blob: f23194125b83d8b8d094df6de7c1f306ddd6d72a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# GN template to generate static library for the given mojom files.
# How to use:
# [platform2/pkg/]
# generate_mojom_bindings("foo_mojo_bindings") {
# mojo_root = "${platform2_root}"
# sources = [
# "mojo/foo.mojom",
# "mojo/foo_sub.mojom",
# ]
# }
# Then this generates static library for the mojom files and the header files
# under ${root_gen_dir}/include,. E.g.
# ${root_gen_dir}/include/pkg/mojo/foo.mojom.h etc., where "mojo" directory
# comes from "sources", and "pkg" comes from the target path relative to
# |mojo_root|.
# If you'd like to generate binding source code and headers, but not to
# create static library, you can use generate_mojom_bindings_gen template,
# instead.
# Parameters:
# sources
# The .mojom file paths.
# mojo_extra_args (optional)
# Extra additional arguments passed to
# mojo_root (optional)
# Root directory used when referring across .mojom or generated files.
# "." by default.
# standalone (optional)
# If true, generates a library that can be referred from other packages.
# Otherwise it generates a thin archive assuming it's used inside the same package only.
# use_pic (optional)
# If true, generates a position independent code instead of position independent executable.
# mojom_bindings_generator (optional)
# Path to the script. This is useful if
# the script is not yet installed to the system, but the repository
# contains it.
# If not given, /usr/src/libmojo-${libbase_ver}/mojo/
# is used.
# All flags which can be interpreted by static_library target:
# The values are used as if static_library does. Note that some flags
# may be modified in order to reflect the parameters described above
# and build mojom generated files.
# This gn generates header files under ${root_gen_dir}/include.
_mojo_output_base = "${root_gen_dir}/include"
# Thin wrapper to launch
_mojom_bindings_generator_wrapper =
# Generates C++ mojo bindings source code and headers.
template("generate_mojom_bindings_gen") {
# Path to the directory which contains mojo template files.
mojo_templates_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}_templates"
if (defined(mojom_bindings_generator)) {
mojom_bindings_generator = rebase_path(mojom_bindings_generator)
} else {
mojom_bindings_generator = "${sysroot}/usr/src/libmojo-${libbase_ver}/mojo/"
if (!defined(mojo_extra_args)) {
mojo_extra_args = []
if (!defined(mojo_root)) {
mojo_root = "."
mojo_root = rebase_path(mojo_root)
mojo_templates_dir_action_name = "${target_name}_mojo_templates_dir"
action(mojo_templates_dir_action_name) {
inputs = []
outputs = [
print("Creating mojo C++ templates dir")
script = "//common-mk/"
args = [
mojo_templates_action_name = "${target_name}_mojo_templates"
action(mojo_templates_action_name) {
inputs = [
outputs = [
print("Generating mojo C++ templates")
script = mojom_bindings_generator
args = [
deps = [
action_foreach(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "sources" ])
inputs = [
] + get_target_outputs(":${mojo_templates_action_name}")
# Generated files are referred using relative path from |mojo_root|,
# separated from this target's path.
# for example, if foo_pkg is a child of |mojo_root|,
# "#include <foo_pkg/mojom/bar.mojom.h>"
# even when this target itself is under foo_pkg/.
mojo_output_dir = _mojo_output_base + "/" + rebase_path(".", mojo_root)
outputs = [
print("Generating mojo C++ bindings")
script = _mojom_bindings_generator_wrapper
args = [
mojo_root, # Mojo include path.
mojo_root, # Mojo depth.
] + mojo_extra_args
deps = [
# Generates a static library for the given mojom files.
template("generate_mojom_bindings") {
target_gen_name = target_name + "_gen"
generate_mojom_bindings_gen(target_gen_name) {
pkg_config("generate_mojom_bindings_pkg_deps") {
pkg_deps = [
static_library(target_name) {
# Exclude mojo related inputs.
# Exclude fields, which are manually handled.
# Additional fields for this rule.
all_dependent_configs = [ ":generate_mojom_bindings_pkg_deps" ]
if (defined(invoker.all_dependent_configs)) {
all_dependent_configs += invoker.all_dependent_configs
include_dirs = [ _mojo_output_base ]
if (defined(invoker.include_dirs)) {
include_dirs += invoker.include_dirs
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
if (defined(invoker.use_pic) && invoker.use_pic) {
configs -= [ "//common-mk:pie" ]
configs += [ "//common-mk:pic" ]
if (defined(invoker.standalone) && invoker.standalone) {
configs -= [ "//common-mk:use_thin_archive" ]
configs += [ "//common-mk:nouse_thin_archive" ]
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
sources = get_target_outputs(":${target_gen_name}")