blob: 6cfba8c26d79ab4a29549241fc55c0c9d9dd6c44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import cStringIO
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import git_cache
except ImportError:
for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
if (os.path.basename(p) == 'depot_tools' and
os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, ''))):
import git_cache
# Show more information about the commands being executed.
# The longest any single subprocess will be allowed to run.
TIMEOUT = 40 * 60
class AbnormalExit(Exception):
class StdioBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, name, out_queue):
self.closed = False
self.line_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() = name
self.out_q = out_queue
def write(self, msg):
"""Write into the buffer. Only one thread should call write() at a time."""
assert not self.closed
# We can use '\n' instead of os.linesep because universal newlines is
# set to true below.
if '\n' in msg:
# We can assert that lines is at least 2 items if '\n' is present.
lines = self.line_buffer.getvalue().split('\n')
for line in lines[:-1]:
self.out_q.put('%s> %s' % (, line))
self.line_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
def close(self):
# Empty out the line buffer.
self.closed = True
def GetStatusOutput(cmd, cwd=None, out_buffer=None):
"""Return (status, output) of executing cmd in a shell."""
print >> sys.stderr, ''
print >> sys.stderr, '[DEBUG] Running "%s"' % cmd
def _thread_main():
thr = threading.current_thread()
thr.status = -1
thr.stdout = ''
thr.stderr = '<timeout>'
if out_buffer:
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
while True:
buf =
if buf == '\r': # We want carriage returns in Linux to be newlines.
buf = '\n'
if not buf:
stdout = ''
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True,
cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
(stdout, _) = proc.communicate()
except Exception, e:
thr.status = -1
thr.stdout = ''
thr.stderr = repr(e)
thr.status = proc.returncode
thr.stdout = stdout
thr.stderr = ''
thr = threading.Thread(target=_thread_main)
thr.daemon = True
# pylint: disable=E1101
short_output = ' '.join(thr.stdout.splitlines())
short_output = short_output.strip(' \t\n\r')
print >> sys.stderr, (
'[DEBUG] Output: %d, %-60s' % (thr.status, short_output))
return (thr.status, thr.stdout)
def Git(git_repo, command, is_mirror=False, out_buffer=None):
"""Execute a git command within a local git repo."""
if is_mirror:
if git_repo:
cmd = 'git --git-dir=%s %s' % (git_repo, command)
cmd = 'git %s' % command
cwd = None
cmd = 'git %s' % command
cwd = git_repo
(status, output) = GetStatusOutput(cmd, cwd, out_buffer)
# For Abnormal Exit, Windows returns -1, Posix returns 128.
if status in [-1, 128]:
raise AbnormalExit('Failed to run %s. Exited Abnormally. output %s' %
(cmd, output))
elif status != 0:
raise Exception('Failed to run %s. error %d. output %s' % (cmd, status,
return (status, output)
def Clone(git_url, git_repo, is_mirror, out_buffer=None):
"""Clone a repository."""
cmd = 'clone'
if is_mirror:
cmd += ' --mirror'
cmd += ' %s %s' % (git_url, git_repo)
if not is_mirror and not os.path.exists(git_repo):
return Git(None, cmd, is_mirror=is_mirror, out_buffer=out_buffer)
def PopulateCache(git_url, shallow=False, print_fn=None):
# --shallow by default checks out 10000 revision, but for really large
# repos like adobe ones, we want significantly less than 10000.
depth = None
if shallow and 'adobe' in git_url:
depth = 10
mirror = git_cache.Mirror(git_url, print_func=print_fn)
mirror.populate(depth=depth, shallow=shallow, bootstrap=True,
verbose=True, ignore_lock=True)
return mirror.mirror_path
def Fetch(git_repo, git_url, is_mirror):
"""Fetch the latest objects for a given git repository."""
# Always update the upstream url
Git(git_repo, 'config remote.origin.url %s' % git_url)
Git(git_repo, 'fetch origin', is_mirror)
def Ping(git_repo, verbose=False):
"""Confirm that a remote repository URL is valid."""
status, stdout = GetStatusOutput('git ls-remote ' + git_repo)
if status != 0 and verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, stdout
return status == 0
def CreateLessThanOrEqualRegex(number):
""" Return a regular expression to test whether an integer less than or equal
to 'number' is present in a given string.
