blob: da926cbda62225ee614f14449664791a1121e841 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/log_tool.h"
#include <vector>
#include <base/base64.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
#include "debugd/src/constants.h"
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
namespace debugd {
using std::string;
using Strings = std::vector<string>;
namespace {
const char kRoot[] = "root";
const char kShell[] = "/bin/sh";
// Minimum time in seconds needed to allow shill to test active connections.
const int kConnectionTesterTimeoutSeconds = 5;
struct Log {
const char *name;
const char *command;
const char *user;
const char *group;
const char *size_cap; // passed as arg to 'tail'
const Log common_logs[] = {
{ "CLIENT_ID", "/usr/bin/metrics_client -i"},
{ "LOGDATE", "/bin/date" },
{ "atrus_logs", "/bin/cat /var/log/atrus.log 2> /dev/null" },
{ "bios_info", "/bin/cat /var/log/bios_info.txt" },
{ "bios_log",
"/bin/cat /sys/firmware/log "
"/proc/device-tree/chosen/ap-console-buffer 2> /dev/null" },
{ "bios_times", "/bin/cat /var/log/bios_times.txt" },
{ "board-specific",
"/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/get_board_specific_info" },
{ "cheets_log", "/usr/bin/collect-cheets-logs 2>&1" },
{ "clobber.log", "/bin/cat /var/log/clobber.log 2> /dev/null" },
{ "clobber-state.log", "/bin/cat /var/log/clobber-state.log 2> /dev/null" },
{ "chrome_system_log", "/bin/cat /var/log/chrome/chrome" },
{ "console-ramoops", "/bin/cat /dev/pstore/console-ramoops 2> /dev/null" },
{ "cpu", "/usr/bin/uname -p" },
{ "cpuinfo", "/bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo" },
{ "cr50_version", "/bin/cat /var/cache/cr50-version" },
{ "cros_ec",
"/bin/cat /var/log/cros_ec.previous /var/log/cros_ec.log 2> /dev/null" },
{ "cros_ec_panicinfo",
"/bin/cat /sys/kernel/debug/cros_ec/panicinfo 2> /dev/null",
{ "dmesg", "/bin/dmesg" },
{ "ec_info", "/bin/cat /var/log/ec_info.txt" },
{ "eventlog", "/bin/cat /var/log/eventlog.txt" },
"/bin/cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/exynos_gem_objects 2> /dev/null",
{ "font_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/font_info" },
{ "sensor_info", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/sensor_info" },
{ "hardware_class", "/usr/bin/crossystem hwid" },
{ "hostname", "/bin/hostname" },
{ "hw_platform", "/usr/bin/uname -i" },
"/bin/cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_gtt 2> /dev/null",
"/bin/cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_gem_objects 2> /dev/null",
"/usr/bin/xz -c /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state 2> /dev/null",
{ "ifconfig", "/bin/ifconfig -a" },
{ "kernel-crashes",
"/bin/cat /var/spool/crash/kernel.*.kcrash 2> /dev/null" },
{ "lsmod", "lsmod" },
{ "lspci", "/usr/sbin/lspci" },
{ "lsusb", "lsusb && lsusb -t" },
"/bin/cat /sys/class/misc/mali0/device/memory 2> /dev/null"
{ "meminfo", "cat /proc/meminfo" },
{ "memory_spd_info", "/bin/cat /var/log/memory_spd_info.txt" },
// The sed command finds the EDID blob (starting the line after "value:") and
// replaces the serial number with all zeroes.
// The EDID is printed as a hex dump over several lines, each line containing
// the contents of 16 bytes. The first 16 bytes are broken down as follows:
// uint64_t fixed_pattern; // Always 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00.
// uint16_t manufacturer_id; // Manufacturer ID, encoded as PNP IDs.
// uint16_t product_code; // Manufacturer product code, little-endian.
// uint32_t serial_number; // Serial number, little-endian.
// Source:
// The subsequent substitution command looks for the fixed pattern followed by
// two 32-bit fields (manufacturer + product, serial number). It replaces the
// latter field with 8 bytes of zeroes.
// TODO( Remove the sed command once modetest itself can
// remove serial numbers.
