blob: 2c8ff12719997655ee9e96e8a1ab3ce041acc1bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <dbus/exported_object.h>
#include <libec/ec_command_factory.h>
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/power_supply_observer.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/rolling_average.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/udev_subsystem_observer.h"
#include "power_manager/proto_bindings/power_supply_properties.pb.h"
namespace dbus {
class MethodCall;
namespace power_manager {
class BatteryPercentageConverter;
class Clock;
class PowerSupplyProperties;
class PrefsInterface;
namespace metrics {
enum class PowerSupplyType;
namespace system {
class DBusWrapperInterface;
struct PowerStatus;
struct UdevEvent;
class UdevInterface;
// Copies fields from |status| into |proto|.
void CopyPowerStatusToProtocolBuffer(const PowerStatus& status,
PowerSupplyProperties* proto);
// Returns a string describing the battery status from |status|.
std::string GetPowerStatusBatteryDebugString(const PowerStatus& status);
// Returns a metrics value corresponding to |type|, a sysfs power supply type.
metrics::PowerSupplyType GetPowerSupplyTypeMetric(const std::string& type);
// Structure used for passing power supply info.
struct PowerStatus {
// Details about a charging port.
struct Port {
// Different roles of connected devices.
enum class Role {
// A device that only provides power.
// A device that can either provide or consume power (source or sink).
// Tests for |o| having a matching ID and connection type.
bool operator==(const Port& o) const;
// Opaque fixed ID corresponding to the port.
std::string id;
// The port's physical location.
PowerSupplyProperties::PowerSource::Port location =
// The role of the device that's connected to the port.
Role role = Role::NONE;
// Values read from |type|, |manufacturer|, and |model_name| sysfs nodes.
std::string type;
std::string manufacturer_id;
std::string model_id;
// Maximum power the source is capable of delivering, in watts.
double max_power = 0.0;
// True if the power source automatically provides charge when connected
// (e.g. a dedicated charger).
bool active_by_default = false;
// Is a non-battery power source connected?
bool line_power_on = false;
// String read from sysfs describing the non-battery power source.
std::string line_power_type;
// Line power statistics. These may be unset even if line power is connected.
double line_power_voltage = 0.0; // In volts.
double line_power_max_voltage = 0.0; // In volts.
double line_power_current = 0.0; // In amperes.
double line_power_max_current = 0.0; // In amperes.
// True if various |line_power_*| values were set successfully.
bool has_line_power_voltage = false;
bool has_line_power_current = false;
bool has_line_power_max_voltage = false;
bool has_line_power_max_current = false;
// Amount of energy, measured in Wh, in the battery.
double battery_energy = 0.0;
// Amount of energy being drained from the battery, measured in W. It is a
// positive value irrespective of the battery charging or discharging.
double battery_energy_rate = 0.0;
// Current battery levels.
double battery_voltage = 0.0; // In volts.
double battery_current = 0.0; // In amperes.
double battery_charge = 0.0; // In ampere-hours.
// Battery full charge and design-charge levels in ampere-hours.
double battery_charge_full = 0.0;
double battery_charge_full_design = 0.0;
// Battery full charge and design-charge levels in watt-hours.
double battery_energy_full = 0.0;
double battery_energy_full_design = 0.0;
// Observed rate at which the battery's charge has been changing, in amperes
// (i.e. change in the charge per hour). Positive if the battery's charge has
// increased, negative if it's decreased, and zero if the charge hasn't
// changed or if the rate was not calculated because too few samples were
// available.
double observed_battery_charge_rate = 0.0;
// The battery voltage used in calculating time remaining. This may or may
// not be the same as the instantaneous voltage |battery_voltage|, as voltage
// levels vary over the time the battery is charged or discharged.
double nominal_voltage = 0.0;
// Set to true when we have just transitioned states and we might have both a
// segment of charging and discharging in the calculation. This is done to
// signal that the time value maybe inaccurate.
