factory_install: Use tpmc to read FWMP

cryptohome fails to read FWMP in some old factory branches. Use `tpmc`
command instead.

TEST=manual test on DUT

Change-Id: I8a21d97882ab2704466355f4cd5e3a42c50b834f
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/platform/factory_installer/+/3121766
Reviewed-by: Leo Lai <cylai@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Cheng-Han Yang <chenghan@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Cheng-Han Yang <chenghan@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/platform/factory_installer/+/3129003
1 file changed
tree: 39b70f9361eb828e46461d0aa240ab7d79e2d6d9
  1. init/
  2. tests/
  4. factory_bootstrap.sh
  5. factory_common.sh
  6. factory_install.sh
  7. factory_reset.sh
  8. factory_shim_service.sh
  9. factory_tty.sh
  10. factory_verify.fio
  11. factory_verify.sh
  13. Makefile
  14. netboot_postinst.sh
  15. OWNERS
  16. ping_shopfloor.sh
  17. README.md
  18. secure_less.sh

Chrome OS Factory Shim


This folder contains the major scripts for the “Chrome OS factory shim”. The shim is used for installing a Chrome OS image (kernel, rootfs and firmware) to a device. It's also known as “(factory) install shim”, “RMA shim”, or “Reset shim”.

The factory shim is designed to allow operators removing USB stick once it's booted, so the boot process is slightly different. The shim relies on initramfs technology to bootstrap and load all contents into memory, then start an upstart service to display the menu.

Building a factory shim

Inside chroot, do:

build_packages --board $BOARD
build_image --board $BOARD factory_install

The output disk image is in ~/trunk/src/build/images/$BOARD/latest/factory_install_shim.bin.

If you have local changes in src/platform/factory_installer, please remember to do

cros_workon --board $BOARD start factory_installer
emerge-$BOARD factory_installer

If you have local changes in src/platform/initramfs, please remember to do

cros_workon --board $BOARD start chromeos-initramfs

There‘s no need to emerge chromeos-initramfs because it’s always re-built in build_image stage.

Using factory shim

The factory shims were signed in a special way for security reasons. It needs to boot with “developer switch turned on” and “boot in recovery mode”.

If you have a signed factory shim, follow the steps to boot:

  1. Enter recovery mode (Esc-F3-Power)
  2. Ctrl-D to request turn on developer switch, and ENTER to confirm.
  3. Enter recovery mode again and insert factory shim.

If you boot factory shim in developer mode (Ctrl-U), few functions won't work, for example recovering TPM.

Debugging a factory shim

Factory shims do not provide shells by default for security reason. If you can still see virtual terminal consoles, try VT0, VT1, VT2, VT3 - there are lots of debug messages there.

Getting a shell

If you do need a shell to debug, add cros_debug to kernel command line. You can do this in build_image:

build_image --board $BOARD --boot_args cros_debug factory_install

For an existing image, you can use make_dev_ssd.sh to change kernel command line easily:

# inside chroot
cd ~/trunk/src/platform/vboot_reference/scripts/image_signing
./make_dev_ssd.sh -i $PATH_TO_IMAGE_OR_USB_DEVICE \
   --partitions 2 --recovery --edit_config

This will bring an editor to allow editing command line.

Note make_dev_ssd.sh is also available on all Chrome OS image (even factory shim) - try /usr/share/vboot/bin/make_dev_ssd.sh.

If you boot a factory shim with cros_debug, then you should have one shell in VT2 or VT3. Moreover, if you can enter the menu, ‘S’ will give you the full shell.

Fail to start frecon

The frecon (or frecon-lite) provides text-based console. If you can't see anything on screen, redirect the console to another device, for example Servo consoles so you can check why frecon failed. To do this, add console=ttyS0,115200n8 to kernel command line (use the make_dev_ssd.sh or add --boot_args as explained in previous section). Some devices may need different TTY name for example ttyS1. Please check the care-and-feed doc of your device.

Debugging frecon issues

If the menu or frecon will die and adding cros_debug does not help, you probably want to attach serial console (for example SuzyQ) and get everything except factory shim UI (menu) there. To do that:

  1. Check if you need to build a new image.

Open the /usr/sbin/factory_tty.sh and find the TTY_CONSOLE= line. If it already has valid serial console (for example ttyS0), move to step 3.

  1. Add TTY_CONSOLE and build image.

Edit the make.conf in board overlay, to find or add one setting (assume serial console is ttyS0):


Then,then re-build the factory_installer package and factory shim:

emerge-$BOARD factory_installer
build_image --board $BOARD factory_install
  1. Enable console service.

Mount the rootfs and rename /etc/init/console-ttyS0.conf to something that does not start as console:

# First enable RW for rootfs. Assume the USB is in /dev/sdX.
cd ~/trunk/src/platform/vboot_reference/scripts/image_signing
sudo ./make_dev_ssd.sh -i /dev/sdX --recovery \
   --remove_rootfs_verification --partitions 2
# Mount (assume your shim is in /dev/sdX)
sudo mount /dev/sdX /media
cd /media/etc/init
sudo mv console-ttyS0.confg debug-ttyS0.conf
cd - # To leave /media folder so we can unmount.
sudo umount /media
  1. Boot with the shim. You should have serial console now.