blob: aa03cac5f0699e27c8d5465f73c86bbfa7e61707 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <base/environment.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "vm_tools/garcon/desktop_file.h"
#include "vm_tools/garcon/ini_parse_util.h"
#include "vm_tools/garcon/xdg_util.h"
namespace {
constexpr int kMaxHyphensAllowed = 10;
// Ridiculously large size for a desktop file.
constexpr size_t kMaxDesktopFileSize = 10485760; // 10 MB
// Group name for the main entry we want.
constexpr char kDesktopEntryGroupName[] = "Desktop Entry";
// File extension for desktop files.
constexpr char kDesktopFileExtension[] = ".desktop";
// Desktop path start delimiter for constructing application IDs.
constexpr char kDesktopPathStartDelimiter[] = "applications";
// Key names for the fields we care about.
constexpr char kDesktopEntryType[] = "Type";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryName[] = "Name";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryNameWithLocale[] = "Name[";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryNoDisplay[] = "NoDisplay";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryComment[] = "Comment";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryCommentWithLocale[] = "Comment[";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryIcon[] = "Icon";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryHidden[] = "Hidden";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryOnlyShowIn[] = "OnlyShowIn";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryNotShowIn[] = "NotShowIn";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryTryExec[] = "TryExec";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryExec[] = "Exec";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryPath[] = "Path";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryTerminal[] = "Terminal";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryMimeType[] = "MimeType";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryKeywords[] = "Keywords";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryKeywordsWithLocale[] = "Keywords[";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryCategories[] = "Categories";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryStartupWmClass[] = "StartupWMClass";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryStartupNotify[] = "StartupNotify";
constexpr char kDesktopEntryTypeApplication[] = "Application";
constexpr char kDesktopEntrySteamAppId[] = "X-Steam-AppID";
// Valid values for the "Type" entry.
const char* const kValidDesktopEntryTypes[] = {kDesktopEntryTypeApplication,
"Link", "Directory"};
constexpr char kSettingsCategory[] = "Settings";
constexpr char kPathEnvVar[] = "PATH";
// For the purpose of determining apps relevant to our desktop env, pretend we
// are a gnome desktop. See for details.
constexpr char kDesktopType[] = "GNOME";
} // namespace
namespace vm_tools {
namespace garcon {
// static
std::unique_ptr<DesktopFile> DesktopFile::ParseDesktopFile(
const base::FilePath& file_path) {
std::unique_ptr<DesktopFile> retval(new DesktopFile());
if (!retval->LoadFromFile(file_path)) {
return retval;
// static
std::vector<base::FilePath> DesktopFile::GetPathsForDesktopFiles() {
std::vector<base::FilePath> data_dirs = xdg::GetDataDirectories();
std::transform(data_dirs.begin(), data_dirs.end(), data_dirs.begin(),
[](const base::FilePath& path) {
return path.Append(kDesktopPathStartDelimiter);
return data_dirs;
// static
base::FilePath DesktopFile::FindFileForDesktopId(
const std::string& desktop_id) {
if (desktop_id.empty()) {
return base::FilePath();
// Check whether we should have a path separator for all possible positions of
// the hyphens. (ref: b/243139102)
uint32_t hyphen_count = 1;
std::vector<int> hyphen_index;
std::string mutable_desktop_id;
base::ReplaceChars(desktop_id, "-", "/", &mutable_desktop_id);
for (int i = 0; i < desktop_id.size(); i++) {
if (desktop_id[i] == '-') {
hyphen_count = hyphen_count << 1;
// If there are actually more than 32 path separators and hyphens it'd take
// way too long, reverting to two candidate approach.
if (hyphen_index.size() > kMaxHyphensAllowed) {
std::string rel_path1;
base::ReplaceChars(desktop_id, "-", "/", &rel_path1);
rel_path1 += kDesktopFileExtension;
std::string rel_paths[] = {rel_path1, desktop_id + kDesktopFileExtension};
std::vector<base::FilePath> search_paths = GetPathsForDesktopFiles();
for (const auto& curr_path : search_paths) {
for (const auto& rel_path : rel_paths) {
base::FilePath test_path(curr_path.Append(rel_path));
if (base::PathExists(test_path))
return test_path;
return base::FilePath();
std::vector<base::FilePath> search_paths = GetPathsForDesktopFiles();
// Check the base case
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hyphen_count; i++) {
uint32_t bitmask = i;
int hyphen_end = hyphen_index.size() - 1;
for (int pos = hyphen_end; bitmask > 0 && pos >= 0; --pos) {
if ((bitmask & 1) == 1) {
// Replace with hyphen.
