blob: 1e0e2c62d02eb777992d45363d6c973832911b3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos.test.plan;
option go_package = "";
// Describes the test cases that run when a given set of files are changed.
// This message is intended to be specified as text proto in a DIR_METADATA file
// in the source tree, and should be concise enough Starlark, or another config
// generation tool, is not needed.
// NEXT ID: 15
message SourceTestPlan {
reserved 1;
// Paths that will trigger the SourceTestPlan.
// Must be a repo-absolute ChromeOS path. For example,
// “arc/adbd/.*” for
// Paths can only match files in the subtree of the DIR_METADATA file.
// For example, paths specified in "a/b/DIR_METADATA" must start with "a/b/".
// Patterns use Google Re2 syntax. The comparison is a full match. The pattern
// is implicitly anchored with ^ and $, so there is no need to add them.
// If path_regexp is not specified, it is implied to be all files in
// the directory of the DIR_METADATA file and all files in subdirectories.
// If a file is matched by both path_regexp and path_regexp_exclude, it is
// excluded.
repeated string path_regexps = 2;
repeated string path_regexp_excludes = 3;
// A Starlark file that will be evaluated to generate HW/VMTestPlan protos.
// The Starlark file must output a list of HW/VMTestPlan protos based on an
// input BuildMetadataList and FlatConfigList.
message TestPlanStarlarkFile {
// Gitiles hostname, e.g. "".
string host = 1;
// Repository name on the host, e.g. "chromium/src".
string project = 2;
// Absolute path within the repo to the Starlark file. Regexes are not
// allowed.
string path = 3;
// Starlark files to evaluate to generate HW/VMTestPlan protos.
repeated TestPlanStarlarkFile test_plan_starlark_files = 15;
reserved 4 to 14;