blob: 0eed27fe54829ff0af761c037ba26d4c4f97e28b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A tool to create a compilation index pack and upload it to Google Storage."""
import argparse
import hashlib
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from common import chromium_utils
from contextlib import closing
class IndexPack(object):
"""Class used to create an index pack to be indexed by Kythe."""
def __init__(self, compdb_path, corpus=None, root=None, revision=None,
"""Initializes IndexPack.
compdb_path: path to the compilation database.
corpus: the corpus to use for the generated Kythe VNames, e.g. 'chromium'.
A VName identifies a node in the Kythe index. For more details, see:
root: the root to use for the generated Kythe VNames (optional)
revision: the revision of the files being indexed
out_dir: The output directory from which compilation was run.
if corpus is None:
raise Exception('ERROR: --corpus required')
if revision is None:
raise Exception('ERROR: --revision required')
with open(compdb_path, 'rb') as json_commands_file:
# The list of JSON dictionaries, each describing one compilation unit.
self.json_dictionaries = json.load(json_commands_file)
self.corpus = corpus
self.root = root
self.revision = revision
self.out_dir = out_dir
# Maps from source file name to the SHA256 hash of its content.
self.filehashes = {}
# Maps from source file name to the file size.
self.filesizes = {}
# Create a temporary data directory. The structure is as follows:
# A root directory (arbitrary name) with two subdirectories. The
# subdirectory 'files' should contain all source files involved in any
# compilation unit. The subdirectory 'units' describes the compilation units
# in JSON format.
self.index_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print 'Storing the index pack files in ' + self.index_directory
# Path for the files directory within the index directory
self.files_directory = os.path.join(self.index_directory, 'files')
# Path for the units directory within the index directory
self.units_directory = os.path.join(self.index_directory, 'units')
def close(self):
"""Cleans up any temporary dirs created in the constructor."""
def _GenerateDataFiles(self):
"""A function which produces the data files for the index pack.
Each file is a copy of a source file which is needed for at least one
compilation unit.
# Keeps track of the '*.filepaths' files already processed.
filepaths = set()
# Process all entries in the compilation database.
for entry in self.json_dictionaries:
filepath = os.path.join(entry['directory'], entry['file'] + '.filepaths')
print 'Extract source files from %s' % filepath
# We don't want to fail if one of the filepaths doesn't exist. However we
# keep track of it.
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
print 'missing ' + filepath
# For some reason, the compilation database contains the same targets more
# than once. However we have just one file containing the file paths of
# the involved files. So we can skip this entry if we already processed
# it.
if filepath in filepaths:
# All file paths given in the *.filepaths file are either absolute paths
# or relative to the directory entry in the compilation database.
with open(filepath, 'rb') as filepaths_file:
# Each line in the '*.filepaths' file references the path to a source
# file involved in the compilation.
for line in filepaths_file:
fname = os.path.join(entry['directory'],
line.strip().replace('//', '/'))
# We should not package builtin clang header files, see
if 'third_party/llvm-build' in fname:
if fname not in self.filehashes:
# Derive the new filename from the SHA256 hash.
with open(fname, 'rb') as source_file:
content =
content_hash = hashlib.sha256(content).hexdigest()
self.filehashes[fname] = content_hash
self.filesizes[fname] = len(content)
file_name = os.path.join(self.files_directory, content_hash)
print ' Including source file %s as %s for compilation' % (
fname, file_name)
with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
def _GenerateUnitFiles(self):
"""A function which produces the unit files for the index pack.
A unit file consists of a JSON dump of this format:
'source_file': [<name of the cc or c file>],
'output_key': <path to the file generated by this compilation unit>,
'argument': <list of compilation parameters>,
'v_name': {
'corpus': <a corpus such as chromium>,
'root': <a build config such as chromium-linux>,
'revision': <the hash of the commit containing the files being indexed>,
'required_input': [
'v_name': {
'corpus': <a corpus such as chromium>,
'root': <a build config such as chromium-linux>,
'path': '<path to the source file relative to the root and with
relativizing particles ('.', '..') removed>
'info': {
'path': <path to the source file>,
'digest': <SHA256 hash of the contents of the source file>,
# Keeps track of the '*.filepaths' files already processed.
filepaths = set()
# Process all entries in the compilation database.
for entry in self.json_dictionaries:
filepath = os.path.join(entry['directory'], entry['file'] + '.filepaths')
if not os.path.exists(filepath) or filepath in filepaths:
# For each compilation unit, generate a dictionary in the format described
# above.
unit_dictionary = {}
print 'Generating Translation Unit data for %s' % entry['file']
print 'Compile command: %s' % entry['command']
command_list = entry['command'].split()
