blob: 6bd39006b1ac3750d292abd6812f19ebb0986773 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Speech controller for the Google text-to-speech extension.
* Each instance of this class represents one instance of the Native Client
* speech synthesizer. Multiple instances might be loaded at once under
* some circumstances, for example to provide HMM speech while simultaneously
* loading Unit Selection speech in the background.
* The metadata about the voices to load is contained in two places:
* 1. The manifest file defines the voices that are actually exposed to
* the end-user, including the exposed name of each voice. It also
* specifies which voice data scripts to load.
* 2. Each voice has an associated data script, named voice_data_*.js.
* When run, each file adds one or more entries to the global
* variable window.voices.
* The advantage of this design is that temporarily disabling a new
* voice can be done just by modifying manifest.json, it doesn't require
* editing any other source files.
'use strict';
* @constructor
* @param {string} voiceType The voice type to use, e.g. 'hmm' or
* 'usel'. If set, this controller will only load voices that match
* that voice type.
* @param {Object} delegate The object to inform of events.
* @param {string} defaultLanguage The default language to use.
var TtsController = function(voiceType, delegate, defaultLanguage) {
this.voiceType_ = voiceType;
this.delegate_ = delegate;
this.defaultLanguage_ = defaultLanguage;
this.nativeTts_ = null;
this.initialized_ = false;
this.startTimeMillis_ = undefined;
this.timeouts_ = [];
this.idleTimeout_ = null;
this.voice_ = null;
this.voiceName_ = '';
this.IDLE_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS_ = 5 * 60 * 1000;
this.TTS_TOKEN_END = 1;
* When chunking the incoming utterance into smaller pieces to send
* to the engine at a time, this contains the remaining text to be
* spoken after the current chunk finishes.
* @type {string|null}
* @private
this.remainingUtteranceText_ = null;
* The character offset of the next chunk.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.nextCharOffset_ = 0;
* The character offset of the current chunk.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.chunkCharOffset_ = 0;
* Maximum number of characters to try to send to the engine
* for speaking at one time. When given a longer utterance,
* try to break on a sentence boundary.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
this.MAXIMUM_CHUNK_LEN_ = 2000;
window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage_.bind(this));
* The lower the chunk size, the lower the latency of the audio - but
* Chrome's audio implementation can't always handle the smallest possible
* sizes on all operating systems. This value is the smallest that works
* well on Chrome OS.
* @const {number}
TtsController.CHUNK_SIZE = 256;
* Must be called before invoking onSpeak(), if the TtsController
* reports that it is not yet initialized. The controller will
* create and initialize the NaCl module and notify the delegate
* when initialization completes, and it is ready to process
* commands.
* If TTS falls idle for some period then it may become
* un-initialized again, so the caller must verify initialization
* before each onSpeak() attempt.
TtsController.prototype.ensureInitialized = function() {
if (this.nativeTts_)
var embed = document.createElement('embed');
embed.setAttribute('id', 'tts' + this.voiceType_);
embed.setAttribute('name', 'nacl_module');
embed.setAttribute('src', 'tts_service.nmf');
embed.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-nacl');
embed.addEventListener('load', this.load.bind(this), false);
this.nativeTts_ = embed;
// Native Client appears to be buggy and only starts load if any property gets
// accessed. Do that now by checking for lastError.
if (embed.lastError)
console.error('Error while loading native module: ' + embed.lastError);
* Initializes the current voice according to the default language.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.getDefaultVoice_ = function() {
this.voice_ = this.findBestMatchingVoice_(this.defaultLanguage_);
if (this.voice_) {
this.voiceName_ = this.voice_.voiceName;
* Called when we get text to speak, encode all parameters
* into a string and send to the engine.
* @param {string} utterance The utterance to say.
* @param {object} options The options to send to the engine: rate, pitch and
* volume.
* @param {string} utteranceId The Identifier for the utterance to say.
