blob: 31fe51f71c467958f49f52cddafb475fea302f8d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The Virtual Instrument module.
This is the virtual instrument class which every instrument plugin should
import graphyte_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from graphyte.default_setting import logger
from graphyte import device
class InstBase(device.DeviceBase): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""The abstract instrument class.
Every instrument plugin should inherit it. It contains several RF controllers,
and each controller corresponds one RF chip. We can control different RF chip
by assigning the rf_type, and delegate to the assigned controller.
name = 'Virtual instrument Plugin'
# The list of the port names. Each child class should override it.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(InstBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Active component record the current (component_name, test_type)
# for port mapping and pathloss.
self.port_config_table = None
self.active_component = (None, None)
def InitPortConfig(self, port_config_table):
self.port_config_table = port_config_table
for component_name, antennas_config in self.port_config_table.GetIterator():
for antenna_idx, antenna_config in enumerate(antennas_config):
for test_type in ['TX', 'RX']:
port = antenna_config[test_type]['port_mapping']
if port not in self.VALID_PORT_NAMES:
raise ValueError('Port (%s) mapping of %s %s %s is not supported.' %
(port, component_name, antenna_idx, test_type))
def SetPortConfig(self, test):
component_name = test.args['component_name']
test_type = test.test_type
if self.active_component == (component_name, test_type):
logger.debug('The port config is the same, ignored')
return'Set the port config for component: %s %s',
component_name, test_type)
self.active_component = (component_name, test_type)
active_port_config = self.port_config_table.QueryPortConfig(
component_name, test_type)
port_mapping = [config['port_mapping'] for config in active_port_config]
pathloss = [config['pathloss'] for config in active_port_config]
logger.debug('Port mapping: %s', port_mapping)
logger.debug('Path loss: %s', pathloss)
self._SetPortConfig(port_mapping, pathloss)
def _SetPortConfig(self, port_mapping, pathloss):
"""Sets the port mapping and the pathloss table for the active component.
Because a component might be multiple antenna, the port mapping and the path
loss are the list.
port_mapping: The port name for each antenna.
The format is <port name>:<port number>
['VSA0:0', 'VSA1:0', 'VSA2:0']
pathloss: A list of port_config.PathlossTable for each antenna.
[PathlossTable({'2440': '20.4', '2412': '20.4'}),
PathlossTable({'2440': '20.2', '2412': '20.5'}),
PathlossTable({'2440': '20.1', '2412': '20.6'})]
raise NotImplementedError
def LockInstrument(self):
"""Locks the instrument to reject other connection.
This method is used for the ping pong test. After calling this method, the
instrument should reject additional connections.
raise NotImplementedError
def UnlockInstrument(self):
"""Unlocks the instrument to allow other connection.
This method should be called after LockInstrument is called.
After calling this method, the instrument should allow other connections.
raise NotImplementedError
class ControllerBase(device.ControllerBase):
"""The abstract instrument RF controller class.
Every controller in instrument plugin should inherit it. We use wrapped
function for each API, that give us flexibility to do pre-processing or
def __init__(self, inst=None):
self.inst = inst
def TxMeasure(self, test):
test_case = self._CheckTestArgument(test.ToDict(), 'TX')
return self._TxMeasure(**test_case)
def _TxMeasure(self, **kwargs):
"""Measures the Tx signal transmitted by DUT.
Triggers, captures, and analyzes the signal. The method would be called
after the DUT start transmitting signal.
raise NotImplementedError
def TxGetResult(self, test):
test_case = self._CheckTestArgument(test.ToDict(), 'TX')
results = self._TxGetResult(**test_case)
# TODO(akahuang): Check the structure of the results.
return (test.CheckTestPasses(results), results)
def _TxGetResult(self, result_limit, **kwargs):
"""Waits for measurement to be completed and returns the test result.
result_limit: A dict of the test result. The values are a tuple of the
lower bound and upper bound. For example:
'test_result1': (None, -25),
'test_result2': (16, 20)
kwargs: The remaining arguments of the test case.
