blob: d4c1115e67a8cf560c2c87a64401b83abd1b1a40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <chromeos/ui/chromium_command_builder.h>
#include <chromeos/ui/util.h>
#include <chromeos/ui/x_server_runner.h>
using chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder;
using chromeos::ui::XServerRunner;
using chromeos::ui::util::EnsureDirectoryExists;
using chromeos::ui::util::SetPermissions;
namespace {
// Authority file used for running the X server.
const char kXauthPath[] = "/var/run/x11.auth";
// Path to the app_shell binary.
const char kAppShellPath[] = "/opt/google/chrome/app_shell";
// Directory where data files are written at build time.
const char kReadonlyDataPath[] = "/usr/share/app_shell";
// Subdirectory under $DATA_DIR where user data should be stored.
const char kUserSubdir[] = "user";
// File in $DATA_DIR or kReadonlyDataPath containing the subdirectory name (not
// the full path) of the app to launch.
const char kMasterAppFile[] = "master_app";
// File in $DATA_DIR or kReadonlyDataPath containing the name of a preferred
// network to connect to.
const char kPreferredNetworkFile[] = "preferred_network";
// Subdirectory under $DATA_DIR or kReadonlyDataPath from which apps are loaded.
const char kAppsSubdir[] = "apps";
// Optional symlink in kReadonlyDataPath pointing to an executable to run
// instead of kAppShellPath.
const char kExecutableSymlink[] = "executable";
// Optional file declaring build-time modifications to app_shell's command line.
// See ChromiumCommandBuilder::ApplyUserConfig().
const char kConfigPath[] = "/etc/app_shell.conf";
// Optional file declaring developer modifications to app_shell's command line.
// See ChromiumCommandBuilder::ApplyUserConfig().
const char kDevConfigPath[] = "/etc/app_shell_dev.conf";
// Returns the first of the following paths that exists:
// - a file named |filename| within |stateful_dir|
// - a file named |filename| within |readonly_dir|
// - failing that, an empty path
base::FilePath GetDataPath(const base::FilePath& stateful_dir,
const base::FilePath& readonly_dir,
const std::string& filename) {
base::FilePath stateful_path = stateful_dir.Append(filename);
if (base::PathExists(stateful_path))
return stateful_path;
base::FilePath readonly_path = readonly_dir.Append(filename);
if (base::PathExists(readonly_path))
return readonly_path;
return base::FilePath();
// Calls GetDataPath() and reads the file to |data_out|, trimming trailing
// whitespace. Returns true on success.
bool ReadData(const base::FilePath& stateful_dir,
const base::FilePath& readonly_dir,
const std::string& filename,
std::string* data_out) {
base::FilePath path = GetDataPath(stateful_dir, readonly_dir, filename);
if (path.empty() || !base::ReadFileToString(path, data_out))
return false;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(*data_out, base::TRIM_TRAILING, data_out);
return true;
// Optionally adds the --load-apps flag with list of apps to load, for example:
// --load-apps=/usr/share/app_shell/apps/foo,/usr/share/app_shell/apps/bar
void AddLoadAppsFlag(ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder) {
const base::FilePath stateful_dir(builder->ReadEnvVar("DATA_DIR"));
const base::FilePath readonly_dir(kReadonlyDataPath);
// Look for an optional directory of unpacked apps.
const base::FilePath apps_path =
GetDataPath(stateful_dir, readonly_dir, kAppsSubdir);
if (apps_path.empty())
// Look for an optional preferences file with a master app subdirectory name.
std::string master_app_name;
ReadData(stateful_dir, readonly_dir, kMasterAppFile, &master_app_name);
// Build a list of all subdirectories of the apps directory. If the master
// app is found it goes at the front of the list.
bool found_master = false;
std::vector<std::string> apps_list;
base::FileEnumerator dirs(apps_path, false /* recursive */,
for (base::FilePath dir = dirs.Next(); !dir.empty(); dir = dirs.Next()) {
if (!master_app_name.empty() && master_app_name == dir.BaseName().value()) {
apps_list.insert(apps_list.begin(), dir.value());
found_master = true;
} else {
// The developer probably intended to include at least one app.
CHECK(!apps_list.empty()) << "No app subdirectories found.";
// The developer probably wants the master app to be in the list of apps.
if (!master_app_name.empty())
CHECK(found_master) << "Master app " << master_app_name << " not found.";
builder->AddArg("--load-apps=" + base::JoinString(apps_list, ","));
// Adds app_shell-specific flags.
void AddAppShellFlags(ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder) {
const base::FilePath stateful_dir(builder->ReadEnvVar("DATA_DIR"));
const base::FilePath readonly_dir(kReadonlyDataPath);
// Set --data-path to tell app_shell where to store user data.
const base::FilePath user_path = stateful_dir.Append(kUserSubdir);
CHECK(EnsureDirectoryExists(user_path, builder->uid(), builder->gid(), 0700));
builder->AddArg("--data-path=" + user_path.value());
std::string network;
if (ReadData(stateful_dir, readonly_dir, kPreferredNetworkFile, &network))
builder->AddArg("--app-shell-preferred-network=" + network);
// Replaces the currently-running process with app_shell.
void ExecAppShell(const ChromiumCommandBuilder& builder) {
PCHECK(initgroups(ChromiumCommandBuilder::kUser, builder.gid()) == 0);
PCHECK(setgid(builder.gid()) == 0);
PCHECK(setuid(builder.uid()) == 0);
PCHECK(clearenv() == 0);
for (ChromiumCommandBuilder::StringMap::const_iterator it =
it != builder.environment_variables().end(); ++it) {
PCHECK(setenv(it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str(), 1) == 0);
const size_t kMaxArgs = 64;
CHECK_LE(builder.arguments().size(), kMaxArgs);
// One extra pointer for the initial command and one for the terminating NULL.
char* argv[kMaxArgs + 2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(argv); ++i)
argv[i] = nullptr;
// Check for a symlink in the readonly dir pointing to an alternate
// executable.
std::string exec_path = kAppShellPath;
base::FilePath link_dest;
if (base::ReadSymbolicLink(
&link_dest)) {
exec_path = link_dest.value();
argv[0] = const_cast<char*>(exec_path.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < builder.arguments().size(); ++i)
argv[i + 1] = const_cast<char*>(builder.arguments()[i].c_str());
LOG(INFO) << "Exec-ing " << exec_path << " "
<< base::JoinString(builder.arguments(), " ");
PCHECK(execv(argv[0], argv) == 0) << "Couldn't exec " << argv[0];
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ChromiumCommandBuilder builder;
// Start the X server in the background before doing more-expensive setup.
scoped_ptr<XServerRunner> x_runner;
const base::FilePath xauth_path(kXauthPath);
const bool using_x11 = builder.UseFlagIsSet("X");
if (using_x11) {
x_runner.reset(new XServerRunner);
XServerRunner::kDefaultUser, XServerRunner::kDefaultVt,
builder.is_developer_end_user(), xauth_path));
builder.SetUpChromium(using_x11 ? xauth_path : base::FilePath());
const base::FilePath config_path(kConfigPath);
if (base::PathExists(config_path))
const base::FilePath dev_config_path(kDevConfigPath);
if (builder.is_developer_end_user() && base::PathExists(dev_config_path))
if (using_x11)
// Do not add setup code below this point. Potentially-expensive work should
// be done between StartServer() and WaitForServer().
// This call never returns.
return 1;