blob: 7bed73cf3d9d2464e36eb8b6e8a60b76e2c5a328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
entd.onLoad =
function onLoad(manifest) {
entd.callbackServer.requestHeaderValue = "test-magic";
entd.callbackServer.start(callbacks, 5200);
callbacks = new Object();
callbacks["cb:ping"] = function(args) {
return { "pong": (new Date()).toString(),
"args": args
callbacks["cb:throw_error"] = function(args) {
// When a callback throws an exception we should generate an internal
// server error.
throw "error message";
callbacks["cb:serialize_error"] = function(args) {
// We shoudn't be able to serialize the print function into json, so this
// should cause an internal server error.
return print;
callbacks["cb:stop"] = function(args) {
// Stop the server after the call completes.
entd.setTimeout("entd.callbackServer.stop()", 0);
return "Stopping.";
callbacks["cb:stop_now"] = function(args) {
// This should throw an exception about the fact that the server is busy.
return "Stopped.";