mutable_desktop_id[hyphen_index[pos]] = '-';
} else {
// Only things that have been flipped before needs flipping.
mutable_desktop_id[hyphen_index[pos]] = '/';
bitmask >>= 1;
for (const auto& curr_path : search_paths) {
base::FilePath test_path(
curr_path.Append(mutable_desktop_id + kDesktopFileExtension));
if (base::PathExists(test_path))
return test_path;
return base::FilePath();
bool DesktopFile::LoadFromFile(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
// First read in the file as a string.
std::string desktop_contents;
if (!ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(file_path, &desktop_contents,
kMaxDesktopFileSize)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reading in desktop file: " << file_path.value();
return false;
file_path_ = file_path;
std::vector<std::string_view> desktop_lines = base::SplitStringPiece(
desktop_contents, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
// Go through the file line by line, we are looking for the section marked:
// [Desktop Entry]
bool in_entry = false;
for (const auto& curr_line : desktop_lines) {
if (curr_line.front() == '#') {
// Skip comment lines.
if (curr_line.front() == '[') {
if (in_entry) {
// We only care about the main entry, so terminate parsing if we have
// found it.
// Group name.
std::string_view group_name = ParseGroupName(curr_line);
if (group_name.empty()) {
if (group_name == kDesktopEntryGroupName) {
in_entry = true;
} else if (!in_entry) {
// We are not in the main entry, and this line doesn't begin that entry so
// skip it.
} else {
// Parse the key/value pair on this line for the desktop entry.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> key_value =
if (key_value.second.empty()) {
// Invalid key/value pair since there was no delimiter, skip this line.
// Check for matching names against all the keys. For the ones that can
// have a locale in the key name, do those last since we do a startsWith
// comparison on those.
std::string key = key_value.first;
if (key == kDesktopEntryType) {
entry_type_ = key_value.second;
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryName) {
locale_name_map_[""] = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryNoDisplay) {
no_display_ = ParseBool(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryComment) {
locale_comment_map_[""] = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryIcon) {
icon_ = key_value.second;
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryHidden) {
hidden_ = ParseBool(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryOnlyShowIn) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &only_show_in_);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryNotShowIn) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &not_show_in_);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryTryExec) {
try_exec_ = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryExec) {
exec_ = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryPath) {
path_ = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryTerminal) {
terminal_ = ParseBool(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryMimeType) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &mime_types_);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryKeywords) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &locale_keywords_map_[""]);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryCategories) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &categories_);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryStartupWmClass) {
startup_wm_class_ = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntryStartupNotify) {
startup_notify_ = ParseBool(key_value.second);
} else if (key == kDesktopEntrySteamAppId) {
if (!base::StringToUint64(key_value.second, &steam_app_id_)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse " << kDesktopEntrySteamAppId;
} else if (base::StartsWith(key, kDesktopEntryNameWithLocale,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
std::string locale = ExtractKeyLocale(key);
if (locale.empty()) {
locale_name_map_[locale] = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (base::StartsWith(key, kDesktopEntryCommentWithLocale,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
std::string locale = ExtractKeyLocale(key);
if (locale.empty()) {
locale_comment_map_[locale] = UnescapeString(key_value.second);
} else if (base::StartsWith(key, kDesktopEntryKeywordsWithLocale,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
std::string locale = ExtractKeyLocale(key);
if (locale.empty()) {
ParseMultiString(key_value.second, &locale_keywords_map_[locale]);
// Validate that the desktop file has the required entries in it.
// First check the Type key.
bool valid_type_found = false;
for (const char* valid_type : kValidDesktopEntryTypes) {
if (entry_type_ == valid_type) {
valid_type_found = true;
if (!valid_type_found) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing desktop file " << file_path.value()
<< " due to invalid Type key of: " << entry_type_;
return false;
// Now check for a valid name.
if (locale_name_map_.find("") == locale_name_map_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing desktop file " << file_path.value()
<< " due to missing unlocalized Name entry";
return false;
// Since it's valid, set the ID based on the path name. This is done by
// taking all the path values after "applications" in the path, appending them
// with dash separators and then removing the .desktop extension from the
// actual filename.
// First verify this was actually a .desktop file.
if (file_path.FinalExtension() != kDesktopFileExtension) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed parsing desktop file due to invalid file extension: "
<< file_path.value();
return false;
std::vector<std::string> path_comps =
bool found_path_delim = false;
for (const auto& comp : path_comps) {
if (!found_path_delim) {
found_path_delim = (comp == kDesktopPathStartDelimiter);
if (!app_id_.empty()) {
return true;
std::vector<std::string> DesktopFile::GenerateArgvWithFiles(
const std::vector<std::string>& app_args) const {
std::vector<std::string> retval;
if (exec_.empty()) {
return retval;
// We have already unescaped this string, which we are supposed to do first
// according to the spec. We need to process this to handle quoted arguments
// and also field code substitution.
std::string curr_arg;
bool in_quotes = false;
bool next_escaped = false;
bool next_field_code = false;
for (auto c : exec_) {
if (next_escaped) {
next_escaped = false;
if (c == '"') {
if (in_quotes && !curr_arg.empty()) {
// End of a quoted argument.
in_quotes = !in_quotes;
if (in_quotes) {
// There is no field expansion inside quotes, so just append the char
// unless we have escaping. We only deal with escaping inside of quoted
// strings here.
if (c == '\\') {
next_escaped = true;
if (next_field_code) {
next_field_code = false;
if (c == '%') {
// Escaped percent sign (I don't know why they just didn't use backslash
// for escaping percent).
switch (c) {
case 'u': // Single URL field code.
case 'f': // Single file field code.
if (!app_args.empty()) {
case 'U': // Multiple URLs field code.
case 'F': // Multiple files field code.
// For multi-args, the spec is explicit that each file is passed as
// a separate arg to the program and that %U and %F must only be
// used as an argument on their own, so complete any active arg
// that we may have been parsing.
if (!curr_arg.empty()) {
if (!app_args.empty()) {
retval.insert(retval.end(), app_args.begin(), app_args.end());
case 'i': // Icon field code, expands to 2 args.
if (!curr_arg.empty()) {
if (!icon_.empty()) {
case 'c': // Translated app name.
// TODO(jkardatzke): Determine the proper localized name for the app.
// We enforce that this key exists when we populate the object.
case 'k': // Path to the desktop file itself.
default: // Unrecognized/deprecated field code. Unrecognized ones are
// technically invalid, but it seems better to just ignore
// them then completely abort executing this desktop file.
if (c == ' ') {
// Argument separator.
if (!curr_arg.empty()) {
if (c == '%') {
next_field_code = true;
if (!curr_arg.empty()) {
return retval;
std::string DesktopFile::GenerateExecutableFileName() const {
std::vector<std::string> ArgvWithFiles = GenerateArgvWithFiles({});
if (ArgvWithFiles.empty())
return "";
return base::FilePath(;
bool DesktopFile::ShouldPassToHost() const {
// Rules to follow:
// -Only allow Applications.
// -Don't pass hidden.
// -Don't pass without an exec entry.
// -Don't pass no_display that also have no mime types.
// -Don't pass if in the Settings category.
// -Don't pass if OnlyShowIn exists and doesn't contain kDesktopType.
// -Don't pass if NotShowIn exists and contains kDesktopType.
// -Don't pass if TryExec doesn't resolve to a valid executable file.
if (!IsApplication() || hidden_ || exec_.empty() ||
(no_display_ && mime_types_.empty())) {
return false;
if (std::find(categories_.begin(), categories_.end(), kSettingsCategory) !=
categories_.end()) {
return false;
if (!only_show_in_.empty() &&
std::find(only_show_in_.begin(), only_show_in_.end(), kDesktopType) ==
only_show_in_.end()) {
return false;
if (!not_show_in_.empty() &&
std::find(not_show_in_.begin(), not_show_in_.end(), kDesktopType) !=
not_show_in_.end()) {
return false;
if (!try_exec_.empty()) {
// If it's absolute, we just check it the way it is.
base::FilePath try_exec_path(try_exec_);
if (try_exec_path.IsAbsolute()) {
int permissions;
if (!base::GetPosixFilePermissions(try_exec_path, &permissions) ||
!(permissions & base::FILE_PERMISSION_EXECUTE_BY_USER)) {
return false;
} else {
// Search the system path instead.
std::string path;
if (!base::Environment::Create()->GetVar(kPathEnvVar, &path)) {
// If there's no PATH set we can't search.
return false;
bool found_match = false;
for (std::string_view cur_path : base::SplitStringPiece(
path, ":", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY)) {
base::FilePath file(cur_path);
int permissions;
if (base::GetPosixFilePermissions(file.Append(try_exec_),
&permissions) &&
(permissions & base::FILE_PERMISSION_EXECUTE_BY_USER)) {
found_match = true;
if (!found_match) {
return false;
return true;
bool DesktopFile::IsApplication() const {
return entry_type_ == kDesktopEntryTypeApplication;
} // namespace garcon
} // namespace vm_tools