blob: 2e4e13e3bd387b5d524df798bf542cb31895e428 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Recipe module to ensure a checkout is consistent on a bot."""
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
class BotUpdateApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def __init__(self, properties, patch_issue, patch_set,
repository, patch_repository_url, gerrit_ref, patch_ref,
patch_gerrit_url, revision, parent_got_revision,
deps_revision_overrides, fail_patch, *args, **kwargs):
self._apply_patch_on_gclient = properties.get(
'apply_patch_on_gclient', True)
self._issue = patch_issue
self._patchset = patch_set
self._repository = repository or patch_repository_url
self._gerrit_ref = gerrit_ref or patch_ref
self._gerrit = patch_gerrit_url
self._revision = revision
self._parent_got_revision = parent_got_revision
self._deps_revision_overrides = deps_revision_overrides
self._fail_patch = fail_patch
self._last_returned_properties = {}
super(BotUpdateApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, name, cmd, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for easy calling of bot_update."""
assert isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple))
bot_update_path = self.resource('')
kwargs.setdefault('infra_step', True)
with self.m.depot_tools.on_path():
return self.m.python(name, bot_update_path, cmd, **kwargs)
def last_returned_properties(self):
return self._last_returned_properties
# TODO(tandrii): refactor this into tryserver.maybe_apply_patch
def apply_gerrit_ref(self, root, gerrit_no_reset=False,
gerrit_repo=None, gerrit_ref=None,
step_name='apply_gerrit', **kwargs):
apply_gerrit_path = self.resource('')
kwargs.setdefault('infra_step', True)
cmd = [
'--gerrit_repo', gerrit_repo or self._repository,
'--gerrit_ref', gerrit_ref or self._gerrit_ref or '',
'--root', str(root),
if gerrit_no_reset:
if gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref:
env_prefixes = {
'PATH': [self.m.depot_tools.root],
with self.m.context(env_prefixes=env_prefixes):
return self.m.python(step_name, apply_gerrit_path, cmd, **kwargs)
def ensure_checkout(self, gclient_config=None, suffix=None,
patch=True, update_presentation=True,
patch_root=None, no_shallow=False,
with_branch_heads=False, with_tags=False, refs=None,
patch_oauth2=None, oauth2_json=None,
use_site_config_creds=None, clobber=False,
root_solution_revision=None, rietveld=None, issue=None,
patchset=None, gerrit_no_reset=False,
disable_syntax_validation=False, manifest_name=None,
gclient_config: The gclient configuration to use when running bot_update.
If omitted, the current gclient configuration is used.
disable_syntax_validation: (legacy) Disables syntax validation for DEPS.
Needed as migration paths for recipes dealing with older revisions,
such as bisect.
manifest_name: The name of the manifest to upload to LogDog. This must
be unique for the whole build.
assert use_site_config_creds is None, "use_site_config_creds is deprecated"
assert rietveld is None, "rietveld is deprecated"
assert issue is None, "issue is deprecated"
assert patchset is None, "patchset is deprecated"
assert patch_oauth2 is None, "patch_oauth2 is deprecated"
assert oauth2_json is None, "oauth2_json is deprecated"
refs = refs or []
# We can re-use the gclient spec from the gclient module, since all the
# data bot_update needs is already configured into the gclient spec.
cfg = gclient_config or self.m.gclient.c
assert cfg is not None, (
'missing gclient_config or forgot api.gclient.set_config(...) before?')
# Construct our bot_update command. This basically be inclusive of
# everything required for bot_update to know:
root = patch_root
if root is None:
root = self.m.gclient.calculate_patch_root('patch_project'), cfg, self._repository)
if patch:
patchset = patchset or self._patchset
gerrit_repo = self._repository
gerrit_ref = self._gerrit_ref
# The trybot recipe sometimes wants to de-apply the patch. In which case
# we pretend the issue/patchset never existed.
gerrit_repo = gerrit_ref = None
# The gerrit_ref and gerrit_repo must be together or not at all. If one is
# missing, clear both of them.
if not gerrit_ref or not gerrit_repo:
gerrit_repo = gerrit_ref = None
assert (gerrit_ref != None) == (gerrit_repo != None)
# Allow patch_project's revision if necessary.
# This is important for projects which are checked out as DEPS of the
# gclient solution.
self.m.gclient.set_patch_project_revision('patch_project'), cfg)
reverse_rev_map = self.m.gclient.got_revision_reverse_mapping(cfg)
