blob: aed288f8c500630754a8b09f33da9c42cbc5c641 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <chromeos/constants/imageloader.h>
#include <libimageloader/manifest.h>
#include "dlcservice/metadata/metadata_interface.h"
#include "dlcservice/types.h"
#include "dlcservice/utils/utils_interface.h"
namespace dlcservice {
// DLC LVM related fields.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcLogicalVolumePrefix[];
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcLogicalVolumeSlotA[];
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcLogicalVolumeSlotB[];
// DLC powerwash safe meta file.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcPowerwashSafeFile[];
// Default DLC package name.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kPackage[];
// Default DLC manifest name.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kManifestName[];
// DLC cryptohome daemon-store path.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcDaemonStorePath[];
// Redacted DLC package.
BRILLO_EXPORT extern const char kDlcRedactedPackage[];
class BRILLO_EXPORT Utils : public UtilsInterface {
Utils() = default;
~Utils() = default;
Utils(const Utils&) = delete;
Utils& operator=(const Utils&) = delete;
// Overrides of `UtilsInterface`.
std::string LogicalVolumeName(const std::string& id,
PartitionSlot slot) override;
std::string LogicalVolumeNameToId(const std::string& lv_name) override;
bool HashFile(const base::FilePath& path,
int64_t size,
std::vector<uint8_t>* sha256,
bool skip_size_check) override;
std::shared_ptr<imageloader::Manifest> GetDlcManifest(
const std::string& id, const base::FilePath& dlc_manifest_path) override;
DlcIdList GetSupportedDlcIds(const base::FilePath& metadata_path) override;
base::FilePath MakeAbsoluteFilePath(const base::FilePath& path) override;
bool WaitForGid(const base::FilePath& target_path, int target_gid) override;
bool InitializeDlcMetadata(const base::FilePath& path);
std::shared_ptr<imageloader::Manifest> GetDlcManifestInternal(
const std::string& id);
std::shared_ptr<imageloader::Manifest> GetDlcManifestFallback(
const base::FilePath& dlc_manifest_path,
const std::string& id,
const std::string& package);
std::unique_ptr<metadata::MetadataInterface> metadata_;
// Wrapper functions to ease transitions/usages.
BRILLO_EXPORT std::string LogicalVolumeName(
const std::string& id,
PartitionSlot slot,
std::unique_ptr<UtilsInterface> utils = std::make_unique<Utils>());
BRILLO_EXPORT bool HashFile(
const base::FilePath& path,
int64_t size,
std::vector<uint8_t>* sha256,
bool skip_size_check = false,
std::unique_ptr<UtilsInterface> utils = std::make_unique<Utils>());
BRILLO_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<imageloader::Manifest> GetDlcManifest(
const std::string& id,
const base::FilePath& dlc_manifest_path,
std::unique_ptr<UtilsInterface> utils = std::make_unique<Utils>());
} // namespace dlcservice