blob: 049c82fb5f9f77fdccbca1e76652c7ea098357b5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Initializes all the perf directories.
import os
import sys
SystemTitles = {
'chromium-rel-mac5-clang': 'Chromium Mac 10.5 (clang)',
'chromium-rel-mac6-clang': 'Chromium Mac 10.6 (clang)',
'linux-debug': 'Linux Perf (debug)',
'linux-release': 'Chromium Linux',
'linux-release-64': 'Chromium Linux 64',
'linux-release-hardy': 'Linux Perf',
'linux-release-lowmem': 'Linux Perf (lowmem)',
'linux-release-memory': 'Chromium Linux Memory',
'linux-release-webkit-latest': 'Linux Perf (webkit-latest)',
'linux-targets': 'Linux Target Builds',
'mac-debug': 'Mac Perf (debug)',
'mac-release': 'Mac Perf',
'mac-release-10.5': 'Mac 10.5 Perf',
'mac-release-10.5-v8-latest': 'Chromium Mac 10.5 (v8-latest)',
'mac-release-10.5-webkit-latest': 'Mac 10.5 Perf (webkit-latest)',
'mac-release-10.6': 'Mac 10.6 Perf',
'mac-release-10.6-v8-latest': 'Chromium Mac 10.6 (v8-latest)',
'mac-release-10.6-webkit-latest': 'Mac 10.6 Perf (webkit-latest)',
'mac-release-memory': 'Chromium Mac Memory',
'mac-release-old-10.6': 'Old Mac 10.6 Perf',
'mac-targets': 'Mac Target Builds',
'nacl-lucid-32-bare-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Lucid32 Bare Glibc Opt',
'nacl-lucid-32-bare-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Lucid32 Bare Newlib Opt',
'nacl-lucid-64-bare-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Lucid64 Bare Glibc Opt',
'nacl-lucid-64-bare-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Lucid64 Bare Newlib Opt',
'nacl-lucid_64-newlib-arm_qemu-pnacl-spec': 'NaCl Lucid64 Newlib Arm Qemu Pnacl Spec',
'nacl-lucid_64-newlib-x86_32-pnacl-spec': 'NaCl Lucid64 Newlib x86_32 Pnacl Spec',
'nacl-lucid_64-newlib-x86_32-spec': 'NaCl Lucid64 Newlib x86_32 Spec',
'nacl-lucid_64-newlib-x86_64-pnacl-spec': 'NaCl Lucid64 Newlib x86_64 Pnacl Spec',
'nacl-lucid_64-newlib-x86_64-spec': 'NaCl Lucid64 Newlib x86_64 Spec',
'nacl-lucid64-pnacl-translator': 'NaCl Lucid64 Pnacl Translator',
'nacl-lucid64-spec-arm': 'NaCl Lucid64 Spec ARM',
'nacl-lucid64-spec-trans': 'NaCl Lucid64 Spec Trans',
'nacl-lucid64-spec-x86': 'NaCl Lucid64 Spec x86',
'nacl-mac10.5-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Mac10.5 Glibc Opt',
'nacl-mac10.5-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Mac10.5 Newlib Opt',
'nacl-mac10.6-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Mac10.6 Glibc Opt',
'nacl-mac10.6-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Mac10.6 Newlib Opt',
'nacl-win7-32-bare-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Win7 32bit Bare Glibc Opt',
'nacl-win7-32-bare-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Win7 32bit Bare Newlib Opt',
'nacl-win7-64-bare-glibc-opt': 'NaCl Win7 64bit Bare Glibc Opt',
'nacl-win7-64-bare-newlib-opt': 'NaCl Win7 64bit Bare Newlib Opt',
'nacl-xp-bare-glibc-opt': 'NaCl XP Bare Glibc Opt',
'nacl-xp-bare-newlib-opt': 'NaCl XP Bare Newlib Opt',
'vista-release-dual-core': 'Vista Perf',
'vista-release-single-core': 'Vista Perf (single)',
'vista-release-v8-latest': 'Vista Perf (v8-latest)',
'vista-release-webkit-latest': 'Vista Perf (webkit-latest)',
'win-release-chrome-frame': 'Chrome Frame Win',
'win-targets': 'Windows Target Builds',
'xp-debug': 'XP Perf (debug)',
'xp-release': 'Chromium XP',
'xp-release-dual-core': 'XP Perf',
'xp-release-memory': 'Chromium XP Memory',
'xp-release-single-core': 'XP Perf (single)',
'xp-release-v8-latest': 'XP Perf (v8-latest)',
'xp-release-webkit-latest': 'XP Perf (webkit-latest)',
TestTitles = {
'bloat-http': 'Bloat - HTTP',
'chrome_frame_perf': 'Chrome Frame Perf',
'coverage': 'Code Coverage',
'database': 'Page Cycler Database',
'dhtml': 'Page Cycler DHTML',
'dom_perf': 'Dom',
'dromaeo_domcore': 'Dromaeo DOMCore',
'dromaeo_jslib': 'Dromaeo JSLib',
'frame_rate': 'Frame Rate',
'indexeddb': 'Page Cycler IndexedDB',
'intl1': 'Page Cycler Intl1',
'intl2': 'Page Cycler Intl2',
'memory': 'Memory',
'media_perf': 'Media Perf',
'morejs': 'Page Cycler Morejs',
'moz': 'Page Cycler Moz',
'moz-http': 'Page Cycler Moz - HTTP',
'nacl-perf': 'NaCl Perf',
'new-tab-ui-cold': 'New Tab Cold',
'new-tab-ui-warm': 'New Tab Warm',
'resource_sizes': 'Resource Sizes',
'sizes': 'Sizes',
'spec2k': 'Spec2K',
'startup': 'Startup',
'sunspider': 'SunSpider',
'tab-switching': 'Tab Switching',
'targets': 'Target Build Times',
'v8_benchmark': 'V8 Benchmark',
# Template contents of a config.js file. One of these gets created in
# each subdirectory for a given perf test, identified with the system
# that it's part of and an appropriate title.
var Config = {
buildslave: '%(system_title)s',
title: '%(title)s',
changeLinkPrefix: '%(base_url)s/perf/dashboard/ui/changelog.html?url=/trunk/src&mode=html&range=',
coverageLinkPrefix: '%(base_url)s/coverage/%(system_dir)s/',
('details.html', '../../dashboard/ui/details.html'),
('report.html', '../../dashboard/ui/generic_plotter.html'),
('js', '../../dashboard/ui/js'),
# Descriptions for optional detail tabs
'view-pages': 'Pages',
'view-coverage': 'Coverage',
def TestInit(perf_dir, system_title, test_title):
for slink, target in DEFAULT_SYMLINK_LIST:
slink = os.path.join(perf_dir, slink)
# Remove the old symlinks first. Catch exceptions on the
# assumption that this is the first time and the symlink
# doesn't exist. If it's due to some other problem, the
# symlink creation afterwards will fail for us.
except EnvironmentError:
os.symlink(target, slink)
contents = CONFIG_TEMPLATE % {
'base_url': BASE_URL,
'system_title': system_title,
'title': test_title,
'system_dir': os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(perf_dir)),
# Add detail tabs to config
if os.path.basename(perf_dir) in ('coverage'):
detail_tabs = ['view-coverage']
elif os.path.basename(perf_dir) in ('sizes', 'targets'):
detail_tabs = []
detail_tabs = ['view-pages']
contents += " detailTabs: { 'view-change': 'CL'"
for tab in detail_tabs:
contents += ", '%s': '%s'" % (tab, DETAIL_TAB_DESC.get(tab, tab))
contents += ' }\n'
open(os.path.join(perf_dir, 'config.js'), 'w').write(contents)
def main():
# Find the script's directory and cd there.
main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Find all of the system directories.
for system_dir in os.listdir('.'):
# Skip the entry if it's not a directory or should be ignored.
if not os.path.isdir(system_dir) or system_dir not in SystemTitles:
os.chmod(system_dir, 0755)
system_title = SystemTitles[system_dir]
# Find all of the test directories.
for test_dir in os.listdir(system_dir):
# Skip the entry if it's not in our mapping of test titles.
if test_dir not in TestTitles:
test_title = TestTitles[test_dir]
perf_dir = os.path.join(system_dir, test_dir)
os.chmod(perf_dir, 0755)
TestInit(perf_dir, system_title, test_title)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':