bool is_calculating_battery_time = false;
// Estimated time until the battery is empty (while discharging) or full
// (while charging).
base::TimeDelta battery_time_to_empty;
base::TimeDelta battery_time_to_full;
// If discharging, estimated time until the battery is at a low-enough level
// that the system will shut down automatically. This will be less than
// |battery_time_to_empty| if a shutdown threshold is set.
base::TimeDelta battery_time_to_shutdown;
// Battery charge in the range [0.0, 100.0], i.e. |battery_charge| /
// |battery_charge_full| * 100.0.
double battery_percentage = -1.0;
// Battery charge in the range [0.0, 100.0] that should be displayed to
// the user. This takes other factors into consideration, such as the
// percentage at which point we shut down the device and the "full
// factor".
double display_battery_percentage = -1.0;
// Does the system have a battery?
bool battery_is_present = false;
// Is the battery level so low that the machine should be shut down?
bool battery_below_shutdown_threshold = false;
PowerSupplyProperties::ExternalPower external_power =
PowerSupplyProperties::BatteryState battery_state =
// Value read from "status" node in battery's sysfs directory.
std::string battery_status_string;
// ID of the active source from |ports|.
std::string external_power_source_id;
// Ports capable of delivering external power. This includes ports without
// anything connected to them.
std::vector<Port> ports;
// True if it is possible for some connected devices to function as either
// sources or sinks (i.e. to either deliver or receive charge).
bool supports_dual_role_devices = false;
// /sys paths from which the line power and battery information was read.
std::string line_power_path;
std::string battery_path;
// Additional information about the battery.
std::string battery_vendor;
std::string battery_model_name;
std::string battery_technology;
int64_t battery_cycle_count = 0;
std::string battery_serial_number;
// Design value for minimal power supply voltage. This is the minimal value
// of voltage when the battery is considered "empty" at normal conditions.
// The value is reported in volts (V).
double battery_voltage_min_design = 0.0;
// The device's preferred minimum external power input in watts (W). When
// requesting the user use a higher-power external power source, this value
// can be displayed.
double preferred_minimum_external_power = 0.0;
// Indicates if Adaptive Charging is supported for this system.
bool adaptive_charging_supported = false;
// Indicates if the Adaptive Charging Heuristic has the feature enabled.
bool adaptive_charging_heuristic_enabled = false;
// Indicates if Adaptive Charging is currently delaying charge to the battery.
bool adaptive_delaying_charge = false;
// Indicates if Charge Limit is currently holding the charge at or discharging
// down to |adaptive_charging_hold_percent_|.
bool charge_limited = false;
// Fetches the system's power status, e.g. whether on AC or battery, charge and
// voltage level, current, etc.
class PowerSupplyInterface {
PowerSupplyInterface() = default;
virtual ~PowerSupplyInterface() = default;
// Adds or removes an observer.
virtual void AddObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) = 0;
// Returns the last-read status.
virtual PowerStatus GetPowerStatus() const = 0;
// Updates the status synchronously, returning true on success. If successful,
// observers will be notified asynchronously.
virtual bool RefreshImmediately() = 0;
// On suspend, stops polling. On resume, updates the status immediately,
// notifies observers asynchronously, and schedules a poll for the near
// future.
virtual void SetSuspended(bool suspended) = 0;
// Sets if Adaptive Charging is supported or not.
virtual void SetAdaptiveChargingSupported(bool supported) = 0;
// Sets if the Adaptive Charging heuristic currently has the feature enabled.
virtual void SetAdaptiveChargingHeuristicEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
// Starts Adaptive Charging logic. |target_time_to_full| is the current
// estimate for how long until Adaptive Charging will allow the battery to
// finish charging to full.
// |hold_percent| is the what to set
// |power_status_.display_battery_percentage| to while Adaptive Charging is
// delaying the charge. This will only be done while
// display_battery_percentage is within the range [|hold_percent| -
// |hold_delta_percent| - 1, |hold_percent|].
virtual void SetAdaptiveCharging(const base::TimeDelta& target_time_to_full,
double hold_percent,
double hold_delta_percent) = 0;
// Clears |adaptive_charging_hold_percent_|.
// |power_status_.display_battery_percentage| is no longer held at
// |adaptive_charging_hold_percent_|.
virtual void ClearAdaptiveChargingChargeDelay() = 0;
// Sets if Charge Limit is currently maintaining |hold_percent| charge. This
// indicates that |hold_percent| should be shown as the current display
// battery percentage. This will only be done when the display battery
// percentage is within the range [|hold_percent| - |hold_delta_percent| - 1,
// |hold_percent|].
virtual void SetChargeLimited(double hold_percent,
double hold_delta_percent) = 0;
// Clears the charge limit, meaning that the display battery percentage should
// no longer be locked to the |hold_percent| set via |SetChargeLimited|.
virtual void ClearChargeLimited() = 0;
// On any Battery Saver state change updates the status immediately,
// notifies observers asynchronously, and schedules a poll for the near
// future.
virtual void OnBatterySaverStateChanged() = 0;
// Real implementation of PowerSupplyInterface that reads from sysfs.
class PowerSupply : public PowerSupplyInterface, public UdevSubsystemObserver {
// Helper class for testing PowerSupply.
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(PowerSupply* power_supply) : power_supply_(power_supply) {}
TestApi(const TestApi&) = delete;
TestApi& operator=(const TestApi&) = delete;
~TestApi() = default;
base::TimeDelta current_poll_delay() const {
return power_supply_->current_poll_delay_for_testing_;
// Returns the time that will be used as "now".
base::TimeTicks GetCurrentTime() const;
// Sets the time that will be used as "now".
void SetCurrentTime(base::TimeTicks now);
// Advances the time by |interval|.
void AdvanceTime(base::TimeDelta interval);
// If |poll_timer_| was running, calls OnPollTimeout() and returns true.
// Returns false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool TriggerPollTimeout();
PowerSupply* power_supply_; // weak
// Power supply subsystem for udev events.
static const char kUdevSubsystem[];
// File within a sysfs device directory that can be used to request that the
// device be used to deliver power to the system.
static const char kChargeControlLimitMaxFile[];
// Different power supply types reported by the kernel; see
// drivers/power/power_supply_sysfs.c.
static const char kBatteryType[];
static const char kUnknownType[];
static const char kMainsType[];
static const char kUsbType[];
static const char kUsbAcaType[];
static const char kUsbCdpType[];
static const char kUsbDcpType[];
static const char kUsbCType[];
static const char kUsbPdType[];
static const char kUsbPdDrpType[];
static const char kBrickIdType[];
// Battery states reported by the kernel. This is not the full set of
// possible states; see drivers/power/power_supply_sysfs.c.
static const char kBatteryStatusCharging[];
static const char kBatteryStatusDischarging[];
static const char kBatteryStatusNotCharging[];
static const char kBatteryStatusFull[];
// Line power status reported by the kernel for a bidirectional port through
// which the system is being charged.
static const char kLinePowerStatusCharging[];
// Minimum duration of samples that need to be present in |charge_samples_|
// for the observed battery charge rate to be calculated.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kObservedBatteryChargeRateMin =
// Additional time beyond |battery_stabilized_after_*_delay_| to wait before
// updating the status, in milliseconds. This just ensures that the timer
// doesn't fire before it's safe to calculate the battery time.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kBatteryStabilizedSlack =
// To reduce the risk of shutting down prematurely due to a bad battery
// time-to-empty estimate, avoid shutting down when
// |low_battery_shutdown_time_| is set if the battery percent is not also
// equal to or less than this threshold (in the range [0.0, 100.0)).
static const double kLowBatteryShutdownSafetyPercent;
// Returns true if |a| and |b| contain the same connected power sources. The
// ports in each status must be sorted. Public for testing.
static bool ConnectedSourcesAreEqual(const PowerStatus& a,
const PowerStatus& b);
PowerSupply(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
PowerSupply& operator=(const PowerSupply&) = delete;
~PowerSupply() override;
base::TimeTicks battery_stabilized_timestamp() const {
return battery_stabilized_timestamp_;
// Initializes the object and begins polling. Ownership of raw pointers
// remains with the caller.
void Init(const base::FilePath& power_supply_path,
const base::FilePath& cros_ec_path,
ec::EcCommandFactoryInterface* ec_command_factory,
PrefsInterface* prefs,
UdevInterface* udev,
DBusWrapperInterface* dbus_wrapper,
BatteryPercentageConverter* battery_percentage_converter);
// PowerSupplyInterface implementation:
void AddObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) override;
PowerStatus GetPowerStatus() const override;
bool RefreshImmediately() override;
void SetSuspended(bool suspended) override;
void SetAdaptiveChargingSupported(bool supported) override;
void SetAdaptiveChargingHeuristicEnabled(bool enabled) override;
void SetAdaptiveCharging(const base::TimeDelta& target_time_to_full,
double hold_percent,
double hold_delta_percent) override;
void ClearAdaptiveChargingChargeDelay() override;
void SetChargeLimited(double hold_percent,
double hold_delta_percent) override;
void ClearChargeLimited() override;
void OnBatterySaverStateChanged() override;
// UdevSubsystemObserver implementation:
void OnUdevEvent(const UdevEvent& event) override;
// Blocking method to retry RefreshImmediately() when it failed.
bool RefreshImmediatelyWithRetry();
// Specifies when UpdatePowerStatus() should update |power_status_|.
enum class UpdatePolicy {
// Update the status after any successful refresh.
// Update the status only if the new state (i.e. the connected power sources
// or the battery state) differs from the current state.
// Specifies how PerformUpdate() should notify observers.
enum class NotifyPolicy {
// Call NotifyObservers() directly.
// Post |notify_observers_task_| to call NotifyObservers() asynchronously.
// Read the display SoC from the EC.
// If the EC doesn't export the display SoC, it returns false.
// It also updates full_factor_ and low_battery_shutdown_percent_ with the
// values retrieved from the EC.
bool GetDisplayStateOfChargeFromEC(double* display_soc);
std::string GetIdForPath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
base::FilePath GetPathForId(const std::string& id) const;
// Returns the value of |pref_name|, an int64_t pref containing a
// millisecond-based duration. std::nullopt is returned if the pref is unset.
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetMsPref(const std::string& pref_name) const;
// Sets |battery_stabilized_timestamp_| so that the current and charge won't
// be sampled again until at least |stabilized_delay| in the future.
void DeferBatterySampling(base::TimeDelta stabilized_delay);
// Reads data from |power_supply_path_| and updates |power_status_|. Returns
// false if an error is encountered that prevents the status from being
// initialized or if |policy| was UPDATE_ONLY_IF_SOURCES_CHANGED but the
// connected power sources have not changed.
bool UpdatePowerStatus(UpdatePolicy policy);
// Helper method for UpdatePowerStatus() that reads |path|, a directory under
// |power_supply_path_| corresponding to a line power source (e.g. anything
// that isn't a battery), and updates |status|.
void ReadLinePowerDirectory(const base::FilePath& path, PowerStatus* status);
// Helper method for UpdatePowerStatus() that reads |path|, a directory under
// |power_supply_path_| corresponding to a battery, and updates |status|.
// Returns false if an error is encountered (including the charge being zero
// when |allow_empty| is false).
bool ReadBatteryDirectory(const base::FilePath& path,
PowerStatus* status,
bool allow_empty);
// Helper method for ReadBatteryDirectory() that updates |status|'s
// |battery_percentage|, |display_battery_percentage|, and |battery_state|
// members based on existing battery information in |status|.
