blob: 39bd52013f836b0dd1cbe15c9338542f1199839f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/cb2bib/cb2bib-1.3.6.ebuild,v 1.3 2010/03/04 09:27:19 fauli Exp $
inherit qt4-r2
DESCRIPTION="Tool for extracting unformatted bibliographic references"
KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
IUSE="debug +lzo +poll"
lzo? ( dev-libs/lzo )"
src_prepare() {
echo "CONFIG += ordered" >> "${PN}.pro" || die "patching project file failed"
sed -i 's:\.\./COPYRIGHT \.\.\/LICENSE::' src/ || die "sed failed"
src_configure() {
# Custom configure script has only few options, so call ./configure manually...
# We need to unset QTDIR here, else we may end up with qt3 if it is installed.
# TODO: remove QTDIR when qt3 goes away
QTDIR="" ./configure \
$(use_enable lzo) \
$(use_enable poll cbpoll) \
--disable-qmake-call \
--qmakepath /usr/bin/qmake \
--prefix /usr \
--bindir /usr/bin \
--datadir /usr/share \
--desktopdatadir /usr/share/applications \
--icondir /usr/share/pixmaps \
|| die "cb2bib provided configure failed"
eqmake4 $(cat qmake-additional-args)
pkg_postinst() {
elog "For best functionality, emerge the following packages:"
elog " app-text/poppler-utils - for data import from PDF files"
elog " app-text/dvipdfm - for data import from DVI files"
elog " app-text/bibutils - for data import from ISI, endnote format"
elog " media-fonts/jsmath - for displaying mathematical notation"
elog " media-libs/exiftool - for proper UTF-8 metadata writing in PDF"
elog " text strings"
elog " virtual/latex-base - to check for BibTeX file correctness and to get"
elog " nice printing through the shell script bib2pdf"