blob: 57dbdba2c139aa5bbefb04e6e5959f175e5a336f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm_tools/concierge/balloon_policy.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/vm_util.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library_mock.h>
#include "vm_tools/concierge/byte_unit.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/mm/balloon_metrics.h"
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
namespace {
constexpr int64_t PAGE_BYTES = 4096;
} // namespace
// Test that shared and unevictable memory is subtracted from disk caches when
// checking if the guest has low caches.
TEST(BalloonPolocyTest, Unreclaimable) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = 0,
.moderate_target_cache = MiB(200)};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// Test that when, because of unevictable memory, there is less cache left
// than the cache limit, that we keep free_memory at MaxFree.
BalloonStats stats = {{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(),
.disk_caches = MiB(300),
.unevictable_memory = MiB(101)}};
0, policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
margins.moderate /* host_available */,
false, "test", 0, {}));
// Test that when, because of shared memory, there is less cache left than the
// cache limit, that we keep free_memory at MaxFree.
BalloonStats stats = {{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(),
.disk_caches = MiB(300),
.shared_memory = MiB(101)}};
0, policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
margins.moderate /* host_available */,
false, "test", 0, {}));
// Test that having no limits still inflates the balloon to reduce excess free.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheNoLimit) {
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
const MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = 0,
.moderate_target_cache = 0};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// NB: Because there are no cache limits, target_free will always be
// MaxFree().
// Test that we don't inflate the balloon if it's just a little bit.
const BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree() + MiB(1), .disk_caches = 0}};
EXPECT_EQ(0, policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Test that we do inflate the balloon if it's a lot (twice MaxFree()).
const BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree() * 2, .disk_caches = 0}};
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Test that we deflate the balloon even if we just need a small piece.
const BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree() * 3 / 4, .disk_caches = 0}};
EXPECT_EQ(-(policy.MaxFree() / 4),
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Tests that moderate_target_cache works as expected.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheModerate) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = 0,
.moderate_target_cache = MiB(200)};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// limit_start is the host_available level below which we start limiting
// guest memory.
const uint64_t limit_start =
margins.moderate + policy.MaxFree() - guest_stats.sum_low;
// Test that we inflate the balloon a bit when we start getting a bit close
// to the moderate margin.
BalloonStats stats = {{
.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(),
.disk_caches = MiB(1000),
EXPECT_EQ(MiB(1), policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(
0 /* host_free */, stats,
limit_start - MiB(1) /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Test that when there is less cache left than the distance to target free,
// we only inflate the balloon enough to reclaim that cache.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(300)}};
const int64_t cache_above_limit =
stats.stats_ffi.disk_caches - params.moderate_target_cache;
0 /* host_free */, stats,
margins.moderate /* host_available */, false, "test", 0, {}));
// Test that when we are way below the moderate margin, we still give the
// guest MinFree() memory.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(2000)}};
const int64_t free_above_min =
stats.stats_ffi.free_memory - policy.MinFree();
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Tests that critical_target_cache works as expected.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheCritical) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = MiB(100),
.moderate_target_cache = 0};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// limit_start is the host_available level below which we start limiting
// guest memory.
const uint64_t limit_start =
margins.critical + policy.MaxFree() - guest_stats.sum_low;
// Test that we inflate the balloon a bit when we start getting a bit close
// to the critical margin.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(1000)}};
EXPECT_EQ(MiB(1), policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(
0 /* host_free */, stats,
limit_start - MiB(1) /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Test that when there is less cache left than the distance to target free,
// we only inflate the balloon enough to reclaim that cache.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(150)}};
const int64_t cache_above_limit =
stats.stats_ffi.disk_caches - params.critical_target_cache;
0 /* host_free */, stats,
margins.critical /* host_available */, false, "test", 0, {}));
// Test that when we are way below the critical margin, we still give the
// guest MinFree() memory.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(1000)}};
const int64_t free_above_min =
stats.stats_ffi.free_memory - policy.MinFree();
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Tests that reclaim_target_cache works as expected.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheReclaim) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = MiB(100),
.critical_target_cache = 0,
.moderate_target_cache = 0};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// limit_start is the host_free level below which we start limiting
// guest memory.