flags = [
# What do we want to check out (spec/root/rev/reverse_rev_map).
['--spec-path', self.m.raw_io.input(
['--patch_root', root],
['--revision_mapping_file', self.m.json.input(reverse_rev_map)],
['--git-cache-dir', cfg.cache_dir],
['--cleanup-dir', self.m.path['cleanup'].join('bot_update')],
# How to find the patch, if any
['--gerrit_repo', gerrit_repo],
['--gerrit_ref', gerrit_ref],
# Hookups to JSON output back into recipes.
['--output_json', self.m.json.output()],
# Compute requested revisions.
revisions = {}
for solution in
if solution.revision:
revisions[] = solution.revision
elif solution ==[0]:
# TODO(machenbach): We should explicitly pass HEAD for ALL solutions
# that don't specify anything else.
revisions[] = (
self._parent_got_revision or
self._revision or
if self.m.gclient.c and self.m.gclient.c.revisions:
# Only update with non-empty values. Some recipe might otherwise
# overwrite the HEAD default with an empty string.
(k, v) for k, v in self.m.gclient.c.revisions.iteritems() if v)
if and root_solution_revision:
revisions[[0].name] = root_solution_revision
# Allow for overrides required to bisect into rolls.
# Compute command-line parameters for requested revisions.
# Also collect all fixed revisions to simulate them in the json output.
# Fixed revision are the explicit input revisions of, i.e.
# every command line parameter "--revision name@value".
fixed_revisions = {}
for name, revision in sorted(revisions.items()):
fixed_revision = self.m.gclient.resolve_revision(revision)
if fixed_revision:
fixed_revisions[name] = fixed_revision
if fixed_revision.upper() == 'HEAD':
# Sync to correct destination branch if HEAD was specified.
fixed_revision = self._destination_branch(cfg, name)
# If we're syncing to a ref, we want to make sure it exists before
# trying to check it out.
if fixed_revision.startswith('refs/'):
# Handle the "ref:revision" syntax, e.g.
# refs/branch-heads/4.2:deadbeef
flags.append(['--revision', '%s@%s' % (name, fixed_revision)])
for ref in refs:
assert not ref.startswith('refs/remotes/'), (
'The "refs/remotes/*" syntax is not supported.\n'
'The "remotes" syntax is dependent on the way the local repo is '
'configured, and while there are defaults that can often be '
'assumed, there is no guarantee the mapping will always be done in '
'a particular way.')
# Add extra fetch refspecs.
for ref in refs:
flags.append(['--refs', ref])
# Filter out flags that are None.
cmd = [item for flag_set in flags
for item in flag_set if flag_set[1] is not None]
if clobber:
if no_shallow:
if with_branch_heads or cfg.with_branch_heads:
if with_tags or cfg.with_tags:
if gerrit_no_reset:
if gerrit_no_rebase_patch_ref:
if disable_syntax_validation or cfg.disable_syntax_validation:
if not self._apply_patch_on_gclient:
# Inject Json output for testing.
first_sln =[0].name
step_test_data = lambda: self.test_api.output_json(
root, first_sln, reverse_rev_map, self._fail_patch,
name = 'bot_update'
if not patch:
name += ' (without patch)'
if suffix:
name += ' - %s' % suffix
# Ah hah! Now that everything is in place, lets run bot_update!
step_result = None
# 87 and 88 are the 'patch failure' codes for patch download and patch
# apply, respectively. We don't actually use the error codes, and instead
# rely on emitted json to determine cause of failure.
step_result = self(
name, cmd, step_test_data=step_test_data,
ok_ret=(0, 87, 88), **kwargs)
except self.m.step.StepFailure as f:
step_result = f.result
if step_result and step_result.json.output:
result = step_result.json.output
self._last_returned_properties = step_result.json.output.get(
'properties', {})
if update_presentation:
# Set properties such as got_revision.
for prop_name, prop_value in (
self.last_returned_properties.iteritems()):[prop_name] = prop_value
# Add helpful step description in the step UI.
if 'step_text' in result:
step_text = result['step_text']
step_result.presentation.step_text = step_text
# Export the step results as a Source Manifest to LogDog.
if manifest_name:
if not patch:
# The param "patched" is purely cosmetic to mean "if false, this
# bot_update run exists purely to unpatch an existing patch".
manifest_name += '_unpatched'
manifest_name, result.get('source_manifest', {}))
# Set the "checkout" path for the main solution.
# This is used by the Chromium module to figure out where to look for
# the checkout.
# If there is a patch failure, emit another step that said things
# failed.
if result.get('patch_failure'):
return_code = result.get('patch_apply_return_code')
patch_body = result.get('failed_patch_body')
if return_code == 3:
# This is download failure, hence an infra failure.
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
'Patch failure', 'Git reported a download failure')
# This is actual patch failure.
'Patch failure', 'See attached log. Try rebasing?')
