blob: 5532a466ada027a9c6edcc175802803db5105d58 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
get_stateful_df_data() {
local bs="${1:-1K}"
df --block-size "${bs}" -P "${STATEFUL}" | grep -m 1 "${STATEFUL}"
# Get the lifetime writes from the stateful partition.
get_stateful_lifetime_writes() {
local stateful_dev
stateful_dev="$(rootdev '/mnt/stateful_partition' | sed -e 's#^/dev/##')"
local lifetime_writes
lifetime_writes="$(cat "/sys/fs/ext4/${stateful_dev}/lifetime_write_kbytes")"
: "${lifetime_writes:=0}"
echo "${lifetime_writes}"
# Get the percentage of space used on the stateful partition.
get_stateful_usage_percent() {
local total free used
free=$(get_stateful_free_space_blocks "${bs}")
used=$(( total - free ))
echo $(( used * 100 / total ))
# Get the free space on the stateful partition.
# inputs:
# bs -- size of block as understood by strosize (suffixes allowed)
get_stateful_free_space_blocks() {
local bs bs_bytes size
bs_bytes=$(numfmt --from=iec "${bs}")
size=$(spaced_cli --get_free_disk_space="${STATEFUL}")
echo $(( size / bs_bytes ))
# Get the total space on the stateful partition.
# inputs:
# bs -- size of block as understood by strosize (suffixes allowed)
get_stateful_total_space_blocks() {
local bs bs_bytes size
bs_bytes=$(numfmt --from=iec "${bs}")
size=$(spaced_cli --get_total_disk_space="${STATEFUL}")
echo $(( size / bs_bytes ))
# Get the used space on the stateful partition.
# inputs:
# bs -- size of block as understood by strosize (suffixes allowed)
get_stateful_used_space_blocks() {
local bs total free
total=$(get_stateful_total_space_blocks "${bs}")
free=$(get_stateful_free_space_blocks "${bs}")
echo $(( total - free ))
# Gets enum for stateful partition's format.
# Output denotes the following formats:
# 0 - Raw partition
# 1 - Logical volume (LVM)
get_stateful_format_enum() {
local stateful_dev
stateful_dev="$(rootdev '/mnt/stateful_partition')"
case "${stateful_dev}" in
/dev/dm*) printf 1 ;;
*) printf 0 ;;