Change git cl comments to list robot comments.

In particular, only show robot comments from the latest patchset.

Bug: 924780
Change-Id: I12038ddd2d90a5cb561b248de3fd37908d5b927e
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Quinten Yearsley <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 985c7fb..1923b6a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -684,6 +684,12 @@
   return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path))
+def GetChangeRobotComments(host, change):
+  """Get the line- and file-level robot comments on a change."""
+  path = 'changes/%s/robotcomments' % change
+  return ReadHttpJsonResponse(CreateHttpConn(host, path))
 def AbandonChange(host, change, msg=''):
   """Abandon a gerrit change."""
   path = 'changes/%s/abandon' % change
diff --git a/ b/
index 72a9b92..1631be4 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
 _CommentSummary = collections.namedtuple(
-    '_CommentSummary', ['date', 'message', 'sender',
+    '_CommentSummary', ['date', 'message', 'sender', 'autogenerated',
                         # TODO(tandrii): these two aren't known in Gerrit.
                         'approval', 'disapproval'])
@@ -2112,10 +2112,23 @@
   def GetCommentsSummary(self, readable=True):
     # DETAILED_ACCOUNTS is to get emails in accounts.
+    # CURRENT_REVISION is included to get the latest patchset so that
+    # only the robot comments from the latest patchset can be shown.
     messages = self._GetChangeDetail(
-        options=['MESSAGES', 'DETAILED_ACCOUNTS']).get('messages', [])
+        options=['MESSAGES', 'DETAILED_ACCOUNTS',
+                 'CURRENT_REVISION']).get('messages', [])
     file_comments = gerrit_util.GetChangeComments(
         self._GetGerritHost(), self._GerritChangeIdentifier())
+    robot_file_comments = gerrit_util.GetChangeRobotComments(
+        self._GetGerritHost(), self._GerritChangeIdentifier())
+    # Add the robot comments onto the list of comments, but only
+    # keep those that are from the latest pachset.
+    latest_patch_set = self.GetMostRecentPatchset()
+    for path, robot_comments in robot_file_comments.iteritems():
+      line_comments = file_comments.setdefault(path, [])
+      line_comments.extend(
+          [c for c in robot_comments if c['patch_set'] == latest_patch_set])
     # Build dictionary of file comments for easy access and sorting later.
     # {author+date: {path: {patchset: {line: url+message}}}}
@@ -2123,7 +2136,8 @@
         lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)))
     for path, line_comments in file_comments.iteritems():
       for comment in line_comments:
-        if comment.get('tag', '').startswith('autogenerated'):
+        tag = comment.get('tag', '')
+        if tag.startswith('autogenerated') and 'robot_id' not in comment:
         key = (comment['author']['email'], comment['updated'])
         if comment.get('side', 'REVISION') == 'PARENT':
@@ -2137,48 +2151,58 @@
              str(line) if line else ''))
         comments[key][path][patchset][line] = (url, comment['message'])
-    summary = []
+    summaries = []
     for msg in messages:
-      # Don't bother showing autogenerated messages.
-      if msg.get('tag') and msg.get('tag').startswith('autogenerated'):
-        continue
-      # Gerrit spits out nanoseconds.
-      assert len(msg['date'].split('.')[-1]) == 9
-      date = datetime.datetime.strptime(msg['date'][:-3],
-                                        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
-      message = msg['message']
-      key = (msg['author']['email'], msg['date'])
-      if key in comments:
-        message += '\n'
-      for path, patchsets in sorted(comments.get(key, {}).items()):
-        if readable:
-          message += '\n%s' % path
-        for patchset, lines in sorted(patchsets.items()):
-          for line, (url, content) in sorted(lines.items()):
-            if line:
-              line_str = 'Line %d' % line
-              path_str = '%s:%d:' % (path, line)
-            else:
-              line_str = 'File comment'
-              path_str = '%s:0:' % path
-            if readable:
-              message += '\n  %s, %s: %s' % (patchset, line_str, url)
-              message += '\n  %s\n' % content
-            else:
-              message += '\n%s ' % path_str
-              message += '\n%s\n' % content
+      summary = self._BuildCommentSummary(msg, comments, readable)
+      if summary:
+        summaries.append(summary)
+    return summaries
-      summary.append(_CommentSummary(
-        date=date,
-        message=message,
-        sender=msg['author']['email'],
-        # These could be inferred from the text messages and correlated with
-        # Code-Review label maximum, however this is not reliable.
-        # Leaving as is until the need arises.
-        approval=False,
-        disapproval=False,
-      ))
-    return summary
+  @staticmethod
+  def _BuildCommentSummary(msg, comments, readable):
+    key = (msg['author']['email'], msg['date'])
+    # Don't bother showing autogenerated messages that don't have associated
+    # file or line comments. this will filter out most autogenerated
+    # messages, but will keep robot comments like those from Tricium.
+    is_autogenerated = msg.get('tag', '').startswith('autogenerated')
+    if is_autogenerated and not comments.get(key):
+      return None
+    message = msg['message']
+    # Gerrit spits out nanoseconds.
+    assert len(msg['date'].split('.')[-1]) == 9
+    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(msg['date'][:-3],
+                                      '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+    if key in comments:
+      message += '\n'
+    for path, patchsets in sorted(comments.get(key, {}).items()):
+      if readable:
+        message += '\n%s' % path
+      for patchset, lines in sorted(patchsets.items()):
+        for line, (url, content) in sorted(lines.items()):
+          if line:
+            line_str = 'Line %d' % line
+            path_str = '%s:%d:' % (path, line)
+          else:
+            line_str = 'File comment'
+            path_str = '%s:0:' % path
+          if readable:
+            message += '\n  %s, %s: %s' % (patchset, line_str, url)
+            message += '\n  %s\n' % content
+          else:
+            message += '\n%s ' % path_str
+            message += '\n%s\n' % content
+    return _CommentSummary(
+      date=date,
+      message=message,
+      sender=msg['author']['email'],
+      autogenerated=is_autogenerated,
+      # These could be inferred from the text messages and correlated with
+      # Code-Review label maximum, however this is not reliable.
+      # Leaving as is until the need arises.
+      approval=False,
+      disapproval=False,
+    )
   def CloseIssue(self):
@@ -4156,6 +4180,8 @@
       color = Fore.GREEN
     elif comment.sender == cl.GetIssueOwner():
       color = Fore.MAGENTA
+    elif comment.autogenerated:
+      color = Fore.CYAN
       color = Fore.BLUE
     print('\n%s%s   %s%s\n%s' % (
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c88131b..841a77a 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -655,6 +655,9 @@
     self.mock(git_cl.gerrit_util, 'GetChangeComments',
               lambda *args, **kwargs: self._mocked_call(
                   'GetChangeComments', *args, **kwargs))
+    self.mock(git_cl.gerrit_util, 'GetChangeRobotComments',
+              lambda *args, **kwargs: self._mocked_call(
+                  'GetChangeRobotComments', *args, **kwargs))
     self.mock(git_cl.gerrit_util, 'AddReviewers',
               lambda h, i, reviewers, ccs, notify: self._mocked_call(
                   'AddReviewers', h, i, reviewers, ccs, notify))
@@ -1513,8 +1516,7 @@
           'GetHashTags(%r) == %r, expected %r' % (desc, actual, expected))
-  def test_get_target_ref(self):
-    # Check remote or remote branch not present.
     self.assertEqual(None, git_cl.GetTargetRef('origin', None, 'master'))
     self.assertEqual(None, git_cl.GetTargetRef(None,
@@ -2766,8 +2768,8 @@
   def test_git_cl_comments_fetch_gerrit(self):
     self.mock(sys, 'stdout', StringIO.StringIO())
     self.calls = [
-      ((['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'],), CERR1),
-      ((['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'],), CERR1),
+      ((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
+      ((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
       ((['git', 'config', 'rietveld.upstream-branch'],), CERR1),
       ((['git', 'branch', '-r'],), 'origin/HEAD -> origin/master\n'
@@ -2775,8 +2777,18 @@
       (('GetChangeDetail', '',
+         'CURRENT_COMMIT']), {
         'owner': {'email': ''},
+        'current_revision': 'ba5eba11',
+        'revisions': {
+          'deadbeaf':  {
+            '_number': 1,
+          },
+          'ba5eba11':  {
+            '_number': 2,
+          },
+        },
         'messages': [
              u'_revision_number': 1,
@@ -2835,7 +2847,10 @@
             'message': 'I removed this because it is bad',
-      })
+      }),
+      (('GetChangeRobotComments', '',
+        'infra%2Finfra~1'), {}),
+      ((['git', 'config', '', '2'],), ''),
     ] * 2 + [
       (('write_json', 'output.json', [
@@ -2847,6 +2862,7 @@
               u'  Base, Line 42:' +
               u'c/1/2/codereview.settings#b42\n' +
               u'  I removed this because it is bad\n'),
+          u'autogenerated': False,
           u'approval': False,
           u'disapproval': False,
           u'sender': u''
@@ -2859,6 +2875,7 @@
               u'  PS2, File comment: https://chromium-review.googlesource' +
               u'.com/c/1/2//COMMIT_MSG#\n' +
               u'  Please include a bug link\n'),
+          u'autogenerated': False,
           u'approval': False,
           u'disapproval': False,
           u'sender': u''
@@ -2875,6 +2892,7 @@
             u'c/1/2/codereview.settings#b42\n' +
             u'  I removed this because it is bad\n'),
         date=datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 16, 20, 0, 41, 0),
+        autogenerated=False,
         disapproval=False, approval=False, sender=u''),
@@ -2885,12 +2903,127 @@
             u'c/1/2//COMMIT_MSG#\n' +
             u'  Please include a bug link\n'),
         date=datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 17, 5, 19, 37, 500000),
+        autogenerated=False,
         disapproval=False, approval=False, sender=u''),
-    cl = git_cl.Changelist(codereview='gerrit', issue=1)
+    cl = git_cl.Changelist(
+        codereview='gerrit', issue=1, branchref='refs/heads/foo')
     self.assertEqual(cl.GetCommentsSummary(), expected_comments_summary)
-    self.assertEqual(0, git_cl.main(['comment', '-i', '1',
-                                      '-j', 'output.json']))
+    self.mock(git_cl.Changelist, 'GetBranch', lambda _: 'foo')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        0, git_cl.main(['comments', '-i', '1', '-j', 'output.json']))
+  def test_git_cl_comments_robot_comments(self):
+    # git cl comments also fetches robot comments (which are considered a type
+    # of autogenerated comment), and unlike other types of comments, only robot
+    # comments from the latest patchset are shown.