# The |command_list| starts with the compiler that was used for the
# compilation. In the unit file we want to have just the parameters passed
# to the compiler (which always needs to be clang/clang++). Currently,
# |command_list| starts with the path to the goma executable followed by
# the path to the clang executable, but it is safe to assume that the
# first entry in the list after the clang executable will be the first
# real parameter.
for i in range(len(command_list)):
if 'clang' in command_list[i]:
# Shorten the list of commands such that it starts after the path to
# the clang executable with the first real parameter.
command_list = command_list[i + 1:]
# Extract the output file argument
output_file = None
for i in range(len(command_list)):
if command_list[i] == '-o' and i + 1 < len(command_list):
output_file = command_list[i + 1]
elif command_list[i].startswith('/Fo'):
# Handle the Windows case.
output_file = command_list[i][len('/Fo'):]
if not output_file:
print 'No output file path found for %s' % entry['file']
required_inputs = []
include_paths = set()
with open(filepath, 'rb') as filepaths_file:
for line in filepaths_file:
fname = line.strip()
# We should not package builtin clang header files, see
if 'third_party/llvm-build' in fname:
# The clang tool uses '//' to separate the system path where system
# headers can be found from the relative path used in the #include
# statement.
if '//' in fname:
path = fname.split('//')
fname = '/'.join(path)
fname_fullpath = os.path.join(entry['directory'], fname)
if fname_fullpath not in self.filesizes:
print 'No information about required input file %s' % fname_fullpath
# Handle absolute paths - when normalizing we assume paths are
# relative to the output directory (e.g. src/out/Debug).
if os.path.isabs(fname):
fname = os.path.relpath(fname, entry['directory'])
normalized_fname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname))
required_input = {
'v_name': {
'corpus': self.corpus,
'path': normalized_fname,
# Add the VName root only if it was specified.
if self.root:
required_input['v_name']['root'] = self.root
required_input['info'] = {
'path': fname,
'digest': self.filehashes[fname_fullpath],
unit_dictionary['source_file'] = [entry['file']]
unit_dictionary['output_key'] = output_file
unit_dictionary['v_name'] = {
'corpus': self.corpus,
# Add the VName root only if it was specified.
if self.root:
unit_dictionary['v_name']['root'] = self.root
unit_dictionary['revision'] = self.revision
# Add the include paths to the list of compile arguments; also disable all
# warnings so that the indexer can run successfully. The job of the
# indexer is to index the code, not to verify it. Warnings we actually
# care about would show up in the compile step. And the -nostdinc++ flag
# tells the indexer that it does not need to add any additional -isystem
# arguments itself.
unit_dictionary['argument'] = (
list(include_paths) + command_list + ['-w', '-nostdinc++']
unit_dictionary['required_input'] = required_inputs
print "Unit argument: %s" % unit_dictionary['argument']
wrapper = {
'unit': unit_dictionary
# Dump the dictionary in JSON format.
unit_file_content = json.dumps(wrapper)
unit_file_content_hash = hashlib.sha256(unit_file_content).hexdigest()
unit_file_path = os.path.join(self.units_directory,
with open(unit_file_path, 'wb') as unit_file:
print 'Wrote compilation unit file %s' % unit_file_path
def GenerateIndexPack(self):
"""Generates the index pack.
An index pack consists of data files (the source and header files) and unit
files (describing one compilation unit each).
# Generate the source files.
# This needs to be called first before calling _GenerateUnitFiles()
# Generate the unit files.
def CreateArchive(self, filepath):
"""Creates a zip archive containing the index pack.
filepath: The filepath where the index pack archive should be stored.
Exception: The zip command failed to create the archive
# Remove the old zip archive (if it exists). This avoids that the new index
# pack is just added to the old zip archive.
if os.path.exists(filepath):
# Run the command in the parent directory of the index pack and use a
# relative path for the index pack to get rid of any path prefix. The format
# specification requires that the archive contains one folder with an
# arbitrary name directly containing the 'units' and 'files' directories.
if chromium_utils.RunCommand(
['zip', '-r', filepath, os.path.basename(self.index_directory)],
cwd=os.path.dirname(self.index_directory)) != 0:
raise Exception('ERROR: failed to create %s, exiting' % filepath)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='path to index pack archive to be generated')
help='path to the compilation database')
help='the kythe corpus to use for the vname')
help='the kythe root to use for the vname')
help='the revision of the files being indexed')
help='the output directory from which compilation is run')
help='keep the .filepaths files used for index pack '
options = parser.parse_args()
print '%s: Index generation...' % time.strftime('%X')
with closing(IndexPack(options.path_to_compdb, options.corpus, options.root,
options.revision, options.out_dir)) as index_pack:
if not options.keep_filepaths_files:
# Clean up the *.filepaths files.
'*.filepaths', os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src'))
# Create the archive containing the generated files.
print '%s: Done.' % time.strftime('%X')
return 0
if '__main__' == __name__: