tree: 932243dc049918468fa945753440003241ece55e [path history] [tgz]
  1. android-LKGM-candidates/
  2. build-name/
  3. buildspecs/
  4. chrome-LKGM-candidates/
  5. full/
  6. incremental/
  7. LKGM/
  8. LKGM-candidates/
  9. LKGM-candidates-test/
  10. paladin/
  11. postsubmit/
  12. project-sdk/
  13. releasespecs/
  14. toolchain/

This REPO is to structurally store our buildspec informations for later use.

Description of the directory structure.

buildspecs - all the builds that we have attempted

variants - directory of all the various boards/variations of builds that we do

variants//pass - Build specs for all the succesful builds for that variant variants//fail - Build specs for all the failed builds for that variant variants//inflight - Build specs for the build that's currently ongoing.