# In three parts, build a regular expression that match any numbers smaller
# than 'number'.
# For example, 78656 would give a regular expression that looks like:
# Part 1
# (78356| # 78356
# Part 2
# 7835[0-5]| # 78350-78355
# 783[0-4][0-9]| # 78300-78349
# 78[0-2][0-9][0-9]| # 78000-78299
# 7[0-7][0-9][0-9][0-9]| # 70000-77999
# [0-6][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]| # 10000-69999
# Part 3
# [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]| # 1000-9999
# [0-9][0-9][0-9]| # 100-999
# [0-9][0-9]| # 10-99
# [0-9]) # 0-9
# Part 1: Create an array with all the regexes, as described above.
# Prepopulate it with the number itself.
number = str(number)
expressions = [number]
# Convert the number to a list, so we can translate digits in it to
# expressions.
num_list = list(number)
num_len = len(num_list)
# Part 2: Go through all the digits in the number, starting from the end.
# Each iteration appends a line to 'expressions'.
for index in range (num_len - 1, -1, -1):
# Convert this digit back to an integer.
digit = int(num_list[index])
# Part 2.1: No processing if this digit is a zero.
if digit == 0:
# Part 2.2: We switch the current digit X by a range "[0-(X-1)]".
num_list[index] = '[0-%d]' % (digit - 1)
# Part 2.3: We set all following digits to be "[0-9]".
# Since we just decrementented a digit in a most important position, all
# following digits don't matter. The possible numbers will always be smaller
# than before we decremented.
for next_digit in range(index + 1, num_len):
num_list[next_digit] = '[0-9]'
# Part 2.4: Add this new sub-expression to the list.
# Part 3: We add all the full ranges to match all numbers that are at least
# one order of magnitude smaller than the original numbers.
for index in range(1, num_len):
# All done. We now have our final regular expression.
regex = '(%s)' % ('|'.join(expressions))
return regex
class SearchError(Exception):
def _SearchImpl(git_repo, svn_rev, is_mirror, refspec, fetch_url, regex):
def _FindRevForCommitish(git_repo, commitish, is_mirror):
_, output = Git(git_repo, 'cat-file commit %s' % commitish, is_mirror)
match = re.match(r'git-svn-id: [^\s@]+@(\d+) \S+$', output.splitlines()[-1])
if match:
return int(
# The last commit isn't from svn, but maybe the repo was converted to pure
# git at some point, so the last svn commit is somewhere farther back.
_, output = Git(
git_repo, ('log -E --grep="^git-svn-id: [^@]*@[0-9]* [A-Za-z0-9-]*$" '
'-1 --format="%%H" %s') % commitish, is_mirror)
assert output, 'no match on %s' % commitish
# Check if svn_rev is newer than the current refspec revision.
found_rev = _FindRevForCommitish(git_repo, refspec, is_mirror)
# Sometimes this fails because it's looking in a branch that hasn't been
# fetched from upstream yet. Let it fetch and try again.
except AbnormalExit:
found_rev = None
if (not found_rev or found_rev < int(svn_rev)) and fetch_url:
print >> sys.stderr, (
'Fetching %s %s [%s < %s]' % (git_repo, refspec, found_rev, svn_rev))
Fetch(git_repo, fetch_url, is_mirror)
found_rev = _FindRevForCommitish(git_repo, refspec, is_mirror)
# Find the first commit matching the given git-svn-id regex.
_, output = Git(
('log -E --grep="^git-svn-id: [^@]*@%s [A-Za-z0-9-]*$" '
'-1 --format="%%H" %s') % (regex, refspec),
output = output.strip()
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$', output):
raise SearchError('Cannot find revision %s in %s:%s' % (svn_rev, git_repo,
# Check if it actually matched the svn_rev that was requested.
found_rev = _FindRevForCommitish(git_repo, output, is_mirror)
found_msg = svn_rev
if found_rev != int(svn_rev):
found_msg = '%s [actual: %s]' % (svn_rev, found_rev)
print >> sys.stderr, '%s: %s <-> %s' % (git_repo, output, found_msg)
return output
def SearchExact(git_repo, svn_rev, is_mirror, refspec='FETCH_HEAD',
"""Return the Git commit id exactly matching the given SVN revision.
If fetch_url is not None, will update repo if revision is newer."""
regex = str(svn_rev)
return _SearchImpl(git_repo, svn_rev, is_mirror, refspec, fetch_url, regex)
def Search(git_repo, svn_rev, is_mirror, refspec='FETCH_HEAD', fetch_url=None):
"""Return the Git commit id fuzzy matching the given SVN revision.
If fetch_url is not None, will update repo if revision is newer."""
regex = CreateLessThanOrEqualRegex(svn_rev)
return _SearchImpl(git_repo, svn_rev, is_mirror, refspec, fetch_url, regex)