tree: 82bd646a9502bb7577e50dd5e4333b24d2256a96 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .cargo/
  2. application/
  3. debug_logger/
  4. delayed_i2c/
  5. fake_i2c/
  6. fpga_app/
  7. gateware_compress/
  8. hm01b0/
  9. host_dev_common/
  10. hps-factory/
  11. hps-mon/
  12. hps-util/
  13. hps_interface/
  14. i2c_peripheral/
  15. i2c_protocol/
  16. interrupt_proxy/
  17. libstage0/
  18. mcp2221/
  19. mcu/
  20. mcu_common/
  21. riscv/
  22. sign-rom/
  23. stm32_bootloader_client/
  24. unix_socket/
  25. .rustfmt.toml
  26. Cargo.toml
  27. hps-common-link.x

MCU firmware and related code

This document describes the directory structure and code. For usage information, see ../docs/

Hardware-agnostic crates

As much code as possible is put into hardware agnostic crates. This allows tests in these crates to be run on the host OS without real hardware needing to be connected.

These crates are all in a workspace. See Cargo.toml in this directory.

Crate: application

The application crate contains the logic of the application and tests for that logic. Any interaction with hardware is done separately in the stage1_app crate.

Primary responsibilities are:

  • Taking commands from the FPGA and producing responses, updating internal state as appropriate.
  • Taking requests to read/write registers from the host and producing responses, updating internal state as appropriate.

Crate: debug_logger

A logger implementation for use in HPS.

Crate: delayed_i2c

Wraps an i2c controller implementation and adds a delay to each operation. This can be necessary to ensure that a START isn't such a short time after a STOP that it violates the timing in the I2C spec.

Crate: mcp2221

A library for using the MCP2221 USB. Supports i2c and GPIO.

Crate: fake_i2c

The fake_i2c crate provides an implementation of the I2C bus that allows tests to send and receive data over a fake bus.

Crate: gateware_compress

A simple no-std compression algorithm designed specifically for the patterns we see in Nexus gateware bitstreams.

Crate: host_dev_common

Code shared between several host utilties. Mostly image-related code that is shared between hps-factory and hps-mon.

Crate: hps_interface

This crate defines an interface for talking to a HPS over I2C from the host side. This is used by tests together with fake_i2c to test code in crates like the application crate.

Crate: hps-factory

A Linux binary that is intended to be run while the Chromebook with HPS module is still in the factory. Responsible for post-install testing and initialization of the HPS.

Crate: hps-mon

A binary that talks to the HPS over SWD. Displays log messages received from the MCU and FPGA.

Crate: hps-util

A binary that can run on the host OS and communicate with the HPS for testing and development purposes. The official host daemon is implemented in C++ in a separate repository.

Crate: i2c_peripheral

Defines an interface for working with I2C as a peripheral. This interface is implemented in the stm32g0_i2c_peripheral crate and the fake_i2c crate.

The plan is to eventually upstream an interface like this one into the embedded_hal crate.

Crate: i2c_protocol

This crate implements the I2C protocol used by the HPS. It effectively takes events from the underlying I2C implementation and converts them into higher level events such as read/write register.

Crate: libstage0

Parts of stage0 that are able to run on the host and thus can be tested.

Crate: mcu_common

Contains code that can be shared between stage0, stage1/application and any host-side code.

Crate: mcu_common_testing

Provides facilities to help writing tests in crates that use definitions in mcu_common.

Crate: one_time_init

A stage1 binary used by hps-factory to perform one-time initialization of the HPS.

Crate: sign-rom

A host-side binary that hashes MCU stage1 binaries and embeds a signature into it.

Hardware-specific crates

These crates make use of hardware-specific features such as GPIO pins and built-in peripherals. This means that they cannot be built for the host OS.

Crate: stage0

The ROM portion of the bootloader. It presents a minimal I2C interface to the host. Its responsibilities are:

  • Signature checking stage1.
  • Updating stage1 when requested by the host.
  • Launching stage1.

Crate: stage1

Responsible for validating the SPI flash then launching the application, which most likely will be part of the same binary.

Crate: stm32_bootloader_client

A library for communicating with the factory bootloader on stm32 microcontrollers. Allows writing to flash/RAM.

Crate: stage1_app

A stand-alone MCU binary that runs the application. This crate mostly just contains code for interacting with the hardware. Any non-hardware-specific code should ideally go in the application crate so that it can be tested on the host OS.

Crate: stm32g0_i2c_peripheral

An implementation of the trait defined in i2c_peripheral that uses real I2C hardware found in the stm32g0 series of microcontrollers.

Code in this crate will hopefully eventually be upstreamed into the stm32g0xx-hal crate, although this depends on first upstreaming the trait that it implements to the embedded-hal crate.