"(modetest; modetest -M evdi; modetest -M udl) | "
"sed -E '/EDID/ {:a;n;/value:/!ba;n;"
{ "mount-encrypted", "/bin/cat /var/log/mount-encrypted.log" },
{ "mountinfo", "/bin/cat /proc/1/mountinfo" },
{ "", "/bin/cat /var/log/" },
{ "netlog", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/getmsgs --last '2 hours'"
" /var/log/net.log" },
"/bin/cat /sys/kernel/debug/nvmap/iovmm/allocations 2> /dev/null",
{ "platform_info", "/bin/cat /var/log/platform_info.txt" },
{ "power_supply_info", "/usr/bin/power_supply_info" },
{ "power_supply_sysfs", "/usr/bin/print_sysfs_power_supply_data" },
{ "powerd.LATEST", "/bin/cat /var/log/power_manager/powerd.LATEST" },
{ "powerd.PREVIOUS", "/bin/cat /var/log/power_manager/powerd.PREVIOUS" },
{ "powerd.out", "/bin/cat /var/log/powerd.out" },
{ "powerwash_count", "/bin/cat /var/log/powerwash_count 2> /dev/null" },
// Changed from 'ps ux' to 'ps aux' since we're running as debugd, not chronos
{ "ps", "/bin/ps aux" },
// /proc/slabinfo is owned by root and has 0400 permission.
{ "slabinfo", "/bin/cat /proc/slabinfo", kRoot, kRoot, },
{ "storage_info", "/bin/cat /var/log/storage_info.txt" },
{ "syslog", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/getmsgs --last '2 hours'"
" /var/log/messages" },
{ "tlsdate", "/bin/cat /var/log/tlsdate.log" },
{ "input_devices", "/bin/cat /proc/bus/input/devices" },
{ "top thread", "/usr/bin/top -Hb -n 1 | head -n 40"},
{ "top memory", "/usr/bin/top -o \"+%MEM\" -bn 1 | head -n 57"},
{ "touchpad", "/opt/google/touchpad/tpcontrol status" },
{ "touchpad_activity", "/opt/google/input/cmt_feedback alt" },
{ "touch_fw_version", "grep -E"
" -e 'synaptics: Touchpad model'"
" -e 'chromeos-[a-z]*-touch-[a-z]*-update'"
" /var/log/messages | tail -n 20" },
{ "atmel_ts_refs", "/opt/google/touch/scripts/ ts r",
kRoot, kRoot},
{ "atmel_tp_refs", "/opt/google/touch/scripts/ tp r",
kRoot, kRoot},
{ "atmel_ts_deltas", "/opt/google/touch/scripts/ ts d",
kRoot, kRoot},
{ "atmel_tp_deltas", "/opt/google/touch/scripts/ tp d",
kRoot, kRoot},
"cat /var/lib/trim/stateful_trim_state /var/lib/trim/stateful_trim_data"
{ "ui_log", "/usr/share/userfeedback/scripts/get_log /var/log/ui/ui.LATEST" },
{ "uname", "/bin/uname -a" },
{ "update_engine.log", "cat $(ls -1tr /var/log/update_engine | tail -5 | sed"
" s.^./var/log/update_engine/.)" },
{ "verified boot", "/bin/cat /var/log/debug_vboot_noisy.log" },
{ "vmlog.1.LATEST", "/bin/cat /var/log/vmlog/vmlog.1.LATEST" },
{ "vmlog.1.PREVIOUS", "/bin/cat /var/log/vmlog/vmlog.1.PREVIOUS" },
{ "vmlog.LATEST", "/bin/cat /var/log/vmlog/vmlog.LATEST" },
{ "vmlog.PREVIOUS", "/bin/cat /var/log/vmlog/vmlog.PREVIOUS" },
{ "vpd_2.0", "/bin/cat /var/log/vpd_2.0.txt" },
{ "wifi_status", "/usr/bin/network_diag --wifi-internal --no-log" },
{ "zram compressed data size",
"/bin/cat /sys/block/zram0/compr_data_size 2> /dev/null" },
{ "zram original data size",
"/bin/cat /sys/block/zram0/orig_data_size 2> /dev/null" },
{ "zram total memory used",
"/bin/cat /sys/block/zram0/mem_used_total 2> /dev/null" },
{ "zram total reads",
"/bin/cat /sys/block/zram0/num_reads 2> /dev/null" },
{ "zram total writes",
"/bin/cat /sys/block/zram0/num_writes 2> /dev/null" },
// Stuff pulled out of the original list. These need access to the running X
// session, which we'd rather not give to debugd, or return info specific to
// the current session (in the setsid(2) sense), which is not useful for
// debugd
// { "env", "set" },
// { "setxkbmap", "/usr/bin/setxkbmap -print -query" },
// { "xrandr", "/usr/bin/xrandr --verbose" }
{ nullptr, nullptr }
const Log extra_logs[] = {
{ "mm-status", "/usr/bin/modem status" },
#endif // USE_CELLULAR
{ "network-devices", "/usr/bin/connectivity show devices" },
{ "network-services", "/usr/bin/connectivity show services" },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
const Log feedback_logs[] = {
{ "mm-status", "/usr/bin/modem status-feedback" },
#endif // USE_CELLULAR
{ "network-devices", "/usr/bin/connectivity show-feedback devices" },
{ "network-services", "/usr/bin/connectivity show-feedback services" },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
// List of log files needed to be part of the feedback report that are huge and
// must be sent back to the client via the file descriptor using
// LogTool::GetBigFeedbackLogs().
const Log big_feedback_logs[] = {
{ "arc-bugreport",
"/bin/cat /run/arc/bugreport/pipe 2> /dev/null",
// ARC bugreport permissions are weird. Since we're just running cat, this
// shouldn't cause any issues.
{ nullptr, nullptr }
// List of log files that must directly be collected by Chrome. This is because
// debugd is running under a VFS namespace and does not have access to later
// cryptohome mounts.
const Log user_logs[] = {
{"chrome_user_log", "log/chrome"},
{"login-times", "login-times"},
{"logout-times", "logout-times"},
{ nullptr, nullptr}
// Returns |value| if |value| is a valid UTF-8 string or a base64-encoded
// string of |value| otherwise.
string EnsureUTF8String(const string& value) {
if (base::IsStringUTF8(value))
return value;
string encoded_value;
base::Base64Encode(value, &encoded_value);
return "<base64>: " + encoded_value;
// TODO(ellyjones): sandbox.
string Run(const Log& log) {
string output;
ProcessWithOutput p;
string tailed_cmdline = string(log.command) + " | tail -c " +
(log.size_cap ? log.size_cap : "512K");
if (log.user &&
if (!p.Init())
return "<not available>";
p.AddStringOption("-c", tailed_cmdline);
if (p.Run())
return "<not available>";
if (!output.size())
return "<empty>";
return EnsureUTF8String(output);
// Fills |dictionary| with the anonymized contents of the logs in |logs|.
void GetLogsInDictionary(const struct Log* logs,
AnonymizerTool* anonymizer,
base::DictionaryValue* dictionary) {
for (size_t i = 0; logs[i].name; ++i) {
logs[i].name, anonymizer->Anonymize(Run(logs[i])));
// Serializes the |dictionary| into the file with the given |fd| in a JSON
// format.
void SerializeLogsAsJSON(const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary,
const dbus::FileDescriptor& fd) {
string logs_json;
base::WriteFileDescriptor(fd.value(), logs_json.c_str(), logs_json.size());
bool GetNamedLogFrom(const string& name, const struct Log* logs,
string* result) {
for (size_t i = 0; logs[i].name; i++) {
if (name == logs[i].name) {
*result = Run(logs[i]);
return true;
*result = "<invalid log name>";
return false;
void GetLogsFrom(const struct Log* logs, LogTool::LogMap* map) {
for (size_t i = 0; logs[i].name; i++)
(*map)[logs[i].name] = Run(logs[i]);
} // namespace
void LogTool::CreateConnectivityReport() {
// Perform ConnectivityTrial to report connection state in feedback log.
auto shill = base::MakeUnique<org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxy>(bus_);
// Give the connection trial time to test the connection and log the results
// before collecting the logs for feedback.
// TODO(silberst): Replace the simple approach of a single timeout with a more
// coordinated effort.
if (shill && shill->CreateConnectivityReport(nullptr))
string LogTool::GetLog(const string& name) {
string result;
GetNamedLogFrom(name, common_logs, &result)
|| GetNamedLogFrom(name, extra_logs, &result)
|| GetNamedLogFrom(name, feedback_logs, &result);
return result;
LogTool::LogMap LogTool::GetAllLogs() {
LogMap result;
GetLogsFrom(common_logs, &result);
GetLogsFrom(extra_logs, &result);
return result;
LogTool::LogMap LogTool::GetFeedbackLogs() {
LogMap result;
GetLogsFrom(common_logs, &result);
GetLogsFrom(feedback_logs, &result);
return result;
void LogTool::GetBigFeedbackLogs(const dbus::FileDescriptor& fd) {
base::DictionaryValue dictionary;
GetLogsInDictionary(common_logs, &anonymizer_, &dictionary);
GetLogsInDictionary(feedback_logs, &anonymizer_, &dictionary);
GetLogsInDictionary(big_feedback_logs, &anonymizer_, &dictionary);
SerializeLogsAsJSON(dictionary, fd);
LogTool::LogMap LogTool::GetUserLogFiles() {
LogMap result;
for (size_t i = 0; user_logs[i].name; ++i)
result[user_logs[i].name] = user_logs[i].command;
return result;
void LogTool::AnonymizeLogMap(LogMap* log_map) {
for (auto& entry : *log_map)
entry.second = anonymizer_.Anonymize(entry.second);
} // namespace debugd