blob: 234f22bf42ec828c545ad87403371a9a4029e552 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Functions to setup xvfb, which is used by the linux machines.
import os
import platform
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
def _XvfbDisplayIndex(_slave_build_name):
return '9'
def _XvfbPidFilename(slave_build_name):
"""Returns the filename to the Xvfb pid file. This name is unique for each
builder. This is used by the linux builders."""
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
'xvfb-' + _XvfbDisplayIndex(slave_build_name) + '.pid')
def StartVirtualX(slave_build_name, build_dir, with_wm=True, server_dir=None):
"""Start a virtual X server and set the DISPLAY environment variable so sub
processes will use the virtual X server. Also start openbox. This only works
on Linux and assumes that xvfb and openbox are installed.
slave_build_name: The name of the build that we use for the pid file.
E.g., webkit-rel-linux.
build_dir: The directory where binaries are produced. If this is non-empty,
we try running xdisplaycheck from |build_dir| to verify our X
with_wm: Whether we add a window manager to the display too.
server_dir: Directory to search for the server executable.
# We use a pid file to make sure we don't have any xvfb processes running
# from a previous test run.
xdisplaycheck_path = None
if build_dir:
xdisplaycheck_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'xdisplaycheck')
display = ':%s' % _XvfbDisplayIndex(slave_build_name)
# Note we don't add the optional screen here (+ '.0')
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = display
# Parts of Xvfb use a hard-coded "/tmp" for its temporary directory.
# This can cause a failure when those parts expect to hardlink against
# files that were created in "TEMPDIR" / "TMPDIR".
# See:
env = os.environ.copy()
if env.get('TMPDIR') and env['TMPDIR'] != '/tmp':
print 'Overriding TMPDIR to "/tmp" for Xvfb, was: %s' % (env['TMPDIR'],)
env['TMPDIR'] = '/tmp'
if xdisplaycheck_path and os.path.exists(xdisplaycheck_path):
print 'Verifying Xvfb is not running ...'
checkstarttime = time.time()
xdisplayproc = subprocess.Popen([xdisplaycheck_path, '--noserver'],
# Wait for xdisplaycheck to exit.
logs = xdisplayproc.communicate()[0]
if xdisplayproc.returncode == 0:
print 'xdisplaycheck says there is a display still running, exiting...'
raise Exception('Display already present.')
xvfb_lock_filename = '/tmp/.X%s-lock' % _XvfbDisplayIndex(slave_build_name)
if os.path.exists(xvfb_lock_filename):
print 'Removing stale xvfb lock file %r' % xvfb_lock_filename
except OSError as e:
print 'Removing xvfb lock file failed: %s' % e
# Figure out which X server to try.
cmd = 'Xvfb'
if server_dir and os.path.exists(server_dir):
cmd = os.path.join(server_dir, 'Xvfb.' + platform.architecture()[0])
if not os.path.exists(cmd):
cmd = os.path.join(server_dir, 'Xvfb')
if not os.path.exists(cmd):
print 'No Xvfb found in designated server path:', server_dir
raise Exception('No virtual server')
# Start a virtual X server that we run the tests in. This makes it so we can
# run the tests even if we didn't start the tests from an X session.
proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd, display, '-screen', '0', '1280x800x24', '-ac',
'-dpi', '96', '-maxclients', '512'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
xvfb_pid_filename = _XvfbPidFilename(slave_build_name)
open(xvfb_pid_filename, 'w').write(str(
# Verify that Xvfb has started by using xdisplaycheck.
if xdisplaycheck_path and os.path.exists(xdisplaycheck_path):
print 'Verifying Xvfb has started...'
checkstarttime = time.time()
xdisplayproc = subprocess.Popen([xdisplaycheck_path],
# Wait for xdisplaycheck to exit.
logs = xdisplayproc.communicate()[0]
checktime = time.time() - checkstarttime
if xdisplayproc.returncode != 0:
print 'xdisplaycheck failed after %d seconds.' % checktime
print 'xdisplaycheck output:'
for l in logs.splitlines():
print '> %s' % l
rc = proc.poll()
if rc is None:
print 'Xvfb still running, stopping.'
print 'Xvfb exited, code %d' % rc
print 'Xvfb output:'
for l in proc.communicate()[0].splitlines():
print '> %s' % l
raise Exception(logs)
print 'xdisplaycheck succeeded after %d seconds.' % checktime
print 'xdisplaycheck output:'
for l in logs.splitlines():
print '> %s' % l
print '...OK'
if with_wm:
# Some ChromeOS tests need a window manager.
subprocess.Popen('openbox', stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
print 'Window manager (openbox) started.'
print 'No window manager required.'
def StopVirtualX(slave_build_name):
"""Try and stop the virtual X server if one was started with StartVirtualX.
When the X server dies, it takes down the window manager with it.
If a virtual x server is not running, this method does nothing."""
xvfb_pid_filename = _XvfbPidFilename(slave_build_name)
if os.path.exists(xvfb_pid_filename):
xvfb_pid = int(open(xvfb_pid_filename).read())
print 'Stopping Xvfb with pid %d ...' % xvfb_pid
# If the process doesn't exist, we raise an exception that we can ignore.
os.kill(xvfb_pid, signal.SIGKILL)
except OSError:
print '... killing failed, presuming unnecessary.'
print 'Xvfb pid file removed'