A few recent changes broke SAFT operation.

- the BIOS image now contains different firmware flavors
- the mosys utility now deploys locking and can fail to run
  if other programs are running.

To address the issue SAFT determines if firmware sections
are not the same and copies firmware B into firmware A.

A `-f' flag is being added to mosys command line to avoid
locking attempts (it operates on a separate file anyways).

Change-Id: I37d14696a7370bdc23abd1add67814ce8fe156dd

TEST=see below

. build the test image
. install it on DUT
. copy a new firmware image into /var
. run the test
 localhost saft # /usr/sbin/firmware/saft/runtests.sh /var/<new firmware>
. follow the prompts (unplugging/plugging back the USB stick)
. After the test ends observe test results:

localhost saft # grep 'modify firmware A' /var/fw_test_log.txt
02:36:23 PM: modify firmware A to match B
localhost saft # tail -1 /var/fw_test_log.txt
03:00:09 PM: we are done!
localhost saft #

Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/6649008
4 files changed