except self.m.step.StepFailure as e:
if patch_body:
e.result.presentation.logs['patch error'] = (
raise e
# bot_update actually just sets root to be the folder name of the
# first solution.
if result['did_run'] and 'checkout' not in self.m.path:
co_root = result['root']
cwd = self.m.context.cwd or self.m.path['start_dir']
self.m.path['checkout'] = cwd.join(*co_root.split(self.m.path.sep))
return step_result
def _destination_branch(self, cfg, path):
"""Returns the destination branch of a CL for the matching project
if available or HEAD otherwise.
This is a noop if there's no Gerrit CL associated with the run.
Otherwise this queries Gerrit for the correct destination branch, which
might differ from master.
cfg: The used gclient config.
path: The DEPS path of the project this prefix is for. E.g. 'src' or
'src/v8'. The query will only be made for the project that matches
the CL's project.
A destination branch as understood by if available
and if different from master, returns 'HEAD' otherwise.
# Bail out if this is not a gerrit issue.
if (not self.m.tryserver.is_gerrit_issue or
not self._gerrit or not self._issue):
return 'HEAD'
# Ignore other project paths than the one belonging to the CL.
if path != cfg.patch_projects.get('patch_project'),
([0].name, None))[0]:
return 'HEAD'
# Query Gerrit to check if a CL's destination branch differs from master.
destination_branch = self.m.gerrit.get_change_destination_branch(
# Only use prefix if different from's default.
return destination_branch if destination_branch != 'master' else 'HEAD'
def _resolve_fixed_revisions(self, bot_update_json):
"""Set all fixed revisions from the first sync to their respective
got_X_revision values.
If on the first sync, a revision was requested to be HEAD, this avoids
using HEAD potentially resolving to a different revision on the second
sync. Instead, we sync explicitly to whatever was checked out the first
Example (chromium trybot used with v8 patch):
First sync was called with --revision src@abc --revision src/v8@HEAD
Fixed revisions are: src, src/v8
Got_revision_mapping: src->got_revision, src/v8->got_v8_revision
got_revision = abc, got_v8_revision = deadbeef
Second sync will be called with --revision src@abc --revision src/v8@deadbeef
Example (chromium trybot used with chromium DEPS change, changing v8 from
"v8_before" to "v8_after"):
First sync was called with --revision src@abc
Fixed revisions are: src
Got_revision_mapping: src->got_revision, src/v8->got_v8_revision
got_revision = abc, got_v8_revision = v8_after
Second sync will be called with --revision src@abc
When deapplying the patch, v8 will be synced to v8_before.
for name in bot_update_json.get('fixed_revisions', {}):
rev_properties = self.get_project_revision_properties(name)
if (rev_properties and
self.m.gclient.c.revisions[name] = str(
# TODO(machenbach): Replace usages of this method eventually by direct calls
# to the manifest output.
def get_project_revision_properties(self, project_name, gclient_config=None):
"""Returns all property names used for storing the checked-out revision of
a given project.
project_name (str): The name of a checked-out project as deps path, e.g.
src or src/v8.
gclient_config: The gclient configuration to use. If omitted, the current
gclient configuration is used.
Returns (list of str): All properties that'll hold the checked-out revision
of the given project. An empty list if no such properties exist.
cfg = gclient_config or self.m.gclient.c
# Sort for determinism. We might have several properties for the same
# project, e.g. got_revision and got_webrtc_revision.
rev_reverse_map = self.m.gclient.got_revision_reverse_mapping(cfg)
return sorted(
for prop, project in rev_reverse_map.iteritems()
if project == project_name
def deapply_patch(self, bot_update_step):
"""Deapplies a patch, taking care of DEPS and solution revisions properly.
bot_update_json = bot_update_step.json.output
# We only override first solution here to make sure that we correctly revert
# changes to DEPS file, which is particularly important for auto-rolls. It
# is also imporant that we do not assume that corresponding revision is
# stored in the 'got_revision' as some gclient configs change the default
# mapping for their own purposes.
first_solution_name =[0].name
rev_property = self.get_project_revision_properties(first_solution_name)[0]
self.m.gclient.c.revisions[first_solution_name] = str(
self.ensure_checkout(patch=False, update_presentation=False)