blob: 25971b0c611d46d80d022cdecf8ae20eb59b661f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Validates a given master configuration
This enforces various rules defined by the master configuration. Some of these
are fairly simple (the valid properties and subnodes for each node, the
allowable values for properties) and some are more complex (where phandles
are allowed to point).
The schema is defined by Python objects containing variable SchemaElement
subclasses. Each subclass defines how the device tree property is validated.
For strings this is via a regex. Phandles properties are validated by the
target they are expected to point to.
Schema elements can be optional or required. Optional elements will not cause
a failure if the node does not include them.
The presence or absense of a particular schema element can also be controlled
by a 'conditional_props' option. This lists elements that must (or must not)
be present in the node for this element to be present. This provides some
flexibility where the schema for a node has two options, for example, where
the presence of one element conflicts with the presence of others.
The validator can be run like this (set PYTHONPATH to your chromium dir):
PYTHONPATH=~/cosarm ./validate/validate_config \
~/cosarm/chroot/build/coral/usr/share/chromeos-config/config.dtb \
~/cosarm/chroot/build/reef-uni/usr/share/chromeos-config/config.dtb \
The output format for each input file is the name of the file followed by a
list of validation problems. If there are no problems, the filename is not
Unit tests can be run like this:
PYTHONPATH=~/cosarm python validate/
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
our_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(our_path, '../cros_config_host_py'))
from chromite.lib import commandline
import fdt
import fdt_util
from validate_schema import NodeAny, NodeDesc, NodeModel, NodeSubmodel
from validate_schema import PropCustom, PropDesc, PropString, PropStringList
from validate_schema import PropPhandleTarget, PropPhandle, CheckPhandleTarget
def ParseArgv(argv):
"""Parse the available arguments.
Invalid arguments or -h cause this function to print a message and exit.
argv: List of string arguments (excluding program name / argv[0])
argparse.Namespace object containing the attributes.
parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--raise-on-error', action='store_true',
help='Causes the validator to raise on the first ' +
'error it finds. This is useful for debugging.')
parser.add_argument('config', type=str, nargs='+',
help='Path to the config file (.dtb) to validated')
return parser.parse_args(argv)
class CrosConfigValidator(object):
"""Validator for the master configuration"""
def __init__(self, schema, raise_on_error):
"""Master configuration validator.
_errors: List of validation errors detected (each a string)
_fdt: fdt.Fdt object containing device tree to validate
_raise_on_error: True if the validator should raise on the first error
(useful for debugging)
model_list: List of model names found in the config
submodel_list: Dict of submodel names found in the config:
key: Model name
value: List of submodel names
self._errors = []
self._fdt = None
self._raise_on_error = raise_on_error
self._schema = schema
self.model_list = []
self.submodel_list = {}
def Fail(self, location, msg):
"""Record a validation failure
location: fdt.Node object where the error occurred
msg: Message to record for this failure
self._errors.append('%s: %s' % (location, msg))
if self._raise_on_error:
raise ValueError(self._errors[-1])
def _IsBuiltInProperty(self, node, prop_name):
"""Checks if a property is a built-in device-tree construct
This checks for 'reg', '#address-cells' and '#size-cells' properties which
are valid when correctly used in a device-tree context.
node: fdt.Node where the property appears
prop_name: Name of the property
True if this property is a built-in property and does not have to be
covered by the schema
if prop_name == 'reg' and '@' in
return True
if prop_name in ['#address-cells', '#size-cells']:
for subnode in node.subnodes:
if '@' in
return True
return False
def ElementPresent(self, schema, parent_node):
"""Check whether a schema element should be present
This handles the conditional_props feature. The list of names of sibling
nodes/properties that are actually present is checked to see if any of them
conflict with the conditional properties for this node. If there is a
conflict, then this element is considered to be absent.
schema: Schema element to check
parent_node: Parent fdt.Node containing this schema element
True if this element is present, False if absent
if schema.conditional_props:
for rel_name, value in schema.conditional_props.iteritems():
name = rel_name
schema_target = schema.parent
node_target = parent_node
while name.startswith('../'):
schema_target = schema_target.parent
node_target = node_target.parent
name = name[3:]
parent_props = [ for e in schema_target.elements]
sibling_names = node_target.props.keys()
if name in parent_props and value != (name in sibling_names):
return False
return True
def GetElement(self, schema, name, node):
"""Get an element from the schema by name
schema: Schema element to check
name: Name of element to find (string)
node: Node containing the property (or for nodes, the parent node
containing the subnode) we are looking up
Schema for the given element, or None if not found
for element in schema.elements:
if not self.ElementPresent(element, node):
if == name:
return element
elif (self.model_list and isinstance(element, NodeModel) and
name in self.model_list):
return element
elif self.submodel_list and isinstance(element, NodeSubmodel):
m = re.match('/chromeos/models/([a-z0-9]+)/submodels', node.path)
if m and name in self.submodel_list[]:
return element
elif isinstance(element, NodeAny):
return element
return None
def _ValidateSchema(self, node, schema):
"""Simple validation of properties.
This only handles simple mistakes like getting the name wrong. It
cannot handle relationships between different properties.
node: fdt.Node where the property appears
schema: NodeDesc containing schema for this node
schema.Validate(self, node)
schema_props = [ for e in schema.elements
if isinstance(e, PropDesc) and
self.ElementPresent(e, node)]
# Validate each property and check that there are no extra properties not
# mentioned in the schema.
for prop_name in node.props.keys():
if prop_name == 'linux,phandle': # Ignore this (use 'phandle' instead)
element = self.GetElement(schema, prop_name, node)
if not element:
if prop_name == 'phandle':
self.Fail(node.path, 'phandle target not valid for this node')
elif not self._IsBuiltInProperty(node, prop_name):
self.Fail(node.path, "Unexpected property '%s', valid list is (%s)" %
(prop_name, ', '.join(schema_props)))
if not isinstance(element, PropDesc):
element.Validate(self, node.props[prop_name])
# Check that there are no required properties which we don't have
for element in schema.elements:
if (not isinstance(element, PropDesc) or
not self.ElementPresent(element, node)):
if element.required and not in node.props.keys():
self.Fail(node.path, "Required property '%s' missing" %
# Check that any required subnodes are present
subnode_names = [ for n in node.subnodes]
for element in schema.elements:
if (not isinstance(element, NodeDesc) or not element.required
or not self.ElementPresent(element, node)):
if not in subnode_names:
msg = "Missing subnode '%s'" %
if subnode_names:
msg += ' in %s' % ', '.join(subnode_names)
self.Fail(node.path, msg)
def GetSchema(self, node, parent_schema):
"""Obtain the schema for a subnode
This finds the schema for a subnode, by scanning for a matching element.
node: fdt.Node whose schema we are searching for
parent_schema: Schema for the parent node, which contains that schema
schema = self.GetElement(parent_schema,, node.parent)
if schema is None:
elements = [ for e in parent_schema.GetNodes()
if self.ElementPresent(e, node.parent)]
"Unexpected subnode '%s', valid list is (%s)" %
(, ', '.join(elements)))
return schema
def _ValidateTree(self, node, parent_schema):
"""Validate a node and all its subnodes recursively
node: name of fdt.Node to search for
parent_schema: Schema for the parent node
if == '/':
schema = parent_schema
schema = self.GetSchema(node, parent_schema)
if schema is None:
self._ValidateSchema(node, schema)
for subnode in node.subnodes:
self._ValidateTree(subnode, schema)
def ValidateSkuMap(val, prop):
it = iter(prop.value)
sku_set = set()
for sku, phandle in itertools.izip(it, it):
sku_id = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(sku)
if sku_id > 255:
val.Fail(prop.node.path, 'sku_id %d out of range' % sku_id)
if sku_id in sku_set:
val.Fail(prop.node.path, 'Duplicate sku_id %d' % sku_id)
phandle_val = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(phandle)
target = prop.fdt.LookupPhandle(phandle_val)
if (not CheckPhandleTarget(val, target, '/chromeos/models/MODEL') and
not CheckPhandleTarget(val, target,
"Phandle '%s' sku-id %d must target a model or submodel'" %
(, sku_id))
def Start(self, fname):
"""Start validating a master configuration file
fname: Filename containing the configuration. Supports compiled .dtb
files, source .dts files and (which has configuration
source between ``` markers).
schema: Schema to use to validate the configuration (NodeDesc object)
tmpfile = None
self.model_list = []
self.submodel_list = {}
self._errors = []
dtb, tmpfile = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(fname)
self._fdt = fdt.FdtScan(dtb)
# Locate all the models and submodels before we start
models = self._fdt.GetNode('/chromeos/models')
for model in models.subnodes:
sub_models = model.FindNode('submodels')
if sub_models:
self.submodel_list[] = (
[ for sm in sub_models.subnodes])
self.submodel_list[] = []
# Validate the entire master configuration
self._ValidateTree(self._fdt.GetRoot(), self._schema)
if tmpfile:
return self._errors
# Basic firmware schema, which is augmented depending on the situation.
FW_COND = {'shares': False, '../whitelabel': False}
PropString('bcs-overlay', True, 'overlay-.*', FW_COND),
PropString('ec-image', False, r'bcs://.*\.tbz2', FW_COND),
PropString('main-image', False, r'bcs://.*\.tbz2', FW_COND),
PropString('main-rw-image', False, r'bcs://.*\.tbz2', FW_COND),
PropString('pd-image', False, r'bcs://.*\.tbz2', FW_COND),
PropStringList('extra', False,
r'(\${(FILESDIR|SYSROOT)}/[a-z/]+)|' +
r'(bcs://[A-Za-z0-9\.]+\.tbz2)', FW_COND),
# Firmware build targets schema, defined here since it is used in a few places.
BUILD_TARGETS_SCHEMA = NodeDesc('build-targets', True, elements=[
PropString('coreboot', True),
PropString('ec', True),
PropString('depthcharge', True),
PropString('libpayload', True),
], conditional_props={'shares': False, '../whitelabel': False})
PropString('card', True, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('volume', True, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('dsp-ini', True, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('hifi-conf', True, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('alsa-conf', True, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('topology-xml', False, '', {'audio-type': False}),
PropString('topology-bin', False, '', {'audio-type': False}),
NOT_WL = {'whitelabel': False}
"""This is the schema. It is a hierarchical set of nodes and properties, just
like the device tree. If an object subclasses NodeDesc then it is a node,
possibly with properties and subnodes.
In this way it is possible to describe the schema in a fairly natural,
hierarchical way.
SCHEMA = NodeDesc('/', True, [
NodeDesc('chromeos', True, [
NodeDesc('family', True, [
NodeDesc('audio', elements=[
NodeAny('', [PropPhandleTarget()] +
NodeDesc('firmware', elements=[
PropString('script', True, r'updater4\.sh'),
] + copy.deepcopy(BASE_FIRMWARE_SCHEMA))
NodeDesc('touch', False, [
NodeAny('', [
PropString('firmware-bin', True, ''),
PropString('firmware-symlink', True, ''),
PropString('vendor', True, ''),
NodeDesc('mapping', False, [
NodeAny(r'sku-map(@[0-9])?', [
PropString('platform-name', False, ''),
PropString('smbios-name-match', False, ''),
PropPhandle('single-sku', '/chromeos/models/MODEL', False),
CrosConfigValidator.ValidateSkuMap, False),
NodeDesc('models', True, [
PropPhandle('whitelabel', '/chromeos/models/MODEL', False),
NodeDesc('firmware', False, [
PropPhandle('shares', '/chromeos/family/firmware/MODEL',
False, {'../whitelabel': False}),
PropString('key-id', False, '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+'),
] + copy.deepcopy(BASE_FIRMWARE_SCHEMA)),
PropString('brand-code', False, '[A-Z]{4}'),
PropString('powerd-prefs', conditional_props=NOT_WL),
PropString('wallpaper', False, '[a-z_]+'),
NodeDesc('audio', False, [
NodeAny(r'main', [
PropPhandle('audio-type', '/chromeos/family/audio/ANY',
PropString('cras-config-dir', True, r'\w+'),
PropString('ucm-suffix', True, r'\w+'),
PropString('topology-name', False, r'\w+'),
] + copy.deepcopy(BASE_AUDIO_SCHEMA)),
], conditional_props=NOT_WL),
NodeDesc('submodels', False, [
], conditional_props=NOT_WL),
NodeDesc('thermal', False, [
PropString('dptf-dv', False, r'\w+/dptf.dv'),
], conditional_props=NOT_WL),
NodeDesc('touch', False, [
PropString('present', False, r'yes|no|probe'),
# We want to validate that probe-regex is only present when
# 'present' = 'probe', but have no way of doing this
# currently.
PropString('probe-regex', False, ''),
NodeAny(r'(stylus|touchpad|touchscreen)(@[0-9])?', [
PropString('pid', False),
PropString('version', True),
PropPhandle('touch-type', '/chromeos/family/touch/ANY',
PropString('firmware-bin', True, '',
{'touch-type': False}),
PropString('firmware-symlink', True, '',
{'touch-type': False}),
PropString('date-code', False),
], conditional_props=NOT_WL),
def GetValidator():
"""Get a schema validator for use by another module
CrosConfigValidator object
return CrosConfigValidator(SCHEMA, raise_on_error=True)
def Main(argv):
"""Main program for validator
This validates each of the provided files and prints the errors for each, if
argv: Arguments to the problem (excluding argv[0])
args = ParseArgv(argv)
validator = CrosConfigValidator(SCHEMA, args.raise_on_error)
found_errors = False
for fname in args.config:
errors = validator.Start(fname)
if errors:
found_errors = True
print('%s:' % fname)
for error in errors:
if found_errors:
if __name__ == "__main__":