blob: 29d1ece136640c44231735c73f7cf94f3221606a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Provides the command "verify_ro" for crosh which checks the ro of Cr50 firmware.
use std::fs::metadata;
use std::io::{copy, stdout};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};
use std::time::Duration;
use libc::c_int;
use libchromeos::pipe;
use nix::sys::signal::Signal;
use crate::debugd::Debugd;
use crate::dispatcher::{self, Arguments, Command, Dispatcher};
use crate::util::{clear_signal_handlers, set_signal_handlers};
const BINARY: &str = "/usr/sbin/gsc_verify_ro";
pub fn register(dispatcher: &mut Dispatcher) {
// Only register the verify_ro command if the binary is present.
if !Path::new(BINARY).exists() {
"Verify AP and EC RO firmware on a ChromeOS device connected over SuzyQ
cable, if supported by the device.",
fn stop_verify_ro(connection: &Debugd, handle: &str) -> Result<(), dispatcher::Error> {
.map_err(|err| {
println!("ERROR: Got unexpected result: {}", err);
// Set to true when SIGINT is received and triggers sending a stop command over D-Bus.
static STOP_FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
// Set to true when the original D-Bus command closes the pipe signalling completion.
static DONE_FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
// Handle Ctrl-c/SIGINT by sending a stop over D-Bus.
extern "C" fn sigint_handler(_: c_int) {, Ordering::Release);
fn execute_verify_ro(_cmd: &Command, args: &Arguments) -> Result<(), dispatcher::Error> {
if args.get_tokens().len() != 1 {
eprintln!("too many arguments");
return Err(dispatcher::Error::CommandReturnedError);
const CR50_IMAGE: &str = "/opt/google/cr50/firmware/";
const RO_DB: &str = "/opt/google/cr50/ro_db";
if match metadata(CR50_IMAGE) {
Ok(data) => !data.is_file(),
_ => true,
} && match metadata(RO_DB) {
Ok(data) => !data.is_dir(),
_ => true,
} {
eprintln!("This device can not be used for RO verification");
return Err(dispatcher::Error::CommandReturnedError);
let connection = Debugd::new().map_err(|_| dispatcher::Error::CommandReturnedError)?;
// Safe because sigint_handler is async-signal safe.
unsafe { set_signal_handlers(&[Signal::SIGINT], sigint_handler) }
// Pass a pipe through D-Bus to collect the response.
let (mut read_pipe, write_pipe) = pipe(true).unwrap();
let handle = connection
.update_and_verify_fwon_usb_start(write_pipe.into(), CR50_IMAGE, RO_DB)
.map_err(|err| {
println!("ERROR: Got unexpected result: {}", err);
// Start a thread to send a stop on SIGINT, or stops when DONE_FLAG is set.
let watcher = spawn(move || loop {
if STOP_FLAG.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
stop_verify_ro(&connection, &handle).unwrap_or(());
if DONE_FLAG.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
// Print the response.
copy(&mut read_pipe, &mut stdout()).map_err(|_| dispatcher::Error::CommandReturnedError)?;
clear_signal_handlers(&[Signal::SIGINT]);, Ordering::Release);
.map_err(|_| dispatcher::Error::CommandReturnedError)?;