TtsController.prototype.onSpeak = function(utterance, options, utteranceId) {
if (!this.nativeTts_) {
console.error("nativeTts not initialized");
if (!this.initialized_) {
console.error('Error: TtsController for voiceType=' + this.voiceType_ +
' is not initialized.');
this.utterance_ = utterance;
this.utteranceId_ = utteranceId;
this.rate_ = options.rate || 1.0;
this.pitch_ = options.pitch || 1.0;
this.volume_ = options.volume || 1.0;
this.remainingUtteranceText_ = utterance;
this.nextCharOffset_ = 0;
this.chunkCharOffset_ = 0;
this.startTimeMillis_ = undefined;
* Pull some more text from |this.remainingUtteranceText_| and speak it.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.speakNextChunk_ = function() {
var chunk = this.getNextChunk_();
var escapedChunk = this.escapePluginArg_(chunk);
this.chunkCharOffset_ = this.nextCharOffset_;
this.nextCharOffset_ += chunk.length;
var tokens = ['speak', this.rate_, this.pitch_, this.volume_,
this.utteranceId_, escapedChunk];
console.log('Plug-in args are ' + tokens.join(':'));
* Split the largest possible chunk from |this.remainingUtteranceText_|
* possible, trying to end on the last sentence boundary (period, exclamation,
* or question mark followed by space), other punctuation boundary (comma,
* semicolon, etc. followed by space), or whitespace boundary.
* @return {string} that chunk, and remove those characters from
* |this.remainingUtteranceText_|.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.getNextChunk_ = function() {
var text = this.remainingUtteranceText_;
var len = text.length;
// If the utterance is less than the maximum chunk length already,
// just return it.
if (len < this.MAXIMUM_CHUNK_LEN_) {
this.remainingUtteranceText_ = null;
return text;
// Scan through the characters in the utterance and keep track of the
// last sentence end, last other punctuation followed by whitespace, and
// last whitespace - we'll try to break the utterance in that order.
var lastSentenceEnd = 0;
var lastOtherPunctuation = 0;
var lastWhitespace = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < this.MAXIMUM_CHUNK_LEN_; i++) {
var prev = text[i - 1];
var ch = text[i];
if (!/\s/.test(ch))
lastWhitespace = i + 1;
if (/[,:;()_-]/.test(prev)) {
lastOtherPunctuation = i + 1;
if (/[\.\!\?]/.test(prev)) {
lastSentenceEnd = i + 1;
var chunkLen = this.MAXIMUM_CHUNK_LEN_;
if (lastSentenceEnd) {
chunkLen = lastSentenceEnd;
} else if (lastOtherPunctuation) {
chunkLen = lastOtherPunctuation;
} else if (lastWhitespace) {
chunkLen = lastWhitespace;
var chunk = text.substr(0, chunkLen);
this.remainingUtteranceText_ = text.substr(chunkLen);
return chunk;
* Switch to the specified voice, unless it's the current voice already.
* @param {string} preferredVoiceName The exact name of the voice to switch to.
* @param {string} preferredLang The language to switch to.
* @return {boolean} true if we switched to another voice.
TtsController.prototype.switchVoiceIfNeeded = function(
preferredVoiceName, preferredLang) {
console.log('switchVoiceIfNeeded called.');
var voice = this.pickVoiceForParams_(preferredVoiceName, preferredLang);
if (voice && voice.voiceName != this.voiceName_) {
console.log('Switching to voice: ' + voice.voiceName);
this.voice_ = voice;
this.voiceName_ = voice.voiceName;
return true;
return false;
* Pick the voice that matches the parameters.
* @private
* @param {string} preferredVoiceName The exact name of the voice to find.
* @param {string} preferredLang The language of the voice to find.
* @return {Voice} The voice we found.
TtsController.prototype.pickVoiceForParams_ = function(
preferredVoiceName, preferredLang) {
if (preferredVoiceName) {
for (var i = 0; i < window.voices.length; i++) {
if (this.voiceType_ && window.voices[i].voiceType != this.voiceType_) {
if (window.voices[i].voiceName == preferredVoiceName) {
return window.voices[i];
return this.findBestMatchingVoice_(preferredLang);
* Searches defined voices for the best match for the given language.
* Will always return a voice if at least one voice is defined for the voiceType
* defined on creation of this object (hmm or usel).
* @private
* @param {string} preferredLang The language to search for in BCP-47 format,
* capitalized as BCP-47 recommends, e.g. 'en-US'. Case sensitive.
* @return {Voice} The voice that best matches the parameters.
