blob: becbc3c17d8cd3c075039f6454ba18e07f5ebe83 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import re
import time
import uuid
class Metric(object): # pragma: no cover
def __init__(self, metric_string):
parts = metric_string.split('/')
self.chart_name = None
self.interaction_record_name = None
self.trace_name = None
if len(parts) == 3:
# chart/interaction/trace
self.chart_name = parts[0]
self.interaction_record_name = parts[1]
self.trace_name = parts[2]
if len(parts) == 2:
self.chart_name = parts[0]
if parts[0] != parts[1]:
self.trace_name = parts[1]
def as_pair(self, delimiter=NEW_STYLE_DELIMITER):
"""Returns a pair of strings which represents a metric.
The first part is the chart part, which may contain an interaction record
name if applicable. The second part is the trace part, which is the same
as the first part if we want to get the summary result.
delimiter: The separator between interaction name and chart name.
A pair of strings, or (None, None) if the metric is invalid.
first_part = self.chart_name
if self.interaction_record_name is not None:
first_part = self.interaction_record_name + delimiter + self.chart_name
if self.trace_name is not None:
second_part = self.trace_name
second_part = first_part
return (first_part, second_part)
def _set_output_dir(command, output_dir): # pragma: no cover
new_arg = '--output-dir=' + output_dir
if not '--output-dir' in command:
return '%s %s' % (command, new_arg)
out_dir_regex = re.compile(
r"--output-dir[= ](?P<path>([\"'][^\"']+[\"']|\S+))")
# Backslash escape sequences in the replacement string given to |re.sub| are
# processed -- that is, \t is converted to a tab character, etc. Hence we
# use a placeholder with no backslashes and later replace with str.replace.
command = out_dir_regex.sub(placeholder, command)
return command.replace(placeholder, new_arg)
def _is_telemetry_command(command):
"""Attempts to discern whether or not a given command is running telemetry."""
return 'run_benchmark' in command
def _is_gtest_with_buildbot_output(command):
"""Attempts to discern whether or not a given command is an old style gtest
that generates buildbot output."""
'angle_perftests', 'cc_perftests', 'idb_perf',
'performance_browser_tests', 'load_library_perf_tests', 'media_perftests'
return any([t in command for t in GTESTS_WITH_BUILDBOT_OUTPUT])
def _make_results_dir(api):
new_dir = 'dummy' if api._test_data.enabled else str(uuid.uuid4())
full_path = api.m.path['bisect_results'].join(new_dir)
api.m.file.ensure_directory('results directory', full_path)
return full_path
def run_perf_test(api, test_config, **kwargs):
"""Runs the command N times and parses a metric from the output."""
# TODO(prasadv): Consider extracting out the body of the for loop into
# a helper method, or extract the metric-extraction to make this more
# cleaner.
limit = test_config['max_time_minutes'] * kwargs.get('time_multiplier', 1)
results = {'valueset_paths': [], 'chartjson_paths': [], 'errors': set(),
'retcodes': [], 'stdout_paths': [], 'output': []}
metric = test_config.get('metric')
temp_dir = None
repeat_count = test_config['repeat_count']
command = test_config['command']
use_chartjson = bool('chartjson' in command)
use_valueset = bool('valueset' in command)
use_buildbot = _is_gtest_with_buildbot_output(command)
is_telemetry = _is_telemetry_command(command)
start_time = time.time()
if api.m.chromium.c.TARGET_PLATFORM == 'android' and is_telemetry:
device_serial_number = api.device_to_test;
if device_serial_number:
command += ' --device ' + device_serial_number # pragma: no cover
for i in range(repeat_count):
