blob: ce468fbdc4a26c723b50664c72cab7c6bfed32a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/export.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// All metrics protos are in this directory. When loading metric extensions, the
// protos are mounted onto a virtual path inside this directory.
constexpr char kMetricProtoRoot[] = "protos/perfetto/metrics/";
// Enum which encodes how trace processor should try to sort the ingested data.
// Note that these options are only applicable to proto traces; other trace
// types (e.g. JSON, Fuchsia) use full sorts.
enum class SortingMode {
// This option allows trace processor to use built-in heuristics about how to
// sort the data. Generally, this option is correct for most embedders as
// trace processor reads information from the trace to make the best decision.
// The exact heuristics are implementation details but will ensure that all
// relevant tables are sorted by timestamp.
// This is the default mode.
kDefaultHeuristics = 0,
// This option forces trace processor to wait for all trace packets to be
// passed to it before doing a full sort of all the packets. This causes any
// heuristics trace processor would normally use to ingest partially sorted
// data to be skipped.
kForceFullSort = 1,
// This option is deprecated in v18; trace processor will ignore it and
// use |kDefaultHeuristics|.
// Rationale for deprecation:
// The new windowed sorting logic in trace processor uses a combination of
// flush and buffer-read lifecycle events inside the trace instead of
// using time-periods from the config.
// Recommended migration:
// Users of this option should switch to using |kDefaultHeuristics| which
// will act very similarly to the pre-v20 behaviour of this option.
// This option is scheduled to be removed in v21.
kForceFlushPeriodWindowedSort = 2
// Enum which encodes which event (if any) should be used to drop ftrace data
// from before this timestamp of that event.
enum class DropFtraceDataBefore {
// Drops ftrace data before timestmap specified by the
// TracingServiceEvent::tracing_started packet. If this packet is not in the
// trace, no data is dropped. If preserve_ftrace_buffer (from the trace
// config) is set, no data is dropped.
// Note: this event was introduced in S+ so no data will be dropped on R-
// traces.
// This is the default approach.
kTracingStarted = 0,
// Retains all ftrace data regardless of timestamp and other events.
kNoDrop = 1,
// Drops ftrace data before timestmap specified by the
// TracingServiceEvent::all_data_sources_started. If this packet is not in the
// trace, no data is dropped.
// This option can be used in cases where R- traces are being considered and
// |kTracingStart| cannot be used because the event was not present.
kAllDataSourcesStarted = 2
// Specifies whether the ftrace data should be "soft-dropped" until a given
// global timestamp, meaning we'll still populate the |ftrace_events| table
// and some other internal storage, but won't persist derived info such as
// slices. See also |DropFtraceDataBefore| above.
// Note: this might behave in surprising ways for traces using >1 tracefs
// instances, but those aren't seen in practice at the time of writing.
enum class SoftDropFtraceDataBefore {
// Drop until the earliest timestamp covered by all per-cpu event bundles.
// In other words, the maximum of all per-cpu "valid from" timestamps.
// Important for correct parsing of traces where the ftrace data is written
// into a central perfetto buffer in ring-buffer mode (as opposed to discard
// mode).
kAllPerCpuBuffersValid = 0,
// Keep all events (though DropFtraceDataBefore still applies).
kNoDrop = 1
// Enum which encodes which timestamp source (if any) should be used to drop
// track event data before this timestamp.
enum class DropTrackEventDataBefore {
// Retain all track events. This is the default approach.
kNoDrop = 0,
// Drops track events before the timestamp specified by the
// TrackEventRangeOfInterest trace packet. No data is dropped if this packet
// is not present in the trace.
kTrackEventRangeOfInterest = 1,
// Struct for configuring a TraceProcessor instance (see trace_processor.h).
// Indicates the sortinng mode that trace processor should use on the passed
// trace packets. See the enum documentation for more details.
SortingMode sorting_mode = SortingMode::kDefaultHeuristics;
// When set to false, this option makes the trace processor not include ftrace
// events in the raw table; this makes converting events back to the systrace
// text format impossible. On the other hand, it also saves ~50% of memory
// usage of trace processor. For reference, Studio intends to use this option.
// Note: "generic" ftrace events will be parsed into the raw table even if
// this flag is false and all other events which parse into the raw table are
// unaffected by this flag.
bool ingest_ftrace_in_raw_table = true;
// Indicates the event which should be used as a marker to drop ftrace data in
// the trace before that event. See the enum documentation for more details.
DropFtraceDataBefore drop_ftrace_data_before =
// Specifies whether the ftrace data should be "soft-dropped" until a given
// global timestamp.
SoftDropFtraceDataBefore soft_drop_ftrace_data_before =
// Indicates the source of timestamp before which track events should be
// dropped. See the enum documentation for more details.
DropTrackEventDataBefore drop_track_event_data_before =
// Any built-in metric proto or sql files matching these paths are skipped
// during trace processor metric initialization.
std::vector<std::string> skip_builtin_metric_paths;
// When set to true, the trace processor analyzes trace proto content, and
// exports the field path -> total size mapping into an SQL table.
// The analysis feature is hidden behind the flag so that the users who don't
// need this feature don't pay the performance costs.
// The flag has no impact on non-proto traces.
bool analyze_trace_proto_content = false;
// When set to true, trace processor will be augmented with a bunch of helpful
// features for local development such as extra SQL fuctions.
// Note that the features behind this flag are subject to breakage without
// backward compability guarantees at any time.
bool enable_dev_features = false;
// Sets developer-only flags to the provided values. Does not have any affect
// unless |enable_dev_features| = true.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> dev_flags;
// Represents a dynamically typed value returned by SQL.
// Represents the type of the value.
enum Type {
kNull = 0,
kLastType = kBytes,
SqlValue() = default;
static SqlValue Long(int64_t v) {
SqlValue value;
value.long_value = v;
value.type = Type::kLong;
return value;
static SqlValue Double(double v) {
SqlValue value;
value.double_value = v;
value.type = Type::kDouble;
return value;
static SqlValue String(const char* v) {
SqlValue value;
value.string_value = v;
value.type = Type::kString;
return value;
static SqlValue Bytes(const void* v, size_t size) {
SqlValue value;
value.bytes_value = v;
value.bytes_count = size;
value.type = Type::kBytes;
return value;
double AsDouble() const {
PERFETTO_CHECK(type == kDouble);
return double_value;
int64_t AsLong() const {
PERFETTO_CHECK(type == kLong);
return long_value;
const char* AsString() const {
PERFETTO_CHECK(type == kString);
return string_value;
const void* AsBytes() const {
PERFETTO_CHECK(type == kBytes);
return bytes_value;
bool is_null() const { return type == Type::kNull; }
// Up to 1 of these fields can be accessed depending on |type|.
union {
// This string will be owned by the iterator that returned it and is valid
// as long until the subsequent call to Next().
const char* string_value;
int64_t long_value;
double double_value;
const void* bytes_value;
// The size of bytes_value. Only valid when |type == kBytes|.
size_t bytes_count = 0;
Type type = kNull;
// Data used to register a new SQL module.
struct SqlModule {
// Must be unique among modules, or can be used to override existing module if
// |allow_module_override| is set.
std::string name;
// Pairs of strings used for |IMPORT| with the contents of SQL files being
// run. Strings should only contain alphanumeric characters and '.', where
// string before the first dot has to be module name.
// It is encouraged that import key should be the path to the SQL file being
// run, with slashes replaced by dots and without the SQL extension. For
// example, 'android/camera/jank.sql' would be imported by
// ''.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> files;
// If true, SqlModule will override registered module with the same name. Can
// only be set if enable_dev_features is true, otherwise will throw an error.
bool allow_module_override = false;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto