blob: a4ec4e8a5848ca70519e21b465f4de2c37bc4e71 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [
if (use.encrypted_stateful) {
deps += [
if (use.syslog) {
deps += [
if (use.test) {
deps += [
if (use.encrypted_stateful) {
deps += [ ":mount_encrypted_tests" ]
pkg_config("target_defaults") {
defines = [
pkg_deps = [
libs = [
shared_library("libinit_utils") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
pkg_deps = [ "vboot_host" ]
install_path = "lib"
static_library("libcrosstartup") {
sources = [
if (use.encrypted_stateful) {
sources += [ "startup/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
defines = []
deps = [
static_library("libclobber") {
sources = [
if (use.device_mapper) {
sources += [ "clobber/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
public_deps = [ ":libinit_utils" ]
deps = [ ":libencrypted-reboot-vault" ]
executable("chromeos_startup") {
sources = [ "startup/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libcrosstartup" ]
# gnlint: disable=GnLintInstallPathAlias
install_path = "/sbin"
executable("clobber-state") {
sources = [ "clobber/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libclobber" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
shared_library("libfile_attrs_cleaner") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "lib"
executable("file_attrs_cleaner_tool") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libfile_attrs_cleaner" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
static_library("process_killer_lib") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
executable("process_killer") {
sources = [ "process_killer/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":process_killer_lib" ]
install_path = "bin"
executable("periodic_scheduler") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "bin"
executable("cros_sysrq_init") {
sources = [ "" ]
pkg_deps = [ "vboot_host" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
executable("net_poll_tool") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
executable("static_node_tool") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
static_library("usermode-helper_lib") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
shared_library("libinit_metrics") {
sources = [ "metrics/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "lib"
shared_library("libtpm_encryption") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
defines = [ "CHROMEOS_ENVIRONMENT=1" ]
if (use.tpm2) {
sources += [ "tpm_encryption/" ]
# This selects TPM2 code in vboot_host headers.
defines += [ "TPM2_MODE=1" ]
} else {
sources += [ "tpm_encryption/" ]
public_deps = [ ":libinit_metrics" ]
install_path = "lib"
shared_library("libmount_encrypted") {
sources = [ "mount_encrypted/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
defines = [ "CHROMEOS_ENVIRONMENT=1" ]
public_deps = [ ":libtpm_encryption" ]
install_path = "lib"
executable("mount-encrypted") {
sources = [ "mount_encrypted/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libmount_encrypted" ]
install_path = "sbin"
shared_library("libencrypted-reboot-vault") {
sources = [ "encrypted_reboot_vault/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
install_path = "lib"
executable("encrypted-reboot-vault") {
sources = [ "encrypted_reboot_vault/" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":libencrypted-reboot-vault" ]
# Only used for testing.
install_path = "/usr/local/bin"
executable("usermode-helper") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [ ":usermode-helper_lib" ]
install_path = "/sbin"
install_config("usr_share_cros_init_scripts") {
sources = [
install_path = "/usr/share/cros/init"
type = "executable"
install_config("sbin_init_scripts") {
sources = [
install_path = "/sbin"
type = "executable"
install_config("install_setuid_restriction") {
sources = [ "setuid_restrictions/init_uid_allowlist.txt" ]
install_path = "/usr/share/cros/startup/process_management_policies"
install_config("install_lvm_config") {
sources = [ "lvm.conf" ]
install_path = "/etc/lvm"
if (use.syslog) {
install_config("install_chromeos-cleanup-logs") {
sources = [ "chromeos-cleanup-logs" ]
install_path = "sbin"
type = "executable"
install_config("install_rsyslog") {
sources = [ "rsyslog.chromeos" ]
install_path = "/etc"
if (use.test) {
pkg_config("test_config") {
pkg_deps = [
executable("chromeos_startup_test") {
sources = [
configs += [
run_test = true
libs = [ "hwsec-foundation-mock" ]
deps = [
pkg_deps = [
executable("clobber_state_test") {
sources = [
if (use.device_mapper) {
sources += [ "clobber/" ]
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [
pkg_deps = [ "libcrossystem-test" ]
executable("file_attrs_cleaner_test") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [
executable("tpm_encryption_tests") {
sources = [
configs += [
libs = [ "hwsec-foundation-mock" ]
deps = [
pkg_deps = [
if (use.tpm2) {
defines = [ "TPM2_MODE=1" ]
run_test = true
executable("mount_encrypted_tests") {
sources = [ "mount_encrypted/" ]
configs += [
deps = [
pkg_deps = [
run_test = true
executable("process_killer_test") {
sources = [
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [
executable("periodic_scheduler_test") {
sources = [
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [ "//common-mk/testrunner" ]
executable("usermode-helper_test") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [
executable("utils_test") {
sources = [ "" ]
configs += [
run_test = true
deps = [