blob: 9e36c7f10e8ea14a50ecd237743a28eae5a995a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implementation of using ADB."""
import pipes
import subprocess
import uuid
import graphyte_common # pylint: disable=unused-import
from graphyte import link
from graphyte.default_setting import logger
from graphyte.utils.file_utils import UnopenedTemporaryFile
class ADBProcess(object):
def __init__(self, proxy_object, session_id):
self._proxy_object = proxy_object
self._session_id = session_id
self._exit_code = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'returncode':
return self._GetReturnCode()
return getattr(self._proxy_object, name)
def _GetReturnCode(self):
# The returncode will only be 0 if ADB channel was created and then closed
# successfully, not the real status of remote process.
if self._proxy_object.returncode is not 0:
return self._proxy_object.returncode
# Use cached exit code if possible.
if self._exit_code is not None:
return self._exit_code
# To get real exit code, we want to find out using logcat (see
# implementation in ADBLink).
result = subprocess.check_output('adb logcat -d -b main -s %s' %
self._session_id, shell=True).strip()
logger.debug('%s: Exit Results = %s', type(self), result)
# Format: I/session_id(PID): EXITCODE
# Example: I/64eeb606-fdcf-11e4-b63f-80c16efb89a5( 3439): 0
self._exit_code = int(result.rpartition(':')[2].strip())
return self._exit_code
class ADBLink(link.DeviceLink):
"""A DUT target that is connected via ADB interface.
link_options example:
'link_class': 'ADBLink',
def __init__(self):
"""Dummy constructor."""
def Push(self, local, remote):
"""See DUTLink.Push"""
subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'push', local, remote],
def Pull(self, remote, local=None):
"""See DUTLink.Pull"""
if local is None:
with UnopenedTemporaryFile() as path:
self.Pull(remote, path)
with open(path) as f:
subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'pull', remote, local],
def Shell(self, command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
"""See DUTLink.Shell"""
# ADB shell has a bug that exit code is not correctly returned (
# ). Many public
# implementations work around that by adding an echo and then parsing the
# execution results. To avoid problems in redirection, we do this slightly
# different by using the log service and "logcat" ADB feature.
session_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
# Convert list-style commands to single string because we need to run
# multiple commands in same session (and needs shell=True).
if not isinstance(command, basestring):
command = ' '.join(pipes.quote(param) for param in command)
# ADB protocol currently mixes stderr and stdout in same channel (i.e., the
# stdout by adb command has both stderr and stdout from DUT) so we do want
# to make them different.
redirections = ''
if stderr is None:
redirections += '2>/dev/null'
elif stderr == subprocess.STDOUT:
pass # No need to redirect because that's the default behavior.
# TODO(hungte) Create a temp file remotely and store contents there, or
# figure out a way to return by logcat.
raise NotImplementedError('%s: stderr redirection is not supported yet.' %
command = ['adb', 'shell', '( %s ) %s; log -t %s $?' %
(command, redirections, session_id)]
logger.debug('ADBLink: Run %r', command)
return ADBProcess(subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, close_fds=True,
stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
stderr=stderr), session_id)
def IsReady(self):
"""See DUTLink.IsReady"""
return subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'get-state']).strip() == 'device'