+    self.mock(sys, 'stdout', StringIO.StringIO())
+    self.calls = [
+      ((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
+      ((['git', 'config', ''],), ''),
+      ((['git', 'config', 'rietveld.upstream-branch'],), CERR1),
+      ((['git', 'branch', '-r'],), 'origin/HEAD -> origin/master\n'
+                                   'origin/master'),
+      ((['git', 'config', 'remote.origin.url'],),
+       ''),
+      (('GetChangeDetail', '',
+        'infra%2Finfra~1',
+         'CURRENT_COMMIT']), {
+        'owner': {'email': ''},
+        'current_revision': 'ba5eba11',
+        'revisions': {
+          'deadbeaf':  {
+            '_number': 1,
+          },
+          'ba5eba11':  {
+            '_number': 2,
+          },
+        },
+        'messages': [
+          {
+             u'_revision_number': 1,
+             u'author': {
+               u'_account_id': 1111084,
+               u'email': u'',
+               u'name': u'Commit Bot'
+             },
+             u'date': u'2017-03-15 20:08:45.000000000',
+             u'id': u'f5a6c25ecbd3b3b54a43ae418ed97eff046dc50b',
+             u'message': u'Patch Set 1:\n\nDry run: CQ is trying the patch...',
+             u'tag': u'autogenerated:cq:dry-run'
+          },
+          {
+             u'_revision_number': 1,
+             u'author': {
+               u'_account_id': 123,
+               u'email': u'',
+               u'name': u'Tricium'
+             },
+             u'date': u'2017-03-16 20:00:41.000000000',
+             u'id': u'f5a6c25ecbd3b3b54a43ae418ed97eff046d1234',
+             u'message': u'(1 comment)',
+             u'tag': u'autogenerated:tricium',
+          },
+          {
+             u'_revision_number': 1,
+             u'author': {
+               u'_account_id': 123,
+               u'email': u'',
+               u'name': u'Tricium'
+             },
+             u'date': u'2017-03-16 20:00:41.000000000',
+             u'id': u'f5a6c25ecbd3b3b54a43ae418ed97eff046d1234',
+             u'message': u'(1 comment)',
+             u'tag': u'autogenerated:tricium',
+          },
+          {
+             u'_revision_number': 2,
+             u'author': {
+               u'_account_id': 123 ,
+               u'email': u'',
+               u'name': u'reviewer'
+             },
+             u'date': u'2017-03-17 05:30:37.000000000',
+             u'tag': u'autogenerated:tricium',
+             u'id': u'f5a6c25ecbd3b3b54a43ae418ed97eff046d4568',
+             u'message': u'(1 comment)',
+          },
+        ]
+      }),
+      (('GetChangeComments', '',
+        'infra%2Finfra~1'), {}),
+      (('GetChangeRobotComments', '',
+        'infra%2Finfra~1'), {
+        'codereview.settings': [
+          {
+            u'author': {u'email': u''},
+            u'updated': u'2017-03-17 05:30:37.000000000',
+            u'robot_run_id': u'5565031076855808',
+            u'robot_id': u'Linter/Category',
+            u'tag': u'autogenerated:tricium',
+            u'patch_set': 2,
+            u'side': u'REVISION',
+            u'message': u'Linter warning message text',
+            u'line': 32,
+          },
+        ],
+      }),
+      ((['git', 'config', '', '2'],), ''),
+    ]
+    expected_comments_summary = [
+       git_cl._CommentSummary(date=datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 17, 5, 30, 37),
+         message=(
+           u'(1 comment)\n\ncodereview.settings\n'
+           u'  PS2, Line 32:'
+           u'c/1/2/codereview.settings#32\n'
+           u'  Linter warning message text\n'),
+         sender=u'',
+         autogenerated=True, approval=False, disapproval=False)
+    ]
+    cl = git_cl.Changelist(
+        codereview='gerrit', issue=1, branchref='refs/heads/foo')
+    self.assertEqual(cl.GetCommentsSummary(), expected_comments_summary)
   def test_get_remote_url_with_mirror(self):
     original_os_path_isdir = os.path.isdir