blob: 3ef77b1b049364dc1eacdc303c5d5f905174fabd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "init/mount_encrypted/encrypted_fs.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <brillo/blkdev_utils/lvm.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/crypto/secure_blob_util.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/crypto/sha.h>
#include <libstorage/platform/platform.h>
#include <libstorage/storage_container/backing_device.h>
#include <libstorage/storage_container/filesystem_key.h>
#include <libstorage/storage_container/storage_container.h>
#include <libstorage/storage_container/storage_container_factory.h>
namespace mount_encrypted {
namespace {
constexpr char kEncryptedFSType[] = "ext4";
constexpr char kCryptDevName[] = "encstateful";
constexpr char kDevMapperPath[] = "/dev/mapper";
constexpr char kDumpe2fsLogPath[] = "/run/mount_encrypted/dumpe2fs.log";
constexpr char kProcDirtyExpirePath[] = "/proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs";
constexpr float kSizePercent = 0.3;
constexpr uint64_t kExt4BlockSize = 4096;
// Block size is 4k => Minimum free space available to try resizing is 400MB.
constexpr int64_t kMinBlocksAvailForResize = 102400;
constexpr char kExt4ExtendedOptions[] = "discard";
constexpr char kDmCryptDefaultCipher[] = "aes-cbc-essiv:sha256";
bool CheckBind(libstorage::Platform* platform, const BindMount& bind) {
if (platform->Access(bind.src, R_OK) &&
!platform->CreateDirectory(bind.src)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "mkdir " << bind.src;
return false;
if (platform->Access(bind.dst, R_OK) &&
!(platform->CreateDirectory(bind.dst) &&
platform->SetPermissions(bind.dst, bind.mode))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "mkdir " << bind.dst;
return false;
// Destination may be on read-only filesystem, so skip tweaks.
// Must do explicit chmod since mkdir()'s mode respects umask.
if (!platform->SetPermissions(bind.src, bind.mode)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "chmod " << bind.src;
return false;
if (!platform->SetOwnership(bind.src, bind.owner,, true)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "chown " << bind.src;
return false;
return true;
std::string GetMountOpts() {
// Use vm.dirty_expire_centisecs / 100 as the commit interval.
std::string dirty_expire;
uint64_t dirty_expire_centisecs;
uint64_t commit_interval = 600;
if (base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kProcDirtyExpirePath),
&dirty_expire)) {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(dirty_expire, base::TRIM_ALL, &dirty_expire);
if (!base::StringToUint64(dirty_expire, &dirty_expire_centisecs)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to parse contents of " << dirty_expire;
LOG(INFO) << "Using vm.dirty_expire_centisecs/100 as the commit interval";
// Keep commit interval as 5 seconds (default for ext4) for smaller
// values of dirty_expire_centisecs.
if (dirty_expire_centisecs < 600)
commit_interval = 5;
commit_interval = dirty_expire_centisecs / 100;
return "discard,commit=" + std::to_string(commit_interval);
} // namespace
const base::FilePath& rootdir,
const base::FilePath& statefulmnt,
uint64_t fs_size,
const std::string& dmcrypt_name,
std::unique_ptr<libstorage::StorageContainer> container,
libstorage::Platform* platform)
: rootdir_(rootdir),
{{encrypted_mount_.Append("var"), rootdir_.Append("var"),
libstorage::kRootUid, libstorage::kRootGid,
{encrypted_mount_.Append("chronos"), rootdir_.Append("home/chronos"),
libstorage::kChronosUid, libstorage::kChronosGid,
// static
std::unique_ptr<EncryptedFs> EncryptedFs::Generate(
const base::FilePath& rootdir,
const base::FilePath& statefulmnt,
libstorage::Platform* platform,
libstorage::StorageContainerFactory* storage_container_factory) {
// Calculate the maximum size of the encrypted stateful partition.
// truncate()/ftruncate() use int64_t for file size.
struct statvfs stateful_statbuf;
if (!platform->StatVFS(statefulmnt, &stateful_statbuf)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "stat() failed on: " << statefulmnt;
return nullptr;
int64_t fs_bytes_max = static_cast<int64_t>(stateful_statbuf.f_blocks);
fs_bytes_max *= kSizePercent;
fs_bytes_max *= stateful_statbuf.f_frsize;
std::string dmcrypt_name = std::string(kCryptDevName);
if (rootdir != base::FilePath("/")) {
brillo::SecureBlob digest =
std::string hex = hwsec_foundation::SecureBlobToHex(digest);
dmcrypt_name += "_" + hex.substr(0, 16);
// Initialize the encrypted container.
libstorage::BackingDeviceConfig backing_device_config;
base::FilePath sparse_backing_file = statefulmnt.Append("encrypted.block");
base::FilePath stateful_device = platform->GetStatefulDevice();
// Use the loopback sparse file in 2 cases:
// 1. If the device is set up using an ext4 stateful partition.
// 2. If the device already has an existing sparse loopback file: this
// situation can occur during migration of a device to an LVM stateful
// stateful partition.
// TODO(sarthakkukreti@): Loopback backing devices use size in bytes whereas
// logical volume backing devices use size in megabytes. Fix this
// inconsistency.
if (!platform->IsStatefulLogicalVolumeSupported() ||
platform->FileExists(sparse_backing_file)) {
backing_device_config = {
.type = libstorage::BackingDeviceType::kLoopbackDevice,
.name = dmcrypt_name,
.size = fs_bytes_max,
.loopback = {.backing_file_path = sparse_backing_file}};
} else {
brillo::LogicalVolumeManager* lvm = platform->GetLogicalVolumeManager();
brillo::PhysicalVolume pv(stateful_device,
std::optional<brillo::VolumeGroup> vg = lvm->GetVolumeGroup(pv);
if (!vg || !vg->IsValid()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get volume group.";
return nullptr;
std::optional<brillo::Thinpool> thinpool =
lvm->GetThinpool(*vg, "thinpool");
if (!thinpool || !thinpool->IsValid()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get thinpool.";
return nullptr;
backing_device_config = {
.type = libstorage::BackingDeviceType::kLogicalVolumeBackingDevice,
.name = dmcrypt_name,
.size = fs_bytes_max / (1024 * 1024),
.logical_volume = {
.vg = std::make_shared<brillo::VolumeGroup>(*vg),
.thinpool = std::make_shared<brillo::Thinpool>(*thinpool)}};
libstorage::StorageContainerConfig container_config(
{.filesystem_config =
{.mkfs_opts = {"-T", "default", "-b", std::to_string(kExt4BlockSize),
"-m", "0", "-O", "^huge_file,^flex_bg", "-E",
.tune2fs_opts = {},
.backend_type = libstorage::StorageContainerType::kDmcrypt,
.recovery = libstorage::RecoveryType::kEnforceCleaning},
.dmcrypt_config = {
.backing_device_config = backing_device_config,
.dmcrypt_device_name = dmcrypt_name,
.dmcrypt_cipher = std::string(kDmCryptDefaultCipher)}});
libstorage::FileSystemKeyReference key_reference;
key_reference.fek_sig = brillo::SecureBlob("encstateful");
std::unique_ptr<libstorage::StorageContainer> container =
container_config, libstorage::StorageContainerType::kExt4,
return std::make_unique<EncryptedFs>(rootdir, statefulmnt, fs_bytes_max,
dmcrypt_name, std::move(container),
bool EncryptedFs::Purge() {
LOG(INFO) << "Purging block device";
return container_->Purge();
// Do all the work needed to actually set up the encrypted partition.
bool EncryptedFs::Setup(const libstorage::FileSystemKey& encryption_key,
bool rebuild) {
// Get stateful partition statistics. This acts as an indicator of how large
// we want the encrypted stateful partition to be.
struct statvfs stateful_statbuf;
if (!platform_->StatVFS(stateful_mount_, &stateful_statbuf)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "stat() failed on: " << stateful_mount_;
return false;
if (rebuild) {
// Wipe out the old files, and ignore errors.
// Create new sparse file.
LOG(INFO) << "Creating sparse backing file with size " << fs_size_;
} else if (!container_->Exists()) {
// If not rebuilding, we expect the container to be present.
LOG(ERROR) << "Encrypted container doesn't exist";
return false;
if (!container_->Setup(encryption_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up encrypted container";
TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownContainer, true);
return false;
// Trigger filesystem resizer, in case growth was interrupted.
// TODO(keescook): if already full size, don't resize.
// If there aren't enough blocks
// available, we might succeed here but eventually fail to resize and corrupt
// the encrypted stateful file system. Check if there are at least a few
// blocks available on the stateful partition.
if (stateful_statbuf.f_bfree > kMinBlocksAvailForResize &&
!container_->Resize(0)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resize stateful";
return false;
// Mount the dm-crypt partition finally.
LOG(INFO) << "Mounting " << dmcrypt_dev_ << " onto " << encrypted_mount_;
if (platform_->Access(encrypted_mount_, R_OK) &&
!(platform_->CreateDirectory(encrypted_mount_) &&
PLOG(ERROR) << dmcrypt_dev_;
TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownContainer, true);
return false;
if (!platform_->Mount(dmcrypt_dev_, encrypted_mount_, kEncryptedFSType,
GetMountOpts().c_str())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "mount: " << dmcrypt_dev_ << ", " << encrypted_mount_;
// On failure to mount, use dumpe2fs to collect debugging data about
// the unencrypted block device that failed to mount. Since mount-encrypted
// cleans up afterwards, this is the only point where this data can be
// collected.
TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownContainer, true);
return false;
// Perform bind mounts.
for (auto& bind : bind_mounts_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Bind mounting " << bind.src << " onto " << bind.dst;
if (!CheckBind(platform_, bind)) {
TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownUnbind, true);
return false;
if (!platform_->Bind(bind.src, bind.dst)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "mount: " << bind.src << ", " << bind.dst;
TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownUnbind, true);
return false;
// Everything completed without error.
return true;
// Clean up all bind mounts, mounts, attaches, etc. Only the final
// action informs the return value. This makes it so that failures
// can be cleaned up from, and continue the shutdown process on a
// second call. If the loopback cannot be found, claim success.
bool EncryptedFs::Teardown() {
return TeardownByStage(TeardownStage::kTeardownUnbind, false);
bool EncryptedFs::TeardownByStage(TeardownStage stage, bool ignore_errors) {
switch (stage) {
case TeardownStage::kTeardownUnbind:
for (auto& bind : bind_mounts_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unmounting " << bind.dst;
errno = 0;
// Allow either success or a "not mounted" failure.
if (!platform_->Unmount(bind.dst, false, nullptr) && !ignore_errors) {
if (errno != EINVAL) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "umount " << bind.dst;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Unmounting " << encrypted_mount_;
errno = 0;
// Allow either success or a "not mounted" failure.
if (!platform_->Unmount(encrypted_mount_, false, nullptr) &&
!ignore_errors) {
if (errno != EINVAL) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "umount " << encrypted_mount_;
return false;
// Force syncs to make sure we don't tickle racey/buggy kernel
// routines that might be causing
// Intentionally fall through here to teardown the lower dmcrypt device.
case TeardownStage::kTeardownContainer:
LOG(INFO) << "Removing " << dmcrypt_dev_;
if (!container_->Teardown() && !ignore_errors) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to teardown encrypted container";
return false;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Teardown failed.";
return false;
bool EncryptedFs::CheckStates() {
// Verify stateful partition exists.
if (platform_->Access(stateful_mount_, R_OK)) {
LOG(INFO) << stateful_mount_ << "does not exist.";
return false;
// Verify stateful is either a separate mount, or that the
// root directory is writable (i.e. a factory install, dev mode
// where root remounted rw, etc).
if (platform_->SameVFS(stateful_mount_, rootdir_) &&
platform_->Access(rootdir_, W_OK)) {
LOG(INFO) << stateful_mount_ << " is not mounted.";
return false;
// Verify encrypted partition is missing or not already mounted.
if (platform_->Access(encrypted_mount_, R_OK) == 0 &&
!platform_->SameVFS(encrypted_mount_, stateful_mount_)) {
LOG(INFO) << encrypted_mount_ << " already appears to be mounted.";
return true;
// Verify that bind mount targets exist.
for (auto& bind : bind_mounts_) {
if (platform_->Access(bind.dst, R_OK)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << bind.dst << " mount point is missing.";
return false;
// Verify that old bind mounts on stateful haven't happened yet.
for (auto& bind : bind_mounts_) {
if (bind.submount)
if (platform_->SameVFS(bind.dst, stateful_mount_)) {
LOG(INFO) << bind.dst << " already bind mounted.";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "VFS mount state validity check ok.";
return true;
bool EncryptedFs::ReportInfo() const {
printf("rootdir: %s\n", rootdir_.value().c_str());
printf("stateful_mount: %s\n", stateful_mount_.value().c_str());
printf("encrypted_mount: %s\n", encrypted_mount_.value().c_str());
printf("dmcrypt_name: %s\n", dmcrypt_name_.c_str());
printf("dmcrypt_dev: %s\n", dmcrypt_dev_.value().c_str());
printf("bind mounts:\n");
for (auto& mnt : bind_mounts_) {
printf("\tsrc:%s\n", mnt.src.value().c_str());
printf("\tdst:%s\n", mnt.dst.value().c_str());
printf("\towner:%d\n", mnt.owner);
printf("\tmode:%o\n", mnt.mode);
printf("\tsubmount:%d\n", mnt.submount);
return true;
} // namespace mount_encrypted