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# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for declaring immutable attr types.
This module provides `attrs` as a replacement for `attr.s` that has the
following differences in behavior.
* The attribute default values are validated when the class is defined,
rather than validation errors occurring when attempting to create on
object that uses the defaults.
* Classes are created frozen, which prevents changing attribute values.
* Classes are created slotted by default, which prevents being able to
assign to undeclared attributes.
* A more helpful exception message is provided when required attributes
are not initialized.
* Parentheses must be used in the decorator even if no arguments are
It provides the following functions for defining attribute values on a
* `attrib` - An attribute with an enforced type.
* `enum_attrib` - An attribute that takes on a fixed set of values.
* `sequence_attrib` - An attribute that takes a sequence of values,
optionally enforcing the type of elements of the sequence. The value
is converted to a tuple.
* `command_args_attrib` - An attribute that takes a sequence of values,
enforcing that all values are of a type that can be passed to the step
API. The value is converted to a `tuple`.
* `mapping_attrib` - An attribute that takes a mapping of keys to
values, optionally enforcing the type of keys and/or values. The value
is converted to a `FrozenDict`.
All of the functions for defining attributes accept a `default` argument
that has the same behavior:
* If `default` is not specified, the attribute is required: a value must
be provided for the attribute when creating an object. In contrast to
`attr.ib`, a required attribute can appear after an optional attribute
or in a class that has a base with an optional attribute; the ordering
of the arguments in `__init__` is not adjusted to account for this, so
it may be necessary to specify it as a keyword argument if values are
not being provided for all preceding optional attributes.
* If `default` is `None`, the attribute is optional: a value does not
need to be provided for the attribute when creating an object. `None`
is an acceptable value in addition to any other values allowed by the
attribute and will be the default value.
* If `default` is not `None`, the attribute is optional: a value does
not need to be provided for the attribute when creating an object.
Values for the attribute will always conform to the definition; the
attribute's default value will be used if provided the value `None`.
The following additional utilities are provided:
* `cached_property` - Like property, but will only be executed once.
* `FieldMapping` - Mixin to provide dict-like access to a class defined
with `attrs`.
import collections
import sys
import attr
from attr import converters, validators
import six
from recipe_engine.config_types import Path
from recipe_engine.types import FrozenDict, freeze
from recipe_engine.util import Placeholder
_NOTHING = object()
def _instance_of(type_, name_qualifier=''):
"""Replacement for validators.instance_of that allows for modifying the name.
This allows for more helpful error messages when referring to subsidiary
portions of values (e.g. keys of a dict).
if type_ == str:
type_ = six.string_types[0]
def inner(obj, attribute, value):
if not isinstance(value, type_):
raise TypeError("'{name}'{name_qualifier} must be {type!r} "
'(got {value!r} that is a {actual!r}).'.format(,
return inner
def _attrib(default, validator, converter=None):
if default is None:
validator = validators.optional(validator)
if converter is not None:
converter = converters.optional(converter)
elif default is _NOTHING:
wrapped_validator = validator or (lambda o, a, v: None)
def validator(obj, attribute, value):
if value is _NOTHING:
raise TypeError(
"No value provided for required attribute '{name}'".format(
wrapped_validator(obj, attribute, value)
wrapped_converter = converter or (lambda x: x)
def converter(x):
return wrapped_converter(converters.default_if_none(default)(x))
return attr.ib(default=default, validator=validator, converter=converter)
def attrib(type_, default=_NOTHING):
"""Declare an immutable scalar attribute.
* type_ - The type of the attribute. Attempting to assign a value
that is not an instance of type_ will fail (except None if default
is None).
* default - The default value of the attribute. See module
documentation for description of the default behavior.
assert type_ is not None
validator = _instance_of(type_)
return _attrib(default, validator)
def enum_attrib(values, default=_NOTHING):
"""Declare an immutable attribute that can take one of a fixed set of
* values - A container containing the allowed values of the
attributes. Attempting to assign a value that is not in values
will fail (except None if default is None).
* default - The default value of the attribute. See module
documentation for description of the default behavior.
values = tuple(values)
validator = validators.in_(values)
return _attrib(default, validator)
def _null_validator(obj, attribute, value):
def sequence_attrib(member_type=None, default=_NOTHING):
"""Declare an immutable attribute containing a sequence of values.
The value will be converted to a tuple. Attempting to assign a value
that is not iterable will fail (except None if default is None).
* member_type - The type of all contained elements of the attribute.
If provided, attempting to assign a value with elements that are
not instances of member_type will fail.
