blob: aca66a3cbcebe15f6ec10d229a2a790f07e1559f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// These protos are only for use in tests of the PublicReplication logic. This
// allows testing different cases, e.g. invalid PublicReplication schemas,
// without relying on actual protos.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos.config.public_replication.testdata;
option go_package = "";
import "chromiumos/config/public_replication/public_replication.proto";
message PublicReplicationTestdata {
chromiumos.config.public_replication.PublicReplication public_replication = 1;
string str1 = 2;
string str2 = 3;
map<string, int32> map1 = 4;
message WrapperTestdata1 {
int32 n1 = 1;
PublicReplicationTestdata pr_testdata = 2;
repeated PublicReplicationTestdata repeated_pr_testdata = 3;
message WrapperTestdata2 {
WrapperTestdata1 wrapper_testdata1 = 1;
message WrapperTestdata3 {
chromiumos.config.public_replication.PublicReplication public_replication = 1;
bool b1 = 2;
PublicReplicationTestdata pr_testdata = 3;
message RecursiveMessage {
bool b1 = 1;
RecursiveMessage recursive_message = 2;
message PrivateMessage {
message Config {
message Test {
bool bools = 1;
repeated Test payload = 1;
Config config = 1;
message NestedPrivateMessage {
PrivateMessage nested_messages = 1;
message NestedRepeatedPrivateMessage {
repeated PrivateMessage nested_messages = 1;