blob: 743fff88424873236948b257765174523105caf3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<node xmlns:tp="">
<interface name="org.chromium.leaderd.Group">
Group objects represent a group to join. They have
an associated group ID which will be unique group instance.
<method name="LeaveGroup">
Request leaderd to leave this group.
<annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="normal"/>
<method name="SetScore">
Set the application specific score for this device. Leaderd
will accept all calls to SetScore, but only update the
published score after a configurable cooldown.
<arg name="score" type="i" direction="in"/>
<annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="normal"/>
<method name="PokeLeader">
Hints that the application believes the leader to be dead.
May cause leaderd to send the leader an optimistic challenge
and jump into the wanderer state sooner than normal.
<annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="normal"/>
<property name="LeaderUUID" type="s" access="read">
Peer ID of the leader peer. Will be empty if the local device
does not know the identity of the leader. Will be our own peer
ID if the local device is the leader.
Consumers can obtain more information about a peer (e.g. IP
address(es)) from peerd.
Example value:
<property name="MemberUUIDs" type="as" access="read">
List containing peer IDs of all devices in our group. Includes
ourself; will therefore never be empty.