elapsed_minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
# A limit of 0 means 'no timeout set'.
if limit and elapsed_minutes >= limit: # pragma: no cover
if is_telemetry:
if i == 0 and kwargs.get('reset_on_first_run'):
command += ' --reset-results'
if i == repeat_count - 1 and kwargs.get('upload_on_last_run'):
command += ' --upload-results'
if kwargs.get('results_label'):
command += ' --results-label=%s' % kwargs.get('results_label')
temp_dir = _make_results_dir(api)
if use_chartjson or use_valueset: # pragma: no cover
command = _set_output_dir(command, str(temp_dir))
chartjson_path = temp_dir.join('results-chart.json')
valueset_path = temp_dir.join('results-valueset.json')
if '{CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR}' in command:
command = command.replace(
'{CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR}', str(api.m.chromium.output_dir))
step_name = "Performance Test%s %d of %d" % (
' (%s)' % kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else '', i + 1, repeat_count)
if api.m.platform.is_linux:
os.environ['CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX'] = api.m.path.join(
'/opt', 'chromium', 'chrome_sandbox')
out, err, retcode = _run_command(api, command, step_name, **kwargs)
results['output'].append(out or '')
if out:
# Write stdout to a local temp location for possible buildbot parsing
stdout_path = temp_dir.join('results.txt')
api.m.file.write_text('write buildbot output to disk', stdout_path, out)
if use_buildbot:
if metric:
if use_chartjson:
step_result =
'Reading chartjson results', chartjson_path)
except api.m.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
if step_result.json.output: # pragma: no cover
if use_valueset:
step_result =
'Reading valueset results', valueset_path,
step_test_data=lambda: api.m.json.test_api.output(
except api.m.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
if step_result.json.output:
return results
def _rebase_path(api, file_path):
"""Attempts to make an absolute path for the command.
We want to pass to an absolute path if possible.
if (file_path.startswith('src/') or file_path.startswith('./src/')):
return api.m.path['checkout'].join(
*file_path.split('src', 1)[1].split('/')[1:])
elif (file_path.startswith('src\\') or
file_path.startswith('.\\src\\')): # pragma: no cover
return api.m.path['checkout'].join(
*file_path.split('src', 1)[1].split('\\')[1:])
return file_path
def _run_command(api, command, step_name, **kwargs):
command_parts = command.split()
stdout_proxy = api.m.raw_io.output_text(name='stdout_proxy')
stderr = api.m.raw_io.output_text()
inner_kwargs = {}
if 'step_test_data' in kwargs:
inner_kwargs['step_test_data'] = (
lambda: kwargs['step_test_data']() +
api.m.raw_io.test_api.output_text('benchmark text',
inner_kwargs['step_test_data'] = (
lambda: api.m.raw_io.test_api.output_text('', name='stdout_proxy'))
# TODO(prasadv): Remove this once bisect runs are no longer running
# against revisions from February 2016 or earlier.
env = {}
if 'android-chrome' in command:
env = {'CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR': api.m.chromium.output_dir}
# By default, we assume that the test to run is an executable binary. In the
# case of python scripts, will guess based on the extension.
python_mode = False
if command_parts[0] == 'python': # pragma: no cover
# Dashboard prepends the command with 'python' when on windows, however, it
# is not necessary to pass this along to the invocation.
# TODO(robertocn): Remove this clause when dashboard stops sending python as
# part of the command.
command_parts = command_parts[1:]
python_mode = True
elif _is_telemetry_command(command):
# run_benchmark is a python script without an extension, hence we force
# python mode.
python_mode = True
with api.m.context(env=env):
step_result = api.m.chromium.runtest(
test=_rebase_path(api, command_parts[0]),
step_result.presentation.logs['Captured Output'] = (
step_result.raw_io.output_texts.get('stdout_proxy', '')).splitlines()
except api.m.step.StepFailure as sf:
sf.result.presentation.status = api.m.step.WARNING
sf.result.presentation.logs['Failure Output'] = (
if sf.result.stderr: # pragma: no cover
sf.result.presentation.logs['stderr'] = (
return sf.result.raw_io.output_texts.get('stdout_proxy'), sf.result.stderr, sf.result.retcode
return step_result.raw_io.output_texts.get('stdout_proxy'), step_result.stderr, step_result.retcode