blob: 2d49d9fe20fa9f9975463ae2d3cd9db03bd9e81d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $
inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic
DESCRIPTION="Upstart is an event-based replacement for the init daemon"
IUSE="examples nls upstartdebug"
nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd "${S}"
# 1.3+ has scary user and chroot session support that we just
# don't want to adopt yet, so we're sticking with 1.2 for the
# near future. Backport some bug fixes from lp:upstart
# -r 1326 - fix bug when /dev/console cannot be opened
# chromium-os:18739
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-silent-console.patch
# -r 1280,1308,1309,1320,1329 - fix shell fd leak (and fix the fix)
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-fix-shell-redirect.patch
# -r 1281,1325,1327,1328 - update to use /proc/oom_score
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-oom-score.patch
# -r 1282 - add "kill signal" stanza (may be useful for us)
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-kill-signal.patch
# chromium-os:16450, prevent OOM killer by default
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-default-oom_score_adj.patch
# chromium-os:33165, make EXIT_STATUS!=* possible
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-negate-match.patch
# issue EXIT_* in events when exit status is zero for daemons
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-fail-on-zero-exit.patch
# Patch to use kmsg at higher verbosity for logging; this is
# our own patch because we can't just add --verbose to the
# kernel command-line when we need to.
if use upstartdebug; then
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/upstart-1.2-log-verbosity.patch
src_compile() {
# Rearrange PATH so that /usr/local does not override /usr.
append-cppflags '-DPATH="\"/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin\""'
econf --prefix=/ --exec-prefix= --includedir='${prefix}/usr/include' \
$(use_enable nls) || die "econf failed"
emake NIH_DBUS_TOOL=$(which nih-dbus-tool) \
|| die "emake failed"
src_install() {
emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
if ! use examples ; then
elog "Removing example .conf files."
rm "${D}"/etc/init/*.conf