blob: 72b891d6881e97462767782649b1e64bd6483f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the functionality for configuring process management.
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <libstorage/platform/platform.h>
#include "init/startup/startup_dep_impl.h"
namespace startup {
// Accumulate process management policies from the files in the policy dir
// and append them to to output_file.
bool AccumulatePolicyFiles(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const base::FilePath& output_file,
const base::FilePath& policy_dir);
// Determine where securityfs files are placed and accumulate policy files.
bool ConfigureProcessMgmtSecurity(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root);
// Sets up the LoadPin verity root digests to be trusted by the kernel.
bool SetupLoadPinVerityDigests(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
StartupDep* startup_dep);
// Block symlink and FIFO access on the given path.
bool BlockSymlinkAndFifo(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& path);
void CreateSystemKey(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const base::FilePath& stateful,
StartupDep* startup_dep,
std::string* output);
bool AllowSymlink(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& path);
bool AllowFifo(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& path);
void SymlinkExceptions(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root);
void ExceptionsProjectSpecific(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const base::FilePath& config_dir,
bool (*callback)(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root,
const std::string& path));
// Set up symlink traversal, FIFO blocking policy, and project specific
// symlink and FIFO exceptions.
void ConfigureFilesystemExceptions(libstorage::Platform* platform,
const base::FilePath& root);
} // namespace startup