blob: 6ec6682e30a931b70ee99b7dc6e29ab346018a9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/status_or.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/threading/future_combinators.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/threading/poll.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
// Creates a Future<T> from P, a subclass of FuturePollable<T>.
// T generally is a primitive (e.g. int, string, double) or structs of
// primitives but any can also be any moveable type.
// This function follows the same pattern of std::make_unique, std::make_shared
// etc.
template <typename P, typename... Args, typename T = typename P::PollT>
Future<T> MakeFuture(Args... args) {
return Future<T>(
std::unique_ptr<FuturePollable<T>>(new P(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
// A value of type T which is computed asynchronously.
// The result of long running compute/IO operations may not be available
// immediately. This class acts as a representation of the value which will be
// produced at some point in the future. Callers can then be notified of the
// result once it's available to be processed.
// This class takes heavy inspiration from the implementation of Futures in
// Rust. Specifically, this implementation is:
// - pull-based/lazy: Futures do nothing until "polled" i.e. driven to
// completion by a base::TaskRunner. The implementation of this is provided
// by base::TaskRunnerPoller.
// - backpressured: because futures are "polled", the result is only
// requested when it can be processed on the base::TaskRunner thread.
// - cancellable: by just destroying the future the computation can be
// cancelled. Note, that the implementation of the source future still needs
// to propogate cancellation across thread/socket/pipe boundary.
// Note: Futures *must* be polled on the same thread on which they were created.
// The |SpawnResultFuture| can be used to move the results of Futures between
// threads in a safe manner.
// Implementation note:
// An important point to note is that Future<T> is a final class. Implementation
// of Future<T>::Poll happens through an indirection layer by implementing the
// FuturePollable<T> interface. This allows for the
// unique_ptr<FuturePollable<T>> to be hidden, making callsites nicer while
// also allowing useful "helper" functions like |ContinueWith| to live on the
// class rather than as free functions.
template <typename T>
class Future final {
using PollT = T;
// Creates a Future from a |FuturePollable<T>|. Prefer using |MakeFuture|
// instead of this function.
explicit Future(std::unique_ptr<FuturePollable<T>> pollable)
: pollable_(std::move(pollable)) {}
// Intentionally implicit to allow for ergonomic definition of functions
// returning Future<T> for any T.
Future(T item) : pollable_(new ImmediateImpl<T>(std::move(item))) {}
// Intentionally implicit to allow for egonomic definition of functions
// returning Future<StatusOr<T>> by simply returning ErrStatus.
// The enable_if is necessary because this definition is the same as the above
// constructor in cases where T = base::Status.
template <typename U = T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<Status, U>>>
Future(Status status) : Future(T(std::move(status))) {}
// Intentionally implicit to allow for egonomic definition of functions
// returning Future<StatusOr<T>> by simply returning T.
template <typename U = T, typename = typename U::value_type>
Future(typename U::value_type val) : Future(T(std::move(val))) {}
// Operator used to chain operations on Futures. The result T produced by
// |this| is passed to |fn| which itself returns a Future<U>. The return value
// of this function is a Future<U> which encapsulates both the operation done
// by |this| as well as by the Future<U> returned by |fn|.
// Usage:
// ```
// Future<int> MySpecialFutureFn();
// Future<std::string> IntToStringInBackground(int);
// MySpecialFutureFn().ContinueWith([](int x) -> Future<std::string> {
// return IntToStringInBackground(x);
// });
// ```
template <typename Function /* Future<U>(T) */,
typename U = FutureReturn<Function, T>>
Future<U> ContinueWith(Function fn) && {
return MakeFuture<ContinueWithImpl<Function, T>>(std::move(*this),
// Checks if the computation backing this Future<T> has finished.
// Returns a FuturePollResult<T> which is a essentially a
// variant<PendingPollResult, T>. If PendingPollResult is returned, |ctx| will
// be used to register interest in the various fds which are "blocking" this
// future from finishing. If T is returned, Poll *must not* be called again.
FuturePollResult<T> Poll(PollContext* ctx) { return pollable_->Poll(ctx); }
// TOOD(lalitm): if performance becomes a problem, this can be changed to
// something more efficient e.g. either storage in a stack allocated buffer
// or with bump-pointer allocation. In the current usage this is not a
// performance bottleneck and so this is not important enough to invest time
// into fixing.
std::unique_ptr<FuturePollable<T>> pollable_;
// Alias to shorten type defintions for Future<Status> which is common in
// the codebase.
using StatusFuture = Future<Status>;
// Alias to shorten type defintions for Future<StatusOr<T>> which is common
// in the codebase.
template <typename T>
using StatusOrFuture = Future<StatusOr<T>>;
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto