blob: eb9e331266befd19c556e15d74f3038474054245 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "attribute.h"
#include "binary_content.h"
#include "builder.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
// This file contains unit test based on examples from [rfc8010].
namespace {
// function comparing if two collections have the same content
void CompareCollections(const ipp::Collection& c1, const ipp::Collection& c2) {
ipp::Collection::const_iterator a1 = c1.begin();
ipp::Collection::const_iterator a2 = c2.begin();
for (; a1 != c1.end(); ++a1, ++a2) {
ASSERT_NE(a2, c2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(a1->Name(), a2->Name());
EXPECT_EQ(a1->Tag(), a2->Tag());
ASSERT_EQ(a1->Size(), a2->Size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < a1->Size(); ++j) {
std::string s1, s2;
ipp::DateTime d1, d2;
ipp::Resolution r1, r2;
ipp::RangeOfInteger i1, i2;
ipp::StringWithLanguage l1, l2;
switch (a1->Tag()) {
case ipp::ValueTag::textWithLanguage:
case ipp::ValueTag::nameWithLanguage:
a1->GetValue(j, l1);
a2->GetValue(j, l2);
EXPECT_EQ(l1.value, l2.value);
EXPECT_EQ(l1.language, l2.language);
case ipp::ValueTag::integer:
case ipp::ValueTag::boolean:
case ipp::ValueTag::enum_:
case ipp::ValueTag::octetString:
case ipp::ValueTag::keyword:
case ipp::ValueTag::uri:
case ipp::ValueTag::uriScheme:
case ipp::ValueTag::charset:
case ipp::ValueTag::naturalLanguage:
case ipp::ValueTag::mimeMediaType:
case ipp::ValueTag::nameWithoutLanguage:
case ipp::ValueTag::textWithoutLanguage:
a1->GetValue(j, s1);
a2->GetValue(j, s2);
EXPECT_EQ(s1, s2);
case ipp::ValueTag::dateTime:
a1->GetValue(j, d1);
a2->GetValue(j, d2);
EXPECT_EQ(d1, d2);
case ipp::ValueTag::resolution:
a1->GetValue(j, r1);
a2->GetValue(j, r2);
EXPECT_EQ(r1, r2);
case ipp::ValueTag::rangeOfInteger:
a1->GetValue(j, i1);
a2->GetValue(j, i2);
EXPECT_EQ(i1, i2);
case ipp::ValueTag::collection:
CompareCollections(a1->Colls()[j], a2->Colls()[j]);
// This is unexpected. All Out-of-Band values have size == 0.
// All other tags should be listed in the switch.
EXPECT_EQ(a2, c2.end());
// checks if given frame is a binary representation of given Request/Response
void CheckFrame(const BinaryContent& frame, const ipp::Frame& req) {
// build output frame from Request and compare with the given frame
std::vector<uint8_t> bin_data = BuildBinaryFrame(req);
EXPECT_EQ(CalculateLengthOfBinaryFrame(req), bin_data.size());
// parse the given frame and compare obtained object with the given Request
ipp::SimpleParserLog log;
ipp::Frame req2 = ipp::Parse(, bin_data.size(), log);
for (ipp::GroupTag grp_tag : ipp::kGroupTags) {
ipp::ConstCollsView groups1 = req.Groups(grp_tag);
ipp::CollsView groups2 = req2.Groups(grp_tag);
ASSERT_EQ(groups1.size(), groups2.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < groups1.size(); ++i) {
CompareCollections(groups1[i], groups2[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(req.Data(), req2.Data());
TEST(rfc8010, example1) {
// A.1. Print-Job Request
// The following is an example of a Print-Job request with "job-name",
// "copies", and "sides" specified. The "ipp-attribute-fidelity"
// attribute is set to 'true' so that the print request will fail if the
// "copies" or the "sides" attribute is not supported or their values
// are not supported.
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0002u); // Print-Job operation-id
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural- name
// language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000bu); // name-length
c.s("printer-uri"); // printer-uri name
c.u2(0x002cu); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // printer pinetree value
c.u1(0x42u); // nameWithoutLanguage value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x0008u); // name-length
c.s("job-name"); // job-name name
c.u2(0x0006u); // value-length
c.s("foobar"); // foobar value
c.u1(0x22u); // boolean type value-tag
c.u2(0x0016u); // name-length
c.s("ipp-attribute-fidelity"); // ipp-attribute- name
// fidelity
c.u2(0x0001u); // value-length
c.u1(0x01u); // true value
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-attributes-
// tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("copies"); // copies name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x00000014u); // 20 value
c.u1(0x44u); // keyword type value-tag
c.u2(0x0005u); // name-length
c.s("sides"); // sides name
c.u2(0x0013u); // value-length
c.s("two-sided-long-edge"); // two-sided-long-edge value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
c.s("%!PDF..."); // <PDF Document> data
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Operation::Print_Job);
auto grp = r.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).begin();
grp->AddAttr("printer-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
grp->AddAttr("job-name", ipp::ValueTag::nameWithoutLanguage, "foobar");
grp->AddAttr("ipp-attribute-fidelity", true);
EXPECT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("copies", 20);
grp->AddAttr("sides", ipp::ValueTag::keyword, "two-sided-long-edge");
const std::string payload = "%!PDF...";
r.SetData(std::vector<uint8_t>(payload.begin(), payload.end()));
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example2) {
// A.2. Print-Job Response (Successful)
// Here is an example of a successful Print-Job response to the previous
// Print-Job request. The Printer supported the "copies" and "sides"
// attributes and their supplied values. The status-code returned is
// 'successful-ok'.
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0000u); // successful-ok status-code
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes- name
// natural-language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x41u); // textWithoutLanguag value-tag
// e type
c.u2(0x000eu); // name-length
c.s("status-message"); // status-message name
c.u2(0x000du); // value-length
c.s("successful-ok"); // successful-ok value
c.u1(0x02u); // start job- job-attributes-
// attributes tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("job-id"); // job-id name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(147); // 147 value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x0007u); // name-length
c.s("job-uri"); // job-uri name
c.u2(0x0030u); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // job 147 on value
c.s("int/pinetree/147"); // pinetree
c.u1(0x23u); // enum type value-tag
c.u2(0x0009u); // name-length
c.s("job-state"); // job-state name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x0003u); // pending value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Status::successful_ok);
ipp::CollsView::iterator grp;
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("job-id", 147);
grp->AddAttr("job-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
grp->AddAttr("job-state", ipp::ValueTag::enum_,
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example3) {
// A.3. Print-Job Response (Failure)
// Here is an example of an unsuccessful Print-Job response to the
// previous Print-Job request. It fails because, in this case, the
// Printer does not support the "sides" attribute and because the value
// '20' for the "copies" attribute is not supported. Therefore, no Job
// is created, and neither a "job-id" nor a "job-uri" operation
// attribute is returned. The error code returned is 'client-error-
// attributes-or-values-not-supported' (0x040b).
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol
// field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-
// number
c.u2(0x040bu); // client-error-attributes-or- status-code
// values-not-supported
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation-attributes operation-
// attributes
// tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language type value-tag
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural-language name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x41u); // textWithoutLanguage type value-tag
c.u2(0x000eu); // name-length
c.s("status-message"); // status-message name
c.u2(0x002fu); // value-length
c.s("client-error-attributes-or-"); // client-error-attributes-or- value
c.s("values-not-supported"); // values-not-supported
c.u1(0x05u); // start unsupported- unsupported-
// attributes attributes
// tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("copies"); // copies name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x00000014u); // 20 value
c.u1(0x10u); // unsupported (type) value-tag
c.u2(0x0005u); // name-length
c.s("sides"); // sides name
c.u2(0x0000u); // value-length
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-
// tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Status::client_error_attributes_or_values_not_supported);
ipp::CollsView::iterator grp;
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::unsupported_attributes, grp),
grp->AddAttr("copies", ipp::ValueTag::integer, 20);
grp->AddAttr("sides", ipp::ValueTag::unsupported);
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example4) {
// A.4. Print-Job Response (Success with Attributes Ignored)
// Here is an example of a successful Print-Job response to a Print-Job
// request like the previous Print-Job request, except that the value of
// "ipp-attribute-fidelity" is 'false'. The print request succeeds,
// even though, in this case, the Printer supports neither the "sides"
// attribute nor the value '20' for the "copies" attribute. Therefore,
// a Job is created and both a "job-id" and a "job-uri" operation
// attribute are returned. The unsupported attributes are also returned
// in an Unsupported Attributes group. The error code returned is
// 'successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes' (0x0001).
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol
// field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0001u); // successful-ok-ignored-or- status-coder.StatusCode() =
// static_cast<uint16_t>(ipp::E_status_code::successful_ok);
// substituted-attributes
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation-attributes operation-
// attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language type value-tag
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-"); // attributes-natural-language name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x41u); // textWithoutLanguage type value-tag
c.u2(0x000eu); // name-length
c.s("status-message"); // status-message name
c.u2(0x002fu); // value-length
c.s("successful-ok-ignored-or-"); // successful-ok-ignored-or- value
c.s("substituted-attributes"); // substituted-attributes
c.u1(0x05u); // start unsupported- unsupported-
// attributes attributes tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("copies"); // copies name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x00000014u); // 20 value
c.u1(0x10u); // unsupported (type) value-tag
c.u2(0x0005u); // name-length
c.s("sides"); // sides name
c.u2(0x0000u); // value-length
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-
// attributes-tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("job-id"); // job-id name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(147); // 147 value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x0007u); // name-length
c.s("job-uri"); // job-uri name
c.u2(0x0030u); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // job 147 on pinetree value
c.u1(0x23u); // enum type value-tag
c.u2(0x0009u); // name-length
c.s("job-state"); // job-state name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x0003u); // pending value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Status::successful_ok_ignored_or_substituted_attributes);
ipp::CollsView::iterator grp;
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::unsupported_attributes, grp),
grp->AddAttr("copies", ipp::ValueTag::integer, 20);
grp->AddAttr("sides", ipp::ValueTag::unsupported);
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("job-id", 147);
grp->AddAttr("job-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
grp->AddAttr("job-state", ipp::ValueTag::enum_,
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example5) {
// A.5. Print-URI Request
// The following is an example of Print-URI request with "copies" and
// "job-name" parameters:
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0003u); // Print-URI operation-id
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural- name
// language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000bu); // name-length
c.s("printer-uri"); // printer-uri name
c.u2(0x002cu); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // printer pinetree value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000cu); // name-length
c.s("document-uri"); // document-uri name
c.u2(0x0019u); // value-length
c.s(""); // value
// m/foo
c.u1(0x42u); // nameWithoutLanguage value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x0008u); // name-length
c.s("job-name"); // job-name name
c.u2(0x0006u); // value-length
c.s("foobar"); // foobar value
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-attributes-
// tag
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("copies"); // copies name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Operation::Print_URI);
auto grp = r.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).begin();
grp->AddAttr("printer-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
grp->AddAttr("document-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri, "");
grp->AddAttr("job-name", ipp::ValueTag::nameWithoutLanguage, "foobar");
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("copies", 1);
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example6) {
// A.6. Create-Job Request
// The following is an example of Create-Job request with no parameters
// and no attributes:
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0005u); // Create-Job operation-id
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural- name
// language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000bu); // name-length
c.s("printer-uri"); // printer-uri name
c.u2(0x002cu); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // printer pinetree value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Operation::Create_Job);
auto grp = r.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).begin();
grp->AddAttr("printer-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example7) {
// A.7. Create-Job Request with Collection Attributes
// The following is an example of Create-Job request with the "media-
// col" collection attribute [PWG5100.3] with the value "media-
// size={x-dimension=21000 y-dimension=29700} media-type='stationery'":
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0005u); // Create-Job operation-id
c.u4(0x00000001u); // 1 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural- name
// language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000bu); // name-length
c.s("printer-uri"); // printer-uri name
c.u2(0x002cu); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // printer pinetree value
c.u1(static_cast<int>(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes)); // missing byte ?
c.u1(0x34u); // begCollection value-tag
c.u2(0x0009u); // 9 name-length
c.s("media-col"); // media-col name
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 value-length
c.u1(0x4au); // memberAttrName value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x000au); // 10 value-length
c.s("media-size"); // media-size value (member-
// name)
c.u1(0x34u); // begCollection member-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 member-value-
// length
c.u1(0x4au); // memberAttrName value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x000bu); // 11 value-length
c.s("x-dimension"); // x-dimension value (member-
// name)
c.u1(0x21u); // integer member-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x0004u); // 4 member-value-
// length
c.u4(0x00005208u); // 21000 member-value
c.u1(0x4au); // memberAttrName value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x000bu); // 11 value-length
c.s("y-dimension"); // y-dimension value (member-
// name)
c.u1(0x21u); // integer member-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x0004u); // 4 member-value-
// length
c.u4(0x00007404u); // 29700 member-value
c.u1(0x37u); // endCollection end-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 end-name-length
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 end-value-length
c.u1(0x4au); // memberAttrName value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x000au); // 10 value-length
c.s("media-type"); // media-type value (member-
// name)
c.u1(0x44u); // keyword member-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 name-length
c.u2(0x000au); // 10 member-value-
// length
c.s("stationery"); // stationery member-value
c.u1(0x37u); // endCollection end-value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 end-name-length
c.u2(0x0000u); // 0 end-value-length
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Operation::Create_Job);
auto grp = r.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).begin();
grp->AddAttr("printer-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
ipp::CollsView::iterator coll;
ASSERT_EQ(grp->AddAttr("media-col", coll), ipp::Code::kOK);
ipp::CollsView::iterator coll2;
ASSERT_EQ(coll->AddAttr("media-size", coll2), ipp::Code::kOK);
coll->AddAttr("media-type", ipp::ValueTag::keyword, "stationery");
coll2->AddAttr("x-dimension", 21000);
coll2->AddAttr("y-dimension", 29700);
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example8) {
// A.8. Get-Jobs Request
// The following is an example of Get-Jobs request with parameters but
// no attributes:
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x000au); // Get-Jobs operation-id
c.u4(0x0000007bu); // 123 request-id
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-
// attributes attributes-tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-language"); // attributes-natural- name
// language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x45u); // uri type value-tag
c.u2(0x000bu); // name-length
c.s("printer-uri"); // printer-uri name
c.u2(0x002cu); // value-length
c.s("ipp://"); // printer pinetree value
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0005u); // name-length
c.s("limit"); // limit name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(0x00000032u); // 50 value
c.u1(0x44u); // keyword type value-tag
c.u2(0x0014u); // name-length
c.s("requested-attributes"); // requested-attributes name
c.u2(0x0006u); // value-length
c.s("job-id"); // job-id value
c.u1(0x44u); // keyword type value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // additional value name-length
c.u2(0x0008u); // value-length
c.s("job-name"); // job-name value
c.u1(0x44u); // keyword type value-tag
c.u2(0x0000u); // additional value name-length
c.u2(0x000fu); // value-length
c.s("document-format"); // document-format value
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-
// attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Operation::Get_Jobs, ipp::Version::_1_1, 123);
auto grp = r.Groups(ipp::GroupTag::operation_attributes).begin();
grp->AddAttr("printer-uri", ipp::ValueTag::uri,
grp->AddAttr("limit", 50);
grp->AddAttr("requested-attributes", ipp::ValueTag::keyword,
{"job-id", "job-name", "document-format"});
CheckFrame(c, r);
TEST(rfc8010, example9) {
// A.9. Get-Jobs Response
// The following is an example of a Get-Jobs response from a previous
// request with three Jobs. The Printer returns no information about
// the second Job (because of security reasons):
BinaryContent c;
// Octets Symbolic Value Protocol field
c.u2(0x0101u); // 1.1 version-number
c.u2(0x0000u); // successful-ok status-code
c.u4(0x0000007bu); // 123 request-id (echoed
// back)
c.u1(0x01u); // start operation- operation-attributes-
// attributes tag
c.u1(0x47u); // charset type value-tag
c.u2(0x0012u); // name-length
c.s("attributes-charset"); // attributes-charset name
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("utf-8"); // UTF-8 value
c.u1(0x48u); // natural-language type value-tag
c.u2(0x001bu); // name-length
c.s("attributes-natural-"); // attributes-natural- name
c.s("language"); // language
c.u2(0x0005u); // value-length
c.s("en-us"); // en-US value
c.u1(0x41u); // textWithoutLanguage value-tag
// type
c.u2(0x000eu); // name-length
c.s("status-message"); // status-message name
c.u2(0x000du); // value-length
c.s("successful-ok"); // successful-ok value
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-attributes-tag
// (1st object)
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("job-id"); // job-id name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(147); // 147 value
c.u1(0x36u); // nameWithLanguage value-tag
c.u2(0x0008u); // name-length
c.s("job-name"); // job-name name
c.u2(0x000cu); // value-length
c.u2(0x0005u); // sub-value-length
c.s("fr-ca"); // fr-CA value
c.u2(0x0003u); // sub-value-length
c.s("fou"); // fou name
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-attributes-tag
// (2nd object)
c.u1(0x02u); // start job-attributes job-attributes-tag
// (3rd object)
c.u1(0x21u); // integer type value-tag
c.u2(0x0006u); // name-length
c.s("job-id"); // job-id name
c.u2(0x0004u); // value-length
c.u4(149); // 149 value
c.u1(0x36u); // nameWithLanguage value-tag
c.u2(0x0008u); // name-length
c.s("job-name"); // job-name name
c.u2(0x0012u); // value-length
c.u2(0x0005u); // sub-value-length
c.s("de-CH"); // de-CH value
c.u2(0x0009u); // sub-value-length
c.s("isch guet"); // isch guet name
c.u1(0x03u); // end-of-attributes end-of-attributes-tag
ipp::Frame r(ipp::Status::successful_ok, ipp::Version::_1_1, 123);
ipp::CollsView::iterator grp;
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("job-id", 147);
grp->AddAttr("job-name", ipp::ValueTag::nameWithLanguage,
ipp::StringWithLanguage("fou", "fr-ca"));
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
ASSERT_EQ(r.AddGroup(ipp::GroupTag::job_attributes, grp), ipp::Code::kOK);
grp->AddAttr("job-id", 149);
grp->AddAttr("job-name", ipp::ValueTag::nameWithLanguage,
ipp::StringWithLanguage("isch guet", "de-CH"));
CheckFrame(c, r);
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();