TtsController.prototype.findBestMatchingVoice_ = function(preferredLang) {
var SCORE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 2; // use only to break ties.
var SCORE_LANGUAGE_ONLY_MATCH = 10; // speak 'xx-ZZ' matching 'xx-YY'
var SCORE_LANGUAGE_PREFIX_MATCH = 20; // speak 'xx' matching 'xx-YY'
var SCORE_LANGUAGE_EXACT_MATCH = 30; // speak 'xx-YY' matching 'xx-YY'
var langBase = preferredLang ? preferredLang.split('-')[0] : '';
var best_score = -1; // We want some voice, even if it has no score
var best_voice = null;
for (var i = 0; i < window.voices.length; i++) {
var voice = window.voices[i];
if (this.voiceType_ && voice.voiceType != this.voiceType_) {
var score = 0;
if (preferredLang) {
if (voice.lang == preferredLang) {
} else if (voice.lang.substr(0, preferredLang.length) == preferredLang) {
} else if (voice.lang.substr(0, langBase.length) == langBase) {
if (voice.lang == this.defaultLanguage_) {
if (score > best_score) {
best_score = score;
best_voice = voice;
return best_voice;
* Process the messages coming from the engine.
* @param {object} messageEvent the message to process
TtsController.prototype.handleMessage = function(messageEvent) {
var data =;
// Log everything except 'percent' messages (those are too verbose).
if (data.substr(0, 8) != 'percent:') {
console.log('Got message: ' + data);
if (data == 'idle') {
} else {
if (data.substr(0, 4) == 'end:') {
var id = data.substr(4);
console.log('Got end event for utterance: ' + id);
if (this.remainingUtteranceText_ !== null) {
} else {
this.sendResponse_(id, 'end');
} else if (data == 'error') {
} else if (data == 'voiceLoaded') {
} else if (data.substr(0, 8) == 'percent:') {
this.progress_(parseInt(data.substr(8), 10));
} else if (data.substr(0, 6) == 'event:') {
var tokens = data.split(':');
this.handleTtsEvent_(parseInt(tokens[1], 10),
parseInt(tokens[3], 10),
parseInt(tokens[4], 10));
* Converts from tts events to the events we send to the client (of types
* 'start' and 'word')
* @private
* @param {string} id The identifier for the utterance this message is about.
* @param {number} deltaTimeSec The time when this message will occur,
* in seconds. May be 0 for a 'start' message, or in the future and we
* need to wait to send it.
* @param {number} charIndex The position in the input utterance this event
* is about.
* @param {number} ttsEventType Token type, either TTS_TOKEN_START or
TtsController.prototype.handleTtsEvent_ = function(id, deltaTimeSec,
charIndex, ttsEventType) {
if (this.startTimeMillis_ === undefined) {
// This is the first event we've received.
this.startTimeMillis_ = new Date();
if (this.chunkCharOffset_ == 0)
this.sendResponse_(id, 'start', 0);
if (ttsEventType == this.TTS_TOKEN_START) {
// Ignore all word start events.
var currentTimeMillis = (new Date() - this.startTimeMillis_);
if (currentTimeMillis > 1000 * deltaTimeSec) {
this.sendResponse_(id, 'word',
charIndex + 1 + this.chunkCharOffset_);
} else {
var timeoutId = window.setTimeout((function() {
this.sendResponse_(id, 'word',
charIndex + 1 + this.chunkCharOffset_);
}).bind(this), 1000 * deltaTimeSec - currentTimeMillis);
* Sends a message back to the extension, to sent to the client.
* @private
* @param {string} id The Identifier for the utterance this message is about.
* @param {string} type The type of the message, like 'end', 'start', etc.
* @param {number} charIndex Optional argument for messages related to a
* specific position in the input utterance (like message type 'word')
TtsController.prototype.sendResponse_ = function(id, type, charIndex) {
console.log('Doing callback ' + type + ' for ' + id);
var response = {type: type};
response.charIndex = charIndex ?
charIndex :
(type == 'end' ? this.utterance_.length : 0);
this.delegate_.onResponse(id, response);
if (type == 'end' || type == 'interrupted' ||
type == 'cancelled' || type == 'error') {
* Callback to display loading progress of the voice files.
* @private
* @param {int} percent The progress so far, from 0 to 100
TtsController.prototype.progress_ = function(percent) {
if (percent % 10 == 0) {
console.log(percent + '% complete.');
* Send the messages to the engine to load the voice files
TtsController.prototype.load = function() {
this.handleMessageCallback = this.handleMessage.bind(this);
console.log('Adding event listener for ' +;
'message', this.handleMessageCallback, false);
this.nativeTts_.postMessage('startService:' + TtsController.CHUNK_SIZE);
* Tears down the TTS engine NaCl module.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.destroyNativeTts_ = function() {
if (this.nativeTts_) {
'message', this.handleMessageCallback_, false);
this.nativeTts_ = null;
this.initialized_ = false;
* Adds a voice. This includes requesting its native load.
* @param {Object} voice The voice object from window.voices.
TtsController.prototype.addVoice = function(voice) {
var args = [
this.nativeTts_.postMessage('setPipelineFileAndPrefix:' + args.join(':'));
for (var i = 0; i < voice.removePaths.length; i++) {
var path = voice.removePaths[i];
this.nativeTts_.postMessage('removeDataFile:' +
for (var i = 0; i < voice.files.length; i++) {
var dataFile = voice.files[i];
var url = dataFile.url;
if (!url) {
url = chrome.extension.getURL(dataFile.path);
args = [this.escapePluginArg_(url),
if (voice.cacheToDisk) {
this.nativeTts_.postMessage('addDataFile:' + args.join(':'));
} else {
this.nativeTts_.postMessage('addMemoryFile:' + args.join(':'));
* Removes the given voice.
* @param {Object} voice
TtsController.prototype.removeVoice = function(voice) {
if (!voice.cacheToDisk) throw 'Cannot remove built in voice.';
if (!this.rootDirectory_) return;
for (var i = 0; i < voice.files.length; i++) {
var dataFile = voice.files[i];
var file = this.rootDirectory_.find((f) => f.fullPath == dataFile.path);
if (!file) {
console.error('File not found: ' + dataFile.path);
file.remove(() => {});
this.rootDirectory_ = null;
* Clears any pending timeouts we may have.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.clearTimeouts_ = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.timeouts_.length; i++) {
this.timeouts_.length = 0;
* Simple routine to escape a string. We send a ':'-separated
* list of parameters to the engine, so we only need to escape ':' and '\'.
* @private
* @param {string} str The string to encode
* @return {string} The input string replacing '\' -> '\\' and ':' -> '\:'
TtsController.prototype.escapePluginArg_ = function(str) {
return str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/:/g, '\\:');
* Called when the client requests tts to stop, sends the
* message to the engine.
TtsController.prototype.onStop = function() {
if (!this.nativeTts_ || !this.initialized_) {
this.remainingUtteranceText_ = null;
* Called on page unload to clean up.
TtsController.prototype.unload = function() {
* Query if we are ready to speak.
* @return {bool} indicating if loading datafiles is finished.
TtsController.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
return this.initialized_;
* Cancels the timeout to close the audio channel after 30 seconds
* of inactivity.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.clearIdleTimeout_ = function() {
if (this.idleTimeout_) {
* Sets up a timeout to close the audio channel after 30 seconds
* of inactivity.
* @private
TtsController.prototype.setIdleTimeout_ = function() {
console.log("Setting idle timeout");
this.idleTimeout_ = window.setTimeout((function() {
if (this.nativeTts_ && this.initialized_) {
console.log('Closing native TTS after ' +
' seconds of idle.');
this.idleTimeout_ = null;
}).bind(this), this.IDLE_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS_);
* Updates |window.voices| with the current on-disk state of the voice.
* @param {function()=} callback Optional callback once the voice data is
* updated.
TtsController.prototype.updateVoices = function(callback) {
// The below logic ensures we tell Chrome about only voices that are loaded
// (for disk cached voices).
100 * 1000 * 1000 /* size (as defined in */,
(fs) => {
var reader = fs.root.createReader();
reader.readEntries((results) => {
this.rootDirectory_ = results;
var loadedVoices = [];
window.voices.forEach((voice) => {
var unloaded = voice.cacheToDisk &&
(result) => voice.files.find(
(file) => file.path == result.fullPath));
// Set the load state for other uses.
voice.unloaded = unloaded;
if (!unloaded)
// Update tts system with only loaded voices.
var protoVoice = chrome.runtime.getManifest().tts_engine.voices[0];
loadedVoices = => {
var newVoice = {};
newVoice['voiceName'] = voice.voiceName;
newVoice['eventTypes'] = protoVoice['event_types'];
newVoice['lang'] = voice.lang;
return newVoice;
if (callback)
/** @private */
TtsController.prototype.onInitialized_ = function() {
this.updateVoices(() => {
type: 'updateVoices',
data: window.voices
this.initialized_ = true;
* @param {Object} message
* @private
TtsController.prototype.onMessage_ = function(message) {
var command = JSON.parse(;
switch (command.type) {
case 'getVoices':
type: 'updateVoices',
data: window.voices
case 'addVoice':
case 'removeVoice':
* @param {Object} message
* @private
TtsController.prototype.sendToOptions_ = function(message) {
var views = chrome.extension.getViews();
for (var i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
if (views[i].location.href.indexOf('options.html') > 0) {
views[i].postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), window.location.origin);