blob: 99dd17020d7e2d7befcb44cb3891ae278549dab6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <xf86drm.h>
#include <xf86drmMode.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include "screen-capture-utils/ptr_util.h"
namespace screenshot {
struct PlaneConfiguration {
float crop_x;
float crop_y;
float crop_w;
float crop_h;
// |x|, |y|, |w|, and |h| describe the destination rectangle.
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
enum class PanelRotation { k0, k90, k180, k270 };
class Crtc {
using PlaneInfo = std::pair<ScopedDrmModeFB2Ptr, PlaneConfiguration>;
Crtc(base::File file,
ScopedDrmModeConnectorPtr connector,
ScopedDrmModeEncoderPtr encoder,
ScopedDrmModeCrtcPtr crtc,
ScopedDrmModeFB2Ptr fb2,
ScopedDrmPlaneResPtr plane_res,
PanelRotation panel_orientation);
Crtc(const Crtc&) = delete;
Crtc& operator=(const Crtc&) = delete;
const base::File& file() const { return file_; }
drmModeConnector* connector() const { return connector_.get(); }
drmModeEncoder* encoder() const { return encoder_.get(); }
drmModeCrtc* crtc() const { return crtc_.get(); }
drmModeFB2* fb2() const { return fb2_.get(); }
uint32_t width() const { return crtc_->width; }
uint32_t height() const { return crtc_->height; }
PanelRotation panel_orientation() const { return panel_orientation_; }
bool IsInternalDisplay() const;
std::vector<Crtc::PlaneInfo> GetConnectedPlanes() const;
// File descriptor for the DRM device.
base::File file_;
ScopedDrmModeConnectorPtr connector_;
ScopedDrmModeEncoderPtr encoder_;
ScopedDrmModeCrtcPtr crtc_;
ScopedDrmModeFB2Ptr fb2_;
ScopedDrmPlaneResPtr plane_res_;
const PanelRotation panel_orientation_;
class CrtcFinder final {
enum class Spec {
kAnyDisplay = 0,
CrtcFinder() = default;
~CrtcFinder() = default;
inline void SetSpec(Spec spec) { spec_ = spec; }
inline void SetCrtcId(uint32_t crtc_id) { crtc_id_ = crtc_id; }
std::unique_ptr<Crtc> Find() const;
bool MatchesSpec(const Crtc* crtc) const;
Spec spec_ = Spec::kAnyDisplay;
uint32_t crtc_id_;
} // namespace screenshot