// Returns false if an error is encountered when reading the display battery
// percentage.
bool UpdateBatteryPercentagesAndState(PowerStatus* status);
// Helper method for UpdatePowerStatus() that reads multiple battery
// directories from sysfs using ReadBatteryDirectory() and merges the results
// into |status|.
bool ReadMultipleBatteryDirectories(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& paths,
PowerStatus* status);
// Updates |status|'s time-to-full and time-to-empty estimates or returns
// false if estimates can't be calculated yet. Negative values are used
// if the estimates would otherwise be extremely large (due to a very low
// current).
// The |battery_state|, |battery_charge|, |battery_charge_full|,
// |nominal_voltage|, and |battery_voltage| fields must already be
// initialized.
bool UpdateBatteryTimeEstimates(PowerStatus* status);
// Calculates and stores the observed (based on periodic sampling) rate at
// which the battery's reported charge is changing.
void UpdateObservedBatteryChargeRate(PowerStatus* status) const;
// Returns true if |status|'s battery level is so low that the system
// should be shut down. |status|'s |battery_percentage|,
// |battery_time_to_*|, and |line_power_on| fields must already be set.
bool IsBatteryBelowShutdownThreshold(const PowerStatus& status) const;
// Returns true if |sysname| indicates that a power supply is AC when the
// system does not have a barrel jack configured, indicating that the power
// supply should be ignored.
// TODO(b/247037119) evaluate whether this can be handled in firmware. If so,
// remove this method.
bool IsSupplyIgnored(const std::string& sysname) const;
// Calls UpdatePowerStatus() and SchedulePoll() and notifies observers
// according to |notify_policy| on success.
bool PerformUpdate(UpdatePolicy update_policy, NotifyPolicy notify_policy);
// Schedules |poll_timer_| to call OnPollTimeout().
void SchedulePoll();
// Handles |poll_timer_| firing. Updates |power_status_| and reschedules the
// timer.
void OnPollTimeout();
// Notifies |observers_| that |power_status_| has been updated.
void NotifyObservers();
// Handles D-Bus method calls.
void OnGetPowerSupplyPropertiesMethodCall(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
void OnGetBatteryStateMethodCall(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
void OnSetPowerSourceMethodCall(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Handles a request to use the PowerStatus::Source described by |id|,
// returning true on success.
bool SetPowerSource(const std::string& id);
ec::EcCommandFactoryInterface* ec_command_factory_ = nullptr; // non-owned
PrefsInterface* prefs_ = nullptr; // non-owned
UdevInterface* udev_ = nullptr; // non-owned
DBusWrapperInterface* dbus_wrapper_ = nullptr; // non-owned
BatteryPercentageConverter* battery_percentage_converter_ =
nullptr; // non-owned
std::unique_ptr<Clock> clock_;
base::ObserverList<PowerSupplyObserver> observers_;
// TODO(b/207716926): Temporary change to find FD leaks in powerd.
std::array<base::ScopedFILE, 2> spare_files_;
// Most-recently-computed status.
PowerStatus power_status_;
// True after |power_status_| has been successfully updated at least once.
bool power_status_initialized_ = false;
// Base sysfs directory containing subdirectories corresponding to power
// supplies.
base::FilePath power_supply_path_;
// File for communicating with the Embedded Controller (EC).
base::FilePath cros_ec_path_;
// True if the kFactoryModePref pref indicates that the system is running in
// the factory
bool factory_mode_ = false;
// Should multiple battery directories in sysfs be read and combined?
bool allow_multiple_batteries_ = false;
// Should the ACPI AC power supply directory in sysfs be enumerated?
bool has_barreljack_ = false;
// Remaining battery time at which the system will shut down automatically.
// Empty if unset.
base::TimeDelta low_battery_shutdown_time_;
// Remaining battery charge (as a percentage of |battery_charge_full| in the
// range [0.0, 100.0]) at which the system will shut down automatically. 0.0
// if unset. If both |low_battery_shutdown_time_| and this setting are
// supplied, only |low_battery_shutdown_percent_| will take effect.
double low_battery_shutdown_percent_ = 0.0;
// Minimum maximally-available power in watts that must be reported by a USB
// power source in order for it to be classified as an AC power source. Read
// from kUsbMinAcWattsPref.
double usb_min_ac_watts_ = 0.0;
// Set to true when the system is about to suspend and to false after it's
// resumed.
bool is_suspended_ = false;
// Amount of time to wait after startup, a power source change, or a
// resume event before assuming that the current can be used in battery
// time estimates and the charge is accurate.
base::TimeDelta battery_stabilized_after_startup_delay_;
base::TimeDelta battery_stabilized_after_line_power_connected_delay_;
base::TimeDelta battery_stabilized_after_line_power_disconnected_delay_;
base::TimeDelta battery_stabilized_after_resume_delay_;
base::TimeDelta battery_stabilized_after_battery_saver_delay_;
// Time at which the reported current and charge are expected to have
// stabilized to the point where they can be recorded in
// |current_samples_on_*_power_| and |charge_samples_| and the battery's
// time-to-full or time-to-empty estimates can be updated.
base::TimeTicks battery_stabilized_timestamp_;
// A collection of recent current readings (in amperes) used to calculate
// time-to-full and time-to-empty estimates collected while on line or
// battery power. Values are positive when the battery is charging and
// negative when it's discharging.
std::unique_ptr<RollingAverage> current_samples_on_line_power_;
std::unique_ptr<RollingAverage> current_samples_on_battery_power_;
// A collection of recent charge readings (in ampere-hours) used to measure
// the rate at which the battery is charging or discharging. Reset when the
// system resumes from suspend or the power source changes.
std::unique_ptr<RollingAverage> charge_samples_;
// The fraction of the full charge at which the battery is considered "full",
// in the range (0.0, 1.0]. Initialized from kPowerSupplyFullFactorPref.
double full_factor_ = 1.0;
// Import display SoC from EC. Refer to
bool import_display_soc_ = true;
// Amount of time to wait before updating |power_status_| again after an
// update.
base::TimeDelta poll_delay_;
// Amount of time to wait before updating |power_status_| again after an
// update when the number of samples is less than |kMaxCurrentSamplesPref|.
base::TimeDelta poll_delay_initial_;
// Set to true when number of battery samplings is |kMaxCurrentSamplesPref|.
bool has_max_samples_ = false;
// The number of samples of zero current we got in a row.
int64_t num_zero_samples_ = 0;
// The value to use for |power_status_.display_battery_percentage| while
// Adaptive Charging is delaying charge.
double adaptive_charging_hold_percent_ = 100.0;
// The value for determining the lower bound of the range for which Adaptive
// Charging and Charge Limit overwrite the display battery percentage.
double adaptive_charging_hold_delta_percent_ = 0.0;
// The expected delay until the battery will be full, for when Adaptive
// Charging is delaying charge.
base::TimeDelta adaptive_charging_target_time_to_full_;
// Indicates if the system supports Adaptive Charging.
bool adaptive_charging_supported_ = false;
// Indicates if Adaptive Charging is enabled by its heuristic.
bool adaptive_charging_heuristic_enabled_ = false;
// Set to true when charge is delayed by Adaptive Charging.
bool adaptive_delaying_charge_ = false;
// Set to true when charging is stopped by Charge Limit.
bool charge_limited_ = false;
// Calls HandlePollTimeout().
base::OneShotTimer poll_timer_;
// Delay used when |poll_timer_| was last started.
base::TimeDelta current_poll_delay_for_testing_;
// Calls NotifyObservers().
base::CancelableOnceClosure notify_observers_task_;
// Maps from sysfs line power subdirectory basenames (e.g.
// "CROS_USB_PD_CHARGER0") to enum values describing the corresponding
// charging ports' locations. Loaded from kChargingPortsPref.
std::map<std::string, PowerSupplyProperties::PowerSource::Port> port_names_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PowerSupply> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager