blob: 8089c06f26cc0ae2d1047c6651a958cba31702a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var (
skipSync bool
var cmdCreateBranch = &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "create <options>",
ShortDesc: "Create a branch.",
LongDesc: "Create a branch.",
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
c := &createBranchRun{}
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.yes, "yes", false,
"If set, disables the boolean prompt confirming the branch name.")
// Arguments for determining branch name.
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.descriptor, "descriptor", "",
"Optional descriptor for this branch. Typically, this is a build "+
"target or a device, depending on the nature of the branch. Used "+
"to generate the branch name. Cannot be used with --custom.")
// Which manifest should be branched?
// TODO(@jackneus): Implement version logic
//c.Flags.StringVar(&c.version, "version", "",
// "Manifest version to branch off, e.g. '10509.0.0'. You may not branch "+
// "off of the same version twice unless you run "+
// "with --force.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.file, "file", "", "Path to manifest file to branch off.")
// What kind of branch is this?
// TODO(@jackneus): Figure out how to group these flags in the
// help dialog. Right now all flags are displayed in alphabetic
// order, which is less helpful.
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.release, "release", false,
"The new branch is a release branch. "+
"Named as 'release-<descriptor>-R<Milestone>-<Major Version>.B'.")
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.factory, "factory", false,
"The new branch is a factory branch. "+
"Named as 'factory-<Descriptor>-<Major Version>.B'.")
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.firmware, "firmware", false,
"The new branch is a firmware branch. "+
"Named as 'firmware-<Descriptor>-<Major Version>.B'.")
c.Flags.BoolVar(&c.stabilize, "stabilize", false,
"The new branch is a minibranch. "+
"Named as 'stabilize-<Descriptor>-<Major Version>.B'.")
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.custom, "custom", "",
"Use a custom branch type with an explicit name. "+
"WARNING: custom names are dangerous. This tool greps branch "+
"names to determine which versions have already been branched. "+
"Version validation is not possible when the naming convention "+
"is broken. Use this at your own risk.")
// Dev flags
c.Flags.BoolVar(&skipSync, "skip_sync",
"Used for development purposes. Assumes that you have a properly synced "+
"repo at the specified root and does not call `repo sync`. Do not use this "+
"unless you know what you're doing! The tool will likely break if you misuse "+
"this flag.")
return c
type createBranchRun struct {
yes bool
descriptor string
version string
file string
release bool
factory bool
firmware bool
stabilize bool
custom string
skipSync bool
func (c *createBranchRun) getBranchType() (string, bool) {
var branch_type string
branch_types_selected := 0
if c.release {
branch_type = "release"
if c.factory {
branch_type = "factory"
if c.firmware {
branch_type = "firmware"
if c.stabilize {
branch_type = "stabilize"
if c.custom != "" {
branch_type = "custom"
if branch_types_selected != 1 {
return "", false
return branch_type, true
func (c *createBranchRun) validate(args []string) (bool, string) {
if c.file == "" {
return false, "must set --file."
_, ok := c.getBranchType()
if !ok {
return false, "must select exactly one branch type " +
"(--release, --factory, --firmware, --stabilize, --custom)."
if c.descriptor != "" && c.custom != "" {
return false, "--descriptor cannot be used with --custom."
if c.version != "" && c.version[len(c.version)-1] != '0' {
return false, "cannot branch version from nonzero patch number."
if c.skipSync && c.Root == "" {
return false, "cannot use --skip_sync without --root."
return true, ""
// Getters so that functions using the branchCommand interface
// can access CommonFlags in the underlying struct.
func (c *createBranchRun) getRoot() string {
return c.Root
func (c *createBranchRun) getManifestUrl() string {
return c.ManifestUrl
func (c *createBranchRun) Run(a subcommands.Application, args []string,
env subcommands.Env) int {
// Common setup (argument validation, repo init, etc.)
ret := Run(c, a, args, env)
if ret != 0 {
return ret
// Sync repo to manifest at provided path.
err := checkout.SyncToManifest(c.file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetErr(), "%s: %s\n", a.GetName(), err.Error())
return 1
// Validate the version.
// Double check that the checkout has a zero patch number. Otherwise,
// we cannot branch from it.
vinfo := checkout.ReadVersion()
if vinfo.PatchNumber != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetErr(), "Cannot branch version with nonzero patch number (version %s).",
return 1
// Check that we did not already branch from this version.
// manifest-internal serves as the sentinel project.
manifestInternal, err := checkout.Manifest.GetUniqueProject("chromeos/manifest-internal")
if err != nil {
errors.Annotate(err, "Could not get chromeos/manifest-internal project.").Err().Error())
return 1
var nonzeroVersionComponents []string
for _, component := range vinfo.VersionComponents() {
if component == 0 {
nonzeroVersionComponents = append(nonzeroVersionComponents, strconv.Itoa(component))
majorVersion := strings.Join(nonzeroVersionComponents, `.`)
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`.*-%s.B$`, majorVersion))
branchExists, err := checkout.BranchExists(manifestInternal, pattern)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetErr(), err.Error())
return 1
if branchExists && !c.Force {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetErr(), "Already branched %s. Please rerun with --force if you "+
"would like to proceed.", vinfo.VersionString())
return 0