blob: a806e670d7bc059034eea5ab58d98afe4c868df6 [file] [log] [blame]
# The cycler executable will always load the package data.cycler
package cycler
# The global input should be a google storage ObjectAttrs struct.
# ObjectAttrs represents the metadata for a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) object.
# type ObjectAttrs struct {
# Bucket string
# Name string
# ContentType string
# ContentLanguage string
# CacheControl string
# EventBasedHold bool
# TemporaryHold bool
# RetentionExpirationTime time.Time
# ACL []ACLRule
# PredefinedACL string
# Owner string
# Size int64
# ContentEncoding string
# ContentDisposition string
# MD5 []byte
# CRC32C uint32
# MediaLink string
# Metadata map[string]string
# Generation int64
# Metageneration int64
# StorageClass string
# Created time.Time
# Deleted time.Time
# Updated time.Time
# CustomerKeySHA256 string
# KMSKeyName string
# Prefix string
# Etag string
# }
# "ageDays", is calculated on the fly from cycler and inserted into input,
# which is why it isn't prefixed with .attr. like the rest of the fields.
act := true {
re_match(".+?-snapshot/.*$", input.attr.Name)
input.ageDays < 38