A dict which keys are the same as the result_limit.
The values is one number for SISO case, or a dict mapping from
the antenna index to value for MIMO case. If a value is returned for
MIMO case, we consider the results for each antenna are all the same.
Example for SISO case:
'test_result1': -20,
'test_result2': 21
Example for 2x2 MIMO case:
'test_result1': {
0: -20,
1: -30
'test_result2': {
0: 17,
1: 18
raise NotImplementedError
def RxGenerate(self, test):
test_case = self._CheckTestArgument(test.ToDict(), 'RX')
return self._RxGenerate(**test_case)
def _RxGenerate(self, rx_num_packets, power_level, **kwargs):
"""Generates the signal and starts transmission."""
raise NotImplementedError
def RxStop(self, test):
test_case = self._CheckTestArgument(test.ToDict(), 'RX')
return self._RxStop(**test_case)
def _RxStop(self, **kwargs):
"""Stops transmitting the signal."""
raise NotImplementedError
class PowerMeterControllerBase(ControllerBase):
"""The controller for power meters."""
def _TxMeasure(self, center_freq, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _TxGetResult(self, result_limit, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class WlanControllerBase(ControllerBase):
def _TxMeasure(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, standard, bandwidth, data_rate, chain_mask,
nss, long_preamble, result_limit, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _TxGetResult(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, standard, bandwidth, data_rate, chain_mask,
nss, long_preamble, result_limit, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _RxGenerate(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, standard, bandwidth, data_rate, chain_mask,
nss, long_preamble, rx_num_packets, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class BluetoothControllerBase(ControllerBase):
def __init__(self, inst):
InstBase.ControllerBase.__init__(self, inst)
self.inst = inst
# Store the delta_f1_avg and delta_f2_avg for delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio
self._delta_f1_avg_results = {}
self._delta_f2_avg_results = {}
def _TxMeasure(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, packet_type, bit_pattern, result_limit,
raise NotImplementedError
def TxGetResult(self, test):
"""Calculates Bluetooth Tx result.
delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio is the ratio of delta_f2_avg and delta_f1_avg, but
two results come from different bit pattern, F0 and AA. So we measure both
results separately and store them. While both results are measured, then
we calculate the delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio.
# We don't ask the inst plugin to measure delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio. Instead
# we need to ensure we would measure delta_f1_avg and delta_f2_avg.
modified_test = test.Copy()
if 'delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio' in modified_test.result_limit:
if modified_test.args['bit_pattern'] == 'F0':
modified_test.result_limit.setdefault('delta_f1_avg', (None, None))
elif modified_test.args['bit_pattern'] == 'AA':
modified_test.result_limit.setdefault('delta_f2_avg', (None, None))
results = self._TxGetResult(**modified_test.ToDict())
if 'delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio' in test.result_limit:
if test.args['bit_pattern'] == 'F0':
self._delta_f1_avg_results[] = results['delta_f1_avg']
elif test.args['bit_pattern'] == 'AA':
self._delta_f2_avg_results[] = results['delta_f2_avg']
if ( in self._delta_f1_avg_results and in self._delta_f2_avg_results):
# Both results are measured, calculate the delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio.
results['delta_f2_f1_avg_ratio'] = (
self._delta_f2_avg_results[] /
# Not both results are measured, we don't check the it at this time.
return (test.CheckTestPasses(results), results)
def _TxGetResult(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, packet_type, bit_pattern, result_limit,
raise NotImplementedError
def _RxGenerate(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, packet_type, bit_pattern,
rx_num_packets=None, rx_num_bits=None, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class ZigbeeControllerBase(ControllerBase):
RF_TYPE = '802_15_4'
def _TxMeasure(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, result_limit, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _TxGetResult(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, result_limit, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def _RxGenerate(self, component_name, rf_type, test_type, center_freq,
power_level, rx_num_packets, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError