blob: 9914e70b82c2320422a71afe203b9b8f6d2eeff5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A utility for crash reporting."""
import os
import time
from common import chromium_utils
def print_new_crash_files(new_crash_files):
"""Prints all the new crash files."""
if new_crash_files:
print '\nFound %d new crash file(s), dumping them:' % (
for crash_file in new_crash_files:
print 'File: ' + crash_file
print '=' * (6 + len(crash_file))
for crash_line in open(crash_file):
print ' ' + crash_line.rstrip()
print ''
def list_crash_logs():
"""List all the crash files stored in the user directory."""
reports_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports')
result = [x for x in chromium_utils.LocateFiles('*.crash', reports_dir)]
return result
def wait_for_crash_logs():
"""Sleeps for a while to allow the crash logs to be written.
The crash reporter runs asynchronously out of process, so when a unittest
crashes nothing says the crash log is written immediately. This method is a
hack to allow time for the crash logs to be written. Ninety seconds is picked
from looking at data on the bots."""
# TODO(lakshya): Optimize by polling every 10 seconds for a crash log to be
# available instead of waiting for 90 seconds.
print ('\nNote: Test finished with non zero status, sleeping for 90s to '
'allow crash files to be written.')