* default - The default value of the attribute. See module
documentation for description of the default behavior.
member_validator = _null_validator
if member_type is not None:
member_validator = _instance_of(member_type, ' members')
validator = validators.deep_iterable(
iterable_validator=_instance_of(tuple), member_validator=member_validator)
def converter(value):
return tuple(value)
except TypeError:
# Let the validator provide a more helpful exception message
return value
return _attrib(default, validator, converter)
def command_args_attrib(default=_NOTHING):
"""Declare an immutable attribute containing a sequence of arguments.
The value will be converted to a tuple. Attempting to assign a value
that is not iterable will fail (except None if default is None). The
allowable values for elements of the iterable are the same as for the
command line for a call to the step api.
* default - The default value of the attribute. See module
documentation for description of the default behavior.
# The set of allowed types should be kept in sync with the types allowed by
# _validate_cmd_list in
arg_types = (int, long, basestring, Path, Placeholder)
return sequence_attrib(member_type=arg_types, default=default)
def mapping_attrib(key_type=None, value_type=None, default=_NOTHING):
"""Declare an immutable attribute containing a mapping of values.
The value will be converted to a FrozenDict (with all contained keys
and values being converted to an immutable type via freeze).
Attempting to assign a value that cannot be used to initialize a dict
will fail.
* key_type - The type of all contained keys of the attribute. If
provided, attempting to assign a value with keys that are not
instances of key_type will fail.
* value_type - The type of all contained values of the attribute. If
provided, attempting to assign a value with values that are not
instances of value_type will fail.
* default - The default value of the attribute. See module
documentation for description of the default behavior.
if default not in _SPECIAL_DEFAULTS:
default = freeze(dict(default))
key_validator = value_validator = _null_validator
if key_type is not None:
key_validator = _instance_of(key_type, ' keys')
if value_type is not None:
value_validator = _instance_of(value_type, ' values')
validator = validators.deep_mapping(
converter = freeze
return _attrib(default, validator, converter)
class _CachedProperty(object):
"""Descriptor for computing cached properties.
See for a description
of how descriptors in python work (information is applicable to
This class implements a non-data descriptor that when invoked for an
instance will call its getter to get its value. It will then set the
value on the instance's attribute. Because it is a non-data
descriptor, instance attributes take precedence, so it will not be
invoked again for the same instance.
getter = attr.ib()
def __get__(self, obj, type_=None):
# Used if someone attempts to access the class attribute
if obj is None: # pragma: no cover
return self
value = freeze(self.getter(obj))
object.__setattr__(obj, self.getter.__name__, value)
return value
def cached_property(getter):
"""Decorator for a method to create a property calculated only once.
The decorator should be applied to a method on a class created using
the attrs decorator. The method must take zero arguments. The first
time the property is accessed, the getter will be called to compute
the value. The value is frozen so that all data accessible via the
containing class is immutable. All subsequent access of the property
will get the same value.
The decorator saves the cost of computing values that are expensive
but also communicates to a reader of the code that for a given object
the value of the property will not change.
The value returned by the getter should not include any mutable state
in its computation so that the value is dependent only on the value of
the containing object. Otherwise, it becomes harder to reason about
what the value will be/what the state was that led to the returned
return _CachedProperty(getter)
def attrs(slots=True, **kwargs):
"""A replacement for attr.s that provides some additional conveniences.
The following conveniences are provided:
* The attribute default values are validated when the class is defined, rather
than validation errors occurring when attempting to create on object that
uses the defaults.
* Classes are created frozen, which prevents changing attribute values.
* Classes are created slotted by default, which prevents being able to assign
to undeclared attributes.
def inner(cls):
cached_properties = None
# If the class is using slots, then we need to take extra steps so that
# there are slots for the cached properties
if slots:
cached_properties = {
a for a, val in cls.__dict__.iteritems()
if isinstance(val, _CachedProperty)
cls = attr.s(frozen=True, slots=slots, **kwargs)(cls)
if slots and cached_properties:
cls = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), {'slots': cached_properties})
for a in attr.fields(cls):
if a.validator is not None and a.default is not _NOTHING:
a.validator(None, a, a.default)
except Exception as e:
message = 'default for ' + e.message
raise type(e)(message), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
return cls
return inner
class FieldMapping(collections.Mapping):
"""Mixin to give attrs-types dict-like access.
An attrs-type that inherits from this mixin can be treated like a
mapping. The mapping will have keys for each of the attrs fields that
are not None, with the key being the name of the field.
This mixin eases transitioning away from raw-dicts to attrs types.
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in attr.fields_dict(type(self)):
value = getattr(self, key)
if value is not None:
return value
raise KeyError(key)
def _non_none_attrs(self):
for k, v in attr.asdict(self).iteritems():
if v is not None:
yield k
def __iter__(self):
return self._non_none_attrs()
def __len__(self):
return sum(1 for a in self._non_none_attrs())