const uint64_t limit_start =
host_lwm + policy.MaxFree() - guest_stats.sum_low;
// Test that we inflate the balloon a bit when we start getting a bit close
// to reclaiming in the host.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(1000)}};
EXPECT_EQ(MiB(1), policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(
limit_start - MiB(1) /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false, "test", 0, {}));
// Test that when there is less cache left than the distance to target free,
// we only inflate the balloon enough to reclaim that cache.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(150)}};
const int64_t cache_above_limit =
stats.stats_ffi.disk_caches - params.reclaim_target_cache;
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(host_lwm /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Test that when we are way past reclaiming in the host, we still give the
// guest MinFree() memory.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(1000)}};
const int64_t free_above_min =
stats.stats_ffi.free_memory - policy.MinFree();
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Tests that critical_target_cache and moderate_target_cache work together as
// expected.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheModerateAndCritical) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = MiB(100),
.moderate_target_cache = MiB(200)};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
// Test that when we are limited by both moderate and critical available cache
// limits, the smaller of the two is used.
BalloonStats stats = {
{.free_memory = policy.MaxFree(), .disk_caches = MiB(150)}};
const int64_t cache_above_limit =
stats.stats_ffi.disk_caches - params.critical_target_cache;
0 /* host_free */, stats, margins.critical /* host_available */,
false, "test", 0, {}));
// Tests that the guest gets MinFree memory even if the host is very low.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheGuestFreeLow) {
// Values are roughly what a 4GB ARCVM would get (but rounded)
const int64_t host_lwm = MiB(200);
ZoneInfoStats guest_stats = {.sum_low = MiB(200), .totalreserve = MiB(300)};
MemoryMargins margins = {.critical = MiB(400), .moderate = MiB(2000)};
const LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params params = {
.reclaim_target_cache = 0,
.critical_target_cache = MiB(100),
.moderate_target_cache = MiB(200)};
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
margins, host_lwm, guest_stats, params, "test",
BalloonStats stats = {{.free_memory = 0, .disk_caches = MiB(150)}};
policy.ComputeBalloonDeltaImpl(0 /* host_free */, stats,
0 /* host_available */, false,
"test", 0, {}));
// Tests that ParseZoneInfoStats works on real input.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, ParseZoneInfoStatsSnapshot) {
auto stats = ParseZoneInfoStats(
"Node 0, zone DMA\n"
" per-node stats\n"
" nr_inactive_anon 364023\n"
" nr_active_anon 97740\n"
" nr_inactive_file 20238\n"
" nr_active_file 95809\n"
" nr_unevictable 24263\n"
" nr_slab_reclaimable 7997\n"
" nr_slab_unreclaimable 18546\n"
" nr_isolated_anon 0\n"
" nr_isolated_file 0\n"
" workingset_nodes 1789\n"
" workingset_refault_anon 0\n"
" workingset_refault_file 86864\n"
" workingset_activate_anon 0\n"
" workingset_activate_file 13430\n"
" workingset_restore_anon 0\n"
" workingset_restore_file 72672\n"
" workingset_nodereclaim 0\n"
" nr_anon_pages 450240\n"
" nr_mapped 48448\n"
" nr_file_pages 140275\n"
" nr_dirty 0\n"
" nr_writeback 0\n"
" nr_writeback_temp 0\n"
" nr_shmem 23504\n"
" nr_shmem_hugepages 0\n"
" nr_shmem_pmdmapped 0\n"
" nr_file_hugepages 0\n"
" nr_file_pmdmapped 0\n"
" nr_anon_transparent_hugepages 123\n"
" nr_vmscan_write 0\n"
" nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim 0\n"
" nr_dirtied 95963\n"
" nr_written 95960\n"
" nr_kernel_misc_reclaimable 0\n"
" nr_foll_pin_acquired 392\n"
" nr_foll_pin_released 392\n"
" nr_kernel_stack 17440\n"
" pages free 3208\n"
" min 113\n"
" low 151\n"
" high 179\n"
" spanned 4095\n"
" present 3742\n"
" managed 3208\n"
" cma 0\n"
" protection: (0, 3248, 3700, 3700, 3700)\n"
" nr_free_pages 3208\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_anon 0\n"
" nr_zone_active_anon 0\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_file 0\n"
" nr_zone_active_file 0\n"
" nr_zone_unevictable 0\n"
" nr_zone_write_pending 0\n"
" nr_mlock 0\n"
" nr_page_table_pages 0\n"
" nr_bounce 0\n"
" nr_zspages 0\n"
" nr_free_cma 0\n"
" pagesets\n"
" cpu: 0\n"
" count: 0\n"
" high: 0\n"
" batch: 1\n"
" vm stats threshold: 4\n"
" cpu: 1\n"
" count: 0\n"
" high: 0\n"
" batch: 1\n"
" vm stats threshold: 4\n"
" cpu: 2\n"
" count: 0\n"
" high: 0\n"
" batch: 1\n"
" vm stats threshold: 4\n"
" node_unreclaimable: 0\n"
" start_pfn: 1\n"
"Node 0, zone DMA32\n"
" pages free 55144\n"
" min 29527\n"
" low 39744\n"
" high 47125\n"
" spanned 1044480\n"
" present 847872\n"
" managed 831488\n"
" cma 0\n"
" protection: (0, 0, 452, 452, 452)\n"
" nr_free_pages 55144\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_anon 299032\n"
" nr_zone_active_anon 87931\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_file 19179\n"
" nr_zone_active_file 86754\n"
" nr_zone_unevictable 20737\n"
" nr_zone_write_pending 0\n"
" nr_mlock 21\n"
" nr_page_table_pages 7964\n"
" nr_bounce 0\n"
" nr_zspages 0\n"
" nr_free_cma 0\n"
" pagesets\n"
" cpu: 0\n"
" count: 58\n"
" high: 378\n"
" batch: 63\n"
" vm stats threshold: 24\n"
" cpu: 1\n"
" count: 95\n"
" high: 378\n"
" batch: 63\n"
" vm stats threshold: 24\n"
" cpu: 2\n"
" count: 0\n"
" high: 378\n"
" batch: 63\n"
" vm stats threshold: 24\n"
" node_unreclaimable: 0\n"
" start_pfn: 4096\n"
"Node 0, zone Normal\n"
" pages free 7002\n"
" min 4150\n"
" low 5586\n"
" high 6623\n"
" spanned 141824\n"
" present 141824\n"
" managed 116890\n"
" cma 0\n"
" protection: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n"
" nr_free_pages 7002\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_anon 64991\n"
" nr_zone_active_anon 9801\n"
" nr_zone_inactive_file 1059\n"
" nr_zone_active_file 9055\n"
" nr_zone_unevictable 3526\n"
" nr_zone_write_pending 0\n"
" nr_mlock 1892\n"
" nr_page_table_pages 839\n"
" nr_bounce 0\n"
" nr_zspages 0\n"
" nr_free_cma 0\n"
" pagesets\n"
" cpu: 0\n"
" count: 41\n"
" high: 186\n"
" batch: 31\n"
" vm stats threshold: 12\n"
" cpu: 1\n"
" count: 7\n"
" high: 186\n"
" batch: 31\n"
" vm stats threshold: 12\n"
" cpu: 2\n"
" count: 0\n"
" high: 186\n"
" batch: 31\n"
" vm stats threshold: 12\n"
" node_unreclaimable: 0\n"
" start_pfn: 1048576\n"
"Node 0, zone Movable\n"
" pages free 0\n"
" min 0\n"
" low 0\n"
" high 0\n"
" spanned 0\n"
" present 0\n"
" managed 0\n"
" cma 0\n"
" protection: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n"
"Node 0, zone Device\n"
" pages free 0\n"
" min 0\n"
" low 0\n"
" high 0\n"
" spanned 0\n"
" present 0\n"
" managed 0\n"
" cma 0\n"
" protection: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n");
EXPECT_EQ(stats->sum_low, 45481 * PAGE_BYTES);
EXPECT_EQ(stats->totalreserve, 85041 * PAGE_BYTES);
// Tests that ParseZoneInfoStats works on real input.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, ParseZoneInfoStatsFailures) {
// Missing non-zero high and protection.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1"));
// Missing protection.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nhigh 1"));
// Bad low watermark.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1a\nhigh 1\nprotection(1)"));
// Bad low watermark.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1 1\nhigh 1\nprotection(1)"));
// Bad high watermark.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nhigh a1\nprotection(1)"));
// Bad high watermark.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nhigh 2 2\nprotection(1)"));
// Missing low.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("high 1\nprotection: (1)"));
// Missing high before protection.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nprotection: (1)"));
// Missing high before protection.
ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nhigh 1\nprotection: (1)\nprotection: (1)"));
// No protection line between two high lines.
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseZoneInfoStats("low 1\nhigh 1\nhigh: 1"));
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, LimitCacheBalloonDeflationLimits) {
const auto metrics_library = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
const auto metrics = std::make_unique<mm::BalloonMetrics>(
LimitCacheBalloonPolicy policy(
{}, 0, {}, {.responsive_max_deflate_bytes = 200 * 4096}, "test",
ComponentMemoryMargins margins{
.chrome_critical = 0,
.chrome_moderate = 0,
.arcvm_foreground = 300 * 4096,
.arcvm_perceptible = 600 * 4096,
.arcvm_cached = 800 * 4096,
/* total_available */ 1000 * 4096,
/* balloon_size */ 800 * 4096);
// Should result in limits of:
// foreground, 100 * 4096
// perceptible, 400 * 4096
// cached, 600 * 4096
uint64_t new_balloon_size = 0;
uint64_t freed_space = 0;
700 * 4096, kAppAdjForegroundMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
// Should be deflated by max_deflate_bytes
ASSERT_EQ(new_balloon_size, 600 * 4096);
ASSERT_EQ(freed_space, 200 * 4096);
// Should not be deflated for oom score of cached since the
// new size is already at the limit for cached
1, kAppAdjPerceptibleMax + 1, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
1, kAppAdjCachedMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
// Should be deflated for perceptible by max_deflate down to the limit for
// perceptible
500 * 4096, kAppAdjPerceptibleMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
ASSERT_EQ(new_balloon_size, 400 * 4096);
ASSERT_EQ(freed_space, 200 * 4096);
// Should no longer be deflated for perceptible since the limit has been
// reached
1, kAppAdjPerceptibleMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
1, kAppAdjForegroundMax + 1, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
// Should still be deflated for foreground
150 * 4096, kAppAdjForegroundMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
ASSERT_EQ(new_balloon_size, 250 * 4096);
ASSERT_EQ(freed_space, 150 * 4096);
// Should not be deflated for foreground if the app and max deflate are both
// too large
300 * 4096, kAppAdjForegroundMax - 1, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
151 * 4096, kAppAdjForegroundMax - 1, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
// Should still be deflated for foreground if the app is small enough
150 * 4096, kAppAdjForegroundMax, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
ASSERT_EQ(new_balloon_size, 100 * 4096);
ASSERT_EQ(freed_space, 150 * 4096);
// At the lowest limit, should not be deflated for anything
1, kAppAdjForegroundMax - 1, new_balloon_size, freed_space));
// Test that SumWorkingSets properly adds WorkingSet bins.
TEST(BalloonPolicyTest, BalloonWorkingSetSum) {
uint64_t actual = 0;
WorkingSetBucketFfi bins1[BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins; ++i) {
bins1[i] = {0, {250 * i + 1, 300 * i + 3}};
BalloonWSFfi ffi1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins; ++i) {[i] = bins1[i];
WorkingSetBucketFfi bins2[BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins; ++i) {
bins2[i] = {0, {43 * i, 44 * i}};
BalloonWSFfi ffi2;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins; ++i) {[i] = bins2[i];
BalloonWorkingSet ws1 = {ffi1, actual};
BalloonWorkingSet ws2 = {ffi2, actual};
BalloonWorkingSet result = SumWorkingSets(ws1, ws2);
// Assert that the result working set is the sum of the
// ws1 and ws2.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BalloonWorkingSet::kWorkingSetNumBins; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ([i].bytes[0], 293 * i + 1);
ASSERT_EQ([i].bytes[1], 344 * i + 3);
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools