blob: 96f4c42a7d588642b50b61aa496f196209b7abb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos.test.artifact;
option go_package = "";
import "chromiumos/storage_path.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/provision_state.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/test_case_metadata.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/test_case_result.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/api/v1/plan.proto";
import "chromiumos/test/lab/api/dut.proto";
// Captures artifact for test result.
// NEXT TAG: 4
message TestResult {
// Captures the test result artifact version.
uint32 version = 1;
// List of test runs.
repeated TestRun test_runs = 2;
// Test plan ids associated with the test result.
repeated chromiumos.test.api.v1.HWTestPlan.TestPlanId test_plan_ids = 3;
// Captures information regarding a test run.
// NEXT TAG: 8
message TestRun {
// Metadata related to test case and execution context.
chromiumos.test.api.TestCaseMetadata test_case_metadata = 1;
// Result of a single execution of a given test case.
chromiumos.test.api.TestCaseResult test_case_result = 2;
// List of paths to the result artifacts that are used to derive test result
// information.
repeated chromiumos.StoragePath logs_info = 3;
// The topology of the connected devices under test. The DUT topology
// represents the hardware specs of devices and includes a full list of
// available DUTs of a given schedule-able unit (e.g. swarming bot) from
// inventory server.
// Multi-dut Sarming bot example:
// For multi-dut testing, it's possible that only a subset of DUTs are used
// to run tests. In addition, only those DUT that are used for testing will
// have provision info and build info. Refer to ExecutionInfo fields for
// detailed test execution info of DUTs.
chromiumos.test.lab.api.DutTopology dut_topology = 4;
// The execution information for the test run that consists of software
// information (e.g. build) and hardware information (e.g. DUT).
// Generally, this will contain a single Dut for an functional test that
// doesn't depend on other devices, but can include a collection of devices
// used in multi-dut testing (e.g. ChromeOS to ChromeOS, ChromeOS to Android,
// etc...). For multi-dut testing, there are only one primary DUT and one or
// more secondary DUTs.
// Test execution related information for the primary DUT.
ExecutionInfo primary_execution_info = 5;
// Test execution related information for the secondary DUTs.
repeated ExecutionInfo secondary_executions_info = 6;
// List of additional custom results.
repeated CustomResult custom_results = 7;
// Captures ChromeOS build information associated with a test run.
// NEXT TAG: 9
message BuildInfo {
// The name associated with a given build.
// Format: "<source>/R<milestone>-<chrome_os_version>[.<additional_suffix>]"
// Example: "drallion-cq/R106-15048.0.0-69541-8805781873765277729"
string name = 1;
// The ChromeOS Milestone associated with the build.
// Example: 100, 101
uint64 milestone = 2;
// The ChromeOS Version associated with the build.
// Example: "15048.0.0"
string chrome_os_version = 3;
// The source where the build is created.
// Example: "drallion-cq", "kevin-release"
string source = 4;
// The snapshot version associated with the build.
// Example: "59b0b491b0aac1aedbac9334f9ddb4d1c448260a"
string snapshot_version = 5;
// The full name of the build target which includes any variant if available.
// Example: "grunt-arc-r-vmrvc-android-pfq"
string build_target = 6;
// The variant associated with the given build.
// Example: "grunt-arc-r"
string build_variant = 7;
// The plain board name associated with the given build.
// Example: "grunt".
string board = 8;
// Captures DUT related info.
// NEXT TAG: 4
message DutInfo {
// DUT associated with the test run.
chromiumos.test.lab.api.Dut dut = 1;
// Provision state associated with the DUT.
chromiumos.test.api.ProvisionState provision_state = 2;
// Additional DUT related information for more flexibility. For example,
// additional identifier that could be specific to a certain TLE.
// Example: "Moblab Install Id": "701c38ce144611ed86a50242c0a8640c"
map<string, string> tags = 3;
// Captures test execution related information for the test run.
// NEXT TAG: 3
message ExecutionInfo {
// ChromeOS build associated with the test run.
BuildInfo build_info = 1;
// DUT associated with the test run.
DutInfo dut_info = 2;
// Represents custom result, as a way for tests to produce arbitrary artifacts.
// Custom results can be used by the pipeline to kick off post processing jobs
// or to hand off results to downstream pipelines.
// NEXT TAG: 3
message CustomResult {
// Path to the custom result artifacts generated during execution.
chromiumos.StoragePath result_artifact_path = 1;
// Type of the custom result.
oneof type {
Cts cts = 2;
// CTS related custom results
message Cts {
// TODO: Add fields as needed.