('isStarted', False)
new_step['urls'] = step.get('urls') or {}
new_step['results'] = step.get('results', [0, None])[0]
if email_app_url and watchers:
emails_to_send.append((watchers, json.dumps(build_data, sort_keys=True)))
builder = failed_build['build']['builderName']
buildnum = failed_build['build']['number']
result = failed_build['build'].get('results')
steps = failed_build['unsatisfied']
'to %s: failure with result %s in %s build %s: %s' % (
', '.join(watchers),
if not email_app_url:
logging.warn('no email_app_url specified, no email sent!')
filtered_emails_to_send = []
for email in emails_to_send:
new_watchers = [x if '@' in x else (x + '@' + domain) for x in email[0]]
if not disable_domain_filter:
new_watchers = [x for x in new_watchers if x.split('@')[-1] in
if new_watchers:
filtered_emails_to_send.append((new_watchers, email[1]))
# Deduplicate emails.
keyfunc = lambda x: x[1]
for k, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(filtered_emails_to_send, key=keyfunc),
watchers = list(reduce(operator.or_, [set(e[0]) for e in g], set()))
build_data = json.loads(k)
build_data['recipients'] = watchers
submit_email(email_app_url, build_data, simulate, creds)
def simulate_build_failure(build_db, master, builder, *steps):
master_json = {
'project': {
'buildbotURL': master,
'title': 'Simulated Master',
'builders': [builder],
build_json = (
'builderName': builder,
'number': 0,
'steps': [{
'name': s,
'isFinished': True,
'text': [
'Simulated Build Step',
'logs': [],
} for s in steps],
'results': FAILURE,
'reason': 'simulation',
'blame': ['you'],
build_db.masters.setdefault(master, {})
build_db.masters[master].setdefault(builder, {})
build_db.masters[master][builder][0] = build_scan_db.gen_build(finished=True)
return {master: master_json}, (build_json,)
def get_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Closes the tree if annotated '
'builds fail.')
help='Location of service account credentials. Used to'
'access Milo and Chromium build')
parser.add_argument('--milo-creds', help='DEPRECATED. Use'
parser.add_argument('--build-db', default='build_db.json',
help='records the last-seen build for each builder')
parser.add_argument('--clear-build-db', action='store_true',
help='reset build_db to be empty')
parser.add_argument('--sync-build-db', action='store_true',
help='don\'t process any builds, but update build_db '
'to the latest build numbers')
parser.add_argument('--skip-build-db-update', action='store_true',
help='don\' write to the build_db, overridden by sync and'
' clear db options')
parser.add_argument('--password-file', default='.status_password',
help='password file to update chromium-status')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--set-status', action='store_true',
help='close the tree by connecting to chromium-status')
parser.add_argument('--open-tree', action='store_true',
help='open the tree by connecting to chromium-status')
help='URL for root of the status app')
parser.add_argument('--track-revisions', action='store_true',
help='only close on increasing revisions')
parser.add_argument('--revision-properties', default='revision',
help='comma-separated list of buildproperties to compare '
'revision on.')
parser.add_argument('--status-user', default='',
help='username for the status app')
parser.add_argument('--disable-domain-filter', action='store_true',
help='allow emailing any domain')
parser.add_argument('--filter-domain', default=',',
help='only email users in these comma separated domains')
parser.add_argument('--email-domain', default='',
help='default email domain to add to users without one')
help='URL pattern for the current sheriff list')
parser.add_argument('--parallelism', default=16,
help='up to this many builds can be queried '
help='default email address to send from')
help='URL of the application to send email from')
parser.add_argument('--no-email-app', action='store_true',
help='don\'t send emails')
default=os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'gatekeeper.json'),
help='location of gatekeeper configuration file')
default=os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'gatekeeper_emoji.json'),
help='location of gatekeeper configuration file (None to'
'turn off)')
parser.add_argument('--verify', action='store_true',
help='verify that the gatekeeper config file is correct')
parser.add_argument('--flatten-json', action='store_true',
help='display flattened gatekeeper.json for debugging')
parser.add_argument('--no-hashes', action='store_true',
help='don\'t insert gatekeeper section hashes')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='turn on extra debugging information')
parser.add_argument('master_url', nargs='*',
help='The master URLs to poll.')
group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Testing')
group.add_argument('--simulate-master', metavar='MASTER',
help='Simulate a build failure. This is the name of the '
'master on which the failure occurs.')
group.add_argument('--simulate-builder', metavar='BUILDER',
help='The builder to simulate the failure on.')
group.add_argument('--simulate-step', metavar='NAME', default=[],
help='The steps to simulate completion.')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if args.milo_creds:
if args.service_account_path:
parser.error('only specify one of --milo-creds and'
args.service_account_path = args.milo_creds
args.password = None
if args.no_hashes and not args.flatten_json:
parser.error('specifying --no-hashes doesn\'t make sense without '
if args.verify or args.flatten_json:
return args
if not args:
parser.error('you need to specify at least one master URL')
if args.no_email_app:
args.email_app_url = None
args.filter_domain = args.filter_domain.split(',')
args.master_url = [url.rstrip('/') for url in args.master_url]
return args
def main(argv):
args = get_args(argv)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO)
gatekeeper_config = gatekeeper_ng_config.load_gatekeeper_config(args.json)
if args.verify:
return 0
simulate = bool(args.simulate_master)
if args.flatten_json:
if not args.no_hashes:
gatekeeper_config = gatekeeper_ng_config.inject_hashes(gatekeeper_config)
gatekeeper_ng_config.flatten_to_json(gatekeeper_config, sys.stdout)
return 0
if args.set_status and not simulate:
args.password = get_pwd(args.password_file)
masters = defaultdict(set)
for m in args.master_url:
if m.count(':') > 1:
# Master in master_url:builder,builder format.
http, mname, builderlist = m.split(':', 2)
mastername = ':'.join([http, mname])
# Regular master URL, just add '*'.
if not set(masters) <= set(gatekeeper_config):
print 'The following masters are not present in the gatekeeper config:'
for m in set(masters) - set(gatekeeper_config):
print ' ' + m
return 1
emoji = []
if args.emoji != 'None':
with open(args.emoji) as f:
emoji = json.load(f)
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
logging.warning('Could not load emoji file %s: %s', args.emoji, e)
if args.clear_build_db:
build_db = build_scan_db.gen_db()
build_scan_db.save_build_db(build_db, gatekeeper_config,
build_db = build_scan_db.get_build_db(args.build_db)
if not simulate:
master_jsons, build_jsons = build_scan.get_updated_builds(
masters, build_db, args.parallelism, args.service_account_path)
master_jsons, build_jsons = simulate_build_failure(
build_db, args.simulate_master, args.simulate_builder,
if args.sync_build_db:
build_scan_db.save_build_db(build_db, gatekeeper_config,
return 0
(failure_tuples, success_tuples, successful_builder_steps,
current_builds_successful) = check_builds(
build_jsons, master_jsons, gatekeeper_config)
# Write failure / success information back to the build_db.
propagate_build_status_back_to_db(failure_tuples, success_tuples, build_db)
# opening is an option, mostly to keep the unittests working which
# assume that any setting of status is negative.
if args.open_tree:
open_tree_if_possible(build_db, master_jsons, successful_builder_steps,
current_builds_successful, args.status_user, args.password,
args.status_url, args.set_status, emoji, simulate)
# debounce_failures does 3 things:
# 1. Groups logging by builder
# 2. Selects out the "build" part from the failure tuple.
# 3. Rejects builds we've already warned about (and logs).
new_failures = debounce_failures(failure_tuples,
current_builds_successful, build_db)
if args.track_revisions:
# Only close the tree if it's a newer revision than before.
properties = args.revision_properties.split(',')
triggered_revisions = build_db.aux.get('triggered_revisions', {})
if not triggered_revisions or (
sorted(triggered_revisions) != sorted(properties)):'revision properties have changed from %s to %s. '
'clearing previous data.', triggered_revisions, properties)
build_db.aux['triggered_revisions'] = dict.fromkeys(properties)
new_failures = reject_old_revisions(new_failures, build_db)
close_tree_if_necessary(build_db, new_failures,
args.status_user, args.password,
args.status_url, args.set_status,
notify_failures(new_failures, args.sheriff_url,
args.default_from_email, args.email_app_url,
args.email_domain, args.filter_domain,
args.disable_domain_filter, simulate,
if not args.skip_build_db_update and not simulate:
build_scan_db.save_build_db(build_db, gatekeeper_config,
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':