blob: 33ba52bd3e2f153f07ee2b994b0d0bd96436c36e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [
if (use.cellular) {
deps += [ ":set-apn-helper" ]
if (use.cellular || use.vpn || use.pppoe) {
deps += [ ":shill-pppd-plugin" ]
if (use.fuzzer) {
deps += [
if (use.test) {
deps += [
pkg_config("target_defaults") {
cflags_cc = [
"-Wno-missing-field-initializers", # for LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER
cflags = [
"-Wno-unused-parameter", # for pppd_plugin.c, base/tuple.h
defines = [
if (!use.cellular) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_CELLULAR" ]
} else {
# TODO(chromium:954634) Temporarily disable tests that depend on
# CellularCapabilityClassic until they are ported to use
# CellularCapability3gpp.
if (!use.dhcpv6) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_DHCPV6" ]
if (!use.pppoe) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_PPPOE" ]
if (!use.vpn) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_VPN" ]
if (!use.wake_on_wifi) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_WAKE_ON_WIFI" ]
if (!use.wifi) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_WIFI" ]
if (!use.wired_8021x) {
defines += [ "DISABLE_WIRED_8021X" ]
pkg_deps = [
proto_library("mobile_operator_db-protos") {
proto_in_dir = "mobile_operator_db"
proto_out_dir = "include/shill/mobile_operator_db"
sources = [
protoc_text_to_bin("mobile_operator_db-db") {
protoc_proto_def = "mobile_operator_db.proto"
protoc_message_name = "shill.mobile_operator_db.MobileOperatorDB"
protoc_text_dir = "mobile_operator_db"
protoc_proto_dir = "mobile_operator_db"
protoc_bin_dir = "${root_out_dir}"
sources = [
static_library("mobile_operator_db") {
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
deps = [
generate_dbus_adaptors("shill-chromeos-dbus-adaptors") {
dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/dbus_bindings"
sources = [
write_deps("libshill-net-${libbase_ver}_deps") {
pkg_deps = []
target = "libshill-net-${libbase_ver}"
net_sources = [
shared_library("libshill-net-${libbase_ver}") {
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
defines = [ "SLOG_MEANS_VLOG=1" ]
sources = net_sources
cflags_cc = [
# for shill::Logging declarations
deps = [
pkg_config("libshill_config") {
pkg_deps = [
# system_api depends on protobuf (or protobuf-lite). It must appear
# before protobuf here or the linker flags won't be in the right
# order.
pkg_config("libshill_all_dependent_config") {
pkg_deps = [
# For g_key_*(), etc in key_file_store.*
if (use.cellular) {
pkg_config("libshill_cellular_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "ModemManager" ]
generate_dbus_proxies("generate_cellular_proxies") {
modemmanager_in_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/"
proxy_output_file = "include/cellular/dbus-proxies.h"
sources = [
generate_dbus_proxies("generate_dhcpcd_proxies") {
proxy_output_file = "include/dhcpcd/dbus-proxies.h"
sources = [
generate_dbus_proxies("generate_upstart_proxies") {
proxy_output_file = "include/upstart/dbus-proxies.h"
sources = [
generate_dbus_proxies("generate_supplicant_proxies") {
proxy_output_file = "include/supplicant/dbus-proxies.h"
sources = [
static_library("libshill") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":libshill_all_dependent_config" ]
sources = [
sources += net_sources
libs = [
deps = [
if (use.cellular) {
configs += [ ":libshill_cellular_config" ]
sources += [
deps += [ ":generate_cellular_proxies" ]
if (use.vpn) {
sources += [
if (use.wifi) {
sources += [
if (use.wifi || use.wired_8021x) {
sources += [
deps += [ ":generate_supplicant_proxies" ]
if (use.wired_8021x) {
sources += [
if (use.dhcpv6) {
sources += [ "dhcp/" ]
pkg_config("shill_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libminijail" ]
executable("shill") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
pkg_config("netfilter-queue-helper_config") {
pkg_deps = [
executable("netfilter-queue-helper") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
pkg_config("openvpn-script_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libshill-client" ]
executable("openvpn-script") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
if (use.cellular) {
pkg_config("set-apn-helper_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "dbus-glib-1" ]
executable("set-apn-helper") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
if (use.cellular || use.vpn || use.pppoe) {
shared_library("shill-pppd-plugin") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_config("fuzzed_data_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libchrome-test-${libbase_ver}" ]
executable("cellular_pco_fuzzer") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
executable("nl80211_message_fuzzer") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
executable("rtnl_handler_fuzzer") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
executable("verizon_subscription_state_fuzzer") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
executable("wifi_ies_fuzzer") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
if (use.test) {
pkg_config("shill_unittest_config") {
pkg_deps = [
if (use.cellular) {
pkg_deps += [ "ModemManager" ]
executable("shill_unittest") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [
deps = [
if (use.cellular) {
sources += [
if (use.dhcpv6) {
sources += [ "dhcp/" ]
if (use.vpn) {
sources += [
if (use.wifi) {
sources += [
if (use.wifi || use.wired_8021x) {
sources += [
if (use.wired_8021x) {
sources += [
executable("shill_setup_wifi") {
configs += [
configs -= [ "//common-mk:no